[Chapter Five]

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Drum Island & The New Addition! Who's the mysterious man?

{No POV}

After getting approval by who they learned was a man named Dalton, Luffy picked up the sick now dressed in warm winter clothes Nami and Zoro picked up Mia who had been re-dressed by Vivi in the same fashion up and they unboarded the ship leaving Usopp, Caroo, and Rena on the ship.

Sanji, despite his love and his desire to always protect his shorty of a girlfriend, went with the others onto the Island in order to help out in getting the girls to a doctor should they require it at any given time during this particular journey.

After arriving at Dalton's house and learning of the Witch Doctor living on the mountain, Luffy spoke up grimly.

"We have no choice... Based on what Mia said and Rena read in one of Mia's medical books, we're quickly running out of time. They'll die if we don't get them to a proper doctor. None of Mia's books say of a way to deal with Kestia Viruses. If we have to climb a mountain or four or six to save them we'll climb thise mountains. So we'll climb." Luffy announced to them quickly rousing Nami and Mia from thier sleep.

"We're going to have to climb a mountain to get you girls to the doctor here...Hang in there... Okay?" He said gently.

The girls smiled.

"Of course..." Nami said with a warm smile.

"Of course... You remind me of him so i'll hang in there for both of you..." Mia answered shocking all of them.

Then Luffy picked up Nami and Zoro picked up Mia. Sanji standing up with them.

It's up on the tallest mountain. I wish you all a safe journey and I warn you to be careful not to mess with the Lappans." Dalton said to them as they all stood outside his house.

Luffy, Zoro and Sanji nodded gratefully and ran off towards the mountains as fast as they could go without endagenring the lives of the girls.

Zoro quietly listened as Luffy and Sanji argued, when Mia mumbled in her sleep.

"Ace..." She muttered so quietly that the arguing two didn't hear her.

But Zoro, who did hear her perfectly well smiled.

'So that's his name is it?' He thought amused.

Then he got dragged into the argument until they ran into the Lappans. Sanji quickly got to work giving them a window to move forwards but it was ruined when the Lappans caused an Avalanche.

Zoro and Luffy quickly found a way to not be burried in the snow, but Sanji wasn't as lucky so they quickly worked hard once the snow settled and dug Sanji out Luffy then carrying the passed out guy with his teeth as him and Zoro began to treck up the mountain barehanded.

Eventually reaching the top and collapsing from exhaustion, a strange creature approached them before they grabbed its hands tightly.

"Please..." Luffy gasped out.

"Save our..." Zoro gasped out.

"Our friends..." Luffy finished for them before joining Zoro and passing out.

The creature examined the side of the mountain and saw trails of blood. He then picked them all up and brought them inside before they could slip on the snow and die.

Once inside he spoke with a lady and began treating the boys while the lady got to work caring for the two girls that were dying.

As they were being treated, Mia awoke and smiled at the woman...

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