[Chapter Seventeen]

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No spoilers please!

Also I am extremely sorry for the super slow update. I had a lot going on recently in life since I last updated and I have not had much time to work on this story. I'm starting college very soon, and I have a full time job now too so ill be having very little time to update for some time now. Ill always try my best to keep updating but I do have to keep up with my irl stuff, and that takes time.

This IS a rewrite so keep in mind a lot changes with two ocs added to the mix.

Anyways, Enjoy!


Rescue Shanks' Family! Race Against Time and Marines!

{No POV}

Mia and Ace went to the Den Den Mushi and Mia dialed the number.

"Hello?" Answered a voice familiar to Mia.

"Hey Beckman, it's Mia. I heard about the situation and Luffy, my husband Ace and I have a plan to help you guys out." Mia said trying to remain calm and not cry.

"Hold on. Let me go get the Captain. We've all missed you lots kiddo, make sure to invite us to the official ceremony in the future." He said making Mia cry.

Moments later.

"What?! What?! Who the hell is this?!" Asked a blatantly frantic Shanks.

"It's Mia, Shanks. Luffy, my husband Ace, and I have a plan to help you guys out." Mia said still recovering from her emotional breakdown.

"Mia?!?! It's been for-WAIT YOU'RE MARRIED?!?! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Asked Shanks obviously flipping out.

"Two Years or so ago in Alabasta. It was impromptu we'll invite all of you to the ceremony when we have one. Now, the plan?" Mia responded laughing.

"Oh! That's right. So what do you have in mind?" Shanks replied.

"Luffy, my husband, myself and four others will travel to collect your wife and son and give them to some of the men from your crews somewhere safe, probably in what is still Whitebeard Pirates' territory and send them to you." Mia explained.

"That sounds like a great plan but are you guys sure you want to do this, you could be chased and attacked by various marines along the way..." Shanks said.

"We're sure. Besides, those marines should be scared of US. Luffy, my husband and I still owe plenty of them a lot of pain from the Whitebeard War at Marineford two years ago." Mia said her tone turning dark at the end.

Shanks audibly gulped a bit before clearing his throat.

"Okay. So I imagine you already know who my wife is." Shanks said.

"Oh! Of course! We'll go get her immediately. Have some of your men at the location. We'll be in touch." Mia said.

Ace and Mia nodded at each other once she hung up.

They then walked out and met with Luffy and Everyone on deck.

"Rena, Brook, Franky, you three are coming with us and the captain. Nami, Zoro, and Sanji, you three are in charge while we are gone. We'll meet near Dressrosa. We have long distance Den Den Mushis on the boat so we'll be in touch. Be very careful." Mia said.

Then the rescue team rushed to the dock where the boat were at after the parents that were leaving said their goodbyes to their children.

Once in the Calm Belt that would get them to the East Blue, they were attacked every now and again by Marines but they handled them all swiftly.

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