[Chapter Eight]

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This chapter is pretty short because frankly it doesn't have too much of an impact story wise as the next arc which I'll probably split between two to three chapters. This particular chapter here will deal heavily with Skypiea and then lightly touch the G-8 Arc before moving on to the start of Water Seven. And when I say lightly i mean as light as just a slight poke and its done.

Frankly that particular arc never made much sense but in this story it will be important storyline wise.


Skypiea and Upper Yard! Escape The Marine Base G-8!

Shipwright Needed!

What's happening to Ace and Comet?!

{No POV}

As they sailed away from Jaya and Mont Blanc, Mia and Midnight went to the women's quarters to check the Vivre Card given to them by Ace.

As Mia pulled it out she immediately became worried as she saw it had become beige and burned at the tips.

"Please be okay Ace... Comet... Stay safe... Please..." Mia muttered causing Midnight to nod worriedly.

After that they left and rejoined the others just in time for Mia to use the ocean water of the stream to launch the ship the rest of the way up.

When they reached the White Sea, Mia sighed in relief and suddenly fainted immediately being caught before she could fall to the floor thanks to Robin's devil fruit powers.

Chopper then took her to the infirmary and began to examine her, she was alright but she was pregnant.

When she woke up, he explained to her and she smiled and explained to him she wished to keep it quiet until things settled down enough to bring it up to the rest of the crew.

"Alright... But be sure to tell them within the next three weeks though... You're about a week along and by the looks of it you'll start to show by then." Said Chopper.

Mia nodded before standing up.

"From now on no drinking until you give birth, and you need to be sure to get proper nutrients into your body. You also need to refrain from using your powers too much during these next nine months. Also be careful to not take any heavy damage to your body during the next nine months. You might have to stop fighting all together be stuck in bed if you do. So be extremely careful. I also want to give you regular check up every week or so in order to make sure everything is going well with the pregnancy." Chopper said.

"I'll give Sanji a decent excuse to make you food for a proper pregnancy diet. But you really need to tell at least Luffy as soon as possible." Chopper finished.

Mia nodded awkwardly and pulled out the vivre card she kept on her persons at all times to see it slightly more burned at one corner.

'Ace! Comet! Please be safe...Our future addition to our family needs us to both stay alive... Please, please be safe...' Thought concernedly at the sight of the vivre card before putting it away and rubbing her belly gently.

"You are loved deeply my child..." Mia muttered with a soft smile.

Then she headed outside and rejoined the others in time to see they were fast approaching the entry way.

"Nami, Mia, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Rena, Chopper! On deck with me! All others go below deck into the kitchen and stay there! Mia! The money! Quickly!" Luffy ordered quietly.

Everyone nodded and did as told Mia quickly emptying from her bag into a separate bag the money that would be needed. Once she finished they finally found themselves at the entryway to Skypiea and after Amazon introduced herself and said they would need to pay 8 million Berris, Mia threw over the money and Amazon got them set up to enter legally. Then they were taken by the crab to the White-White Sea.

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