[Chapter Two]

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I've decided I wont do many fight scenes and the ones I will do wont be tto descriptive because of story issues and because most fight scenes will remain the same. There will be some that will change a bit or change completely but it will all be to make the story function better with the Canon story line.


Sea Restaurant Baratie & A Proper Cook

{No POV}

After Mia woke up the Straw Hats headed to the restaurant from the previous day and ate breakfast.

"Hey Captain?" Mia suddenly brought up.

"Yeah?" Answered Luffy as he stuffed his face.

"I just realized... We'll need a cook before setting sail for the Grand Line." Mia said.

"You thought so too?" Spoke up Nami.

"Well yeah, even if we do manage to get a ship, on the GrandLine a pirate could die from starvation or malnourishment or diseases like scurvy without a proper Cook to make sure they get fed properly and don't catch any food related diseases. I'm not good at chores of any kind, especially not cooking. And Zoro and Luffy, I'm sure they don't even know how to cook if they even know what cooking is. And you, well I know for a fact you'd never do it for free." Said Mia seriously.

They all thought about it and admitted that she was right.

"Well, first things first, we need to get a proper ship and then we can worry about a cook." Said Luffy.

They all nodded and finished eating as they went to leave, Kaya walked in smiling happily and guided them to a surprise.

As they looked at the ship they all fell in love with it.

When Usopp fell and was stopped by Zoro and Luffy they then boarded the ship and had him get on board already. As they already considered him a crew member.

Soon they set sail gathering in the kitchen celebrating in peace their new ship and crew member until Nami brought up their earlier conversation.

So they decided to set sail until they reached another Island where they could get a cook.

[For the fact that I frankly don't care about it, I'll be skipping the Gaimon Arc.]

---------- And then!-----------

After finally being near a rock formation that Luffy and Usopp could use to test out their cannon, Mia put away her new book and stretched properly before beginning to train on deck with her swords and when she went to train a bit more with hand to hand combat Nami approached and asked for Mia to teach her hand to hand combat.

After awhile Johnny of the Bounty Huntinv Duo Yosaku and Johnny boarded their ship and started to go crazy before Luffy beat him easily.

Usopp immediately got to work repairing the damage to the Going Merry.

Zoro having woken up introduced the others on the ship to Johnny and after Johnny explained that Yosaku had been ill and they had been on the rock formation of an island so he could recover Mia and Zoro told him to bring him aboard the ship.

Once Yosaku was brought aboard Mia growled in annoyment and hit Johnny on the head with a strong left.

"You dumbass! He could die if left untreated by a doctor! You should've taken him to the nearest doctor immediately after he collapsed!" Mia scolded viciously.

"What's wrong with him?" Questioned Zoro.

"He's got scurvy by the looks of it." Nami answered in Mia's stead as the latter ordered Usopp and Luffy to bring a barrel of limes out from the kitchen.

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