[Chapter Nine]

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Water Seven and Enies Lobby!

The City of Water, Merry's Final Voyage and Nico Robin Officially Joins!

{No POV}

After turning all their crew's gold into Berris the Straw Hats sans Zoro, Chopper, Mia, Aisa, Robin, Midnight and Sanji all went to the Shipyard to find a shipwright and have someone look at the Merry.

While they did their thing, Mia with the company of Chopper and Aisa headed to a medical store to buy equipment to do ultrasounds so that they could be certain in two weeks' time that she was indeed carrying triplets.

When they bought all the equipment and took it back to the ship they headed back into the city and to a quaint tavern. There they saw the man they learned was called Franky and sat next to him as Mia was intrigued to observe him as she ate and read. The man was certainly interesting, Mia observed, his arms were in a weird shaped and his body carried a lot less water than a normal human body did.

Of course being Mia, they all followed him discretely out to his 'Franky House' and went inside where Mia quickly won him over and got his approval to examine his strange body and write her findings in her research journal. Aisa quickly made friends with the only two females of the Franky House and Chopper quickly won over the men.

When Mia saw Usopp rush in about to kill himself in a fight with a cyborg to get the Merry back Mia stepped in and punched his lights out.

"Chopper, please take him outside to the beach and keep him there. I'll deal with him as soon as I study these lovely people some more. I am getting a lot done and don't need Usopp mucking up my research." Mia said calmly and lazily as she quickly got back to work conversing and observing the people of the Franky House.

After a while, she finished her research on them and smiled gratefully at Franky.

"Thank you so much for your time! These results I gathered are great progress for me! I will be sure to thank you some time soon." Mia said picking up a sleeping Aisa and cradling her as an Aunt would.

"No problem little lady! Franky and The Franky Family are glad to have been able to be of service to such a beautiful young woman, and should you require any assistance from us in the future, do not hesitate to ask." Said Franky.

Mia smiled as she remembered.

"Actually, my crew's ship... From what I gathered from my comrade's memories, it can't be repaired?" Asked Mia.

Franky thought back and remembered the Merry's location guiding the woman to the ship in question and taking her carefully to see the damage that can't be fixed.

"This ship has obviously been loved greatly and cared for wonderfully... but this kind of damage is unfixable. Not even for the greatest shipwright in the world. This is the most important part of a ship's construction, if it breaks, there is no hope for the ship to last much time. I'd say that in all honesty you pirates were lucky to have made it here when you did. Had you gone any further past this place, you could have all ended up stranded out at sea..." Franky said sadly.

Mia frowned but understood it was the unavoidable truth as she herself now saw the damage.

"I took about 200,000,000 Berris from your friends earlier, and I feel bad about doing that now that I know how much love you all have for this ship. Which is why, when I make my dream ship with the wood I purchased with all of that money, it's all yours. You can have my dream ship and fulfill my dream of one day creating the ship that would make it to the end of the GrandLine and more..." Said Frankly gently.

Mia smiled.

"That's not my decision to make... but when the time comes, ask my Captain. In the meantime, I should get back to my comrades. We love the Merry, with all our hearts, but from what you just showed me, it's clear she needs rest... She's done so much for us, the least we can do is let her rest now..." Said Mia gently a couple tears escaping her as she left with an awake but silently crying Aisa.

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