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Esmoni Smith| Pooh
2 months later

I was up in the kitchen eating pickles and some cheez-its while sitting on the counter rubbing my stomach.

I been waking up real early ever since I got pregnant for some reason, that I don't know, today was the day we find out what we having.

I really want a boy cause I don't know if I can deal with ah girl, cause sometime I wonder how people deal with me.

I was snapped out my thoughts by Moo coming down the stairs, "Why u up so early?" He said going in the fridge.

"Idk, why u uo so early?" I asked him, "Cause u wasn't in the bed" He said shrugging putting ice in his cup.

I nodded about to hop off the counter, but Moo stopped me coming over and putting me down on the floor, making roll my eyes.

"Really?" I said looking at him and he nodded walking away from me, and I shook my head cause he has been even more protective of me now that he knows for sure i'm pregnant.

"Make me some breakfast" I said ditting at the island grabbing his phone putting the password in.

"U make it better than me, soooooo" Be said side eyeing me, "I'm pregnant, thank u" I said taking pictures on his phone.

He sucked his teeth pulling out ingredients, like 30 minutes later he had finally finished, he made eggs, bacon, pancakes (with strawberries and whip cream) with some Orange Juice.

"Whew🤤" I said looking at the plate he sat infront of me, "Baby we gotta go see my grandma after we come from the doctors appointment." Moo said looking at me while eating.

"Okay" I said looking away blushing cause how he was looking at me, "Why u looking away?" He said grabbing me chin making me looked at him.

"Cause u making me blush the way u looking at me" I said blushing even harder and he smirked kissing my lips then my stomach.

Couple hours later....

"Hey, how are you  Esmoni?" My doctor linsey said too me checking her folder before coming over too me.

"I'm good, how bout yourself?" I asked her, "I'm good, thanks for asking" She said chuckling a little.

"Wow Esmoni you have been getting big, and your pretty big too only be 5 months" She said smiling at me, and I side eyed her.

"Well, lets see what your having sh'all we?" She said grabbing the gel putting it on my stomach then grabiing the monitor thingy.

Moo just sat in the corner queitly looking at her closely, watching everything she does, and I shook mu head at his over protective ass.

"Well they look healthy and there doing good, just a little bit more moving and we can find out what they are going to be" She said moving it around more.

"Wait they?!" I said catching on and she shook her head smiling at me and I just sat there shocked damn i'm finna have too pop 2 out?

"Well I can see what they are i'm going to put it in an envelope and give it to someone named K to pick it up right?" She said and I just nodded.

She nodded walking out leaving me and Moo in shock, then out the corner of my eye I seen him smirking, "I got that strong sperm" He said nodding.

"Just wait my babies finna come out looking just like me watch." He said shaking his head, staring into space.

"What if they girl?" I said to see what he was going to say, "Naw can't be girls cause then I gotta go to jail for messing with my girls" He said staring in space again.

I shook my head at him, the doctor came back in, "It's okay for you guys too go now" She said leaving back out.

He helped me off the bed and to the car, we finally made it to the car getting in driving too his moms house.

I have never meet Moo's grandma before but he talks about her most of the time, she seems nice and mean more mean the way he described her.

Few minutes later...

We pulled up too a nice 2 story house, he got out helping me out we walked uo to the door, and he knocked some small brownskin lady that looked in her late 50's opened the door.

"My eyes are deceiving me right now right" She said closing her eyes and then opening them, then doing it 2 more times.

He mugged her walking in fhe house pulling me with him sitting on the couch pulling me in his lap, while she walked in.

"I can't believe it crip, u don got u a girlfriend?😲" She said sounding frfr shocked making me chuckle.

"And she pretty on the outside, but is she on the inside?" She said, coming over too me, looking at me then smiled.

"She not as mean ass u described her too be she funny if anything" I said too Moo then turning back too her.

"No she ah fake ass crip is what she is" He said jumping at her and she jumped back, but then she paused for ah minute .

She looked at my stomach, then at me, then at Moo then doing it over again making me chuckle at her.

"Wait ah damn minute i'm finna be ah great grandma?" She said looking at me and Moo and I nodded.

"Damn i'm old" She said staring off in space, "Yup old ass lady" Moo co-signed and I hit him, he so mean.

He looked at me then shrugged making me shake my head, "Come help me lil nigga" She said hitting him in the head walking away.

He tapped my leg making me get up je grabbed my hand pulling me with him, we walked into a kitchen it was so beautifully designed.

"U hungry baby?" She said snapping me out my thoughts making me nod and she gave me some food making me dig in.

Mannnn that shit was good, few mimutes later I finished throwing the plate away and sitting down at the island, "Fat ass" I heard Moo try and mumble.

I hit him in his mouth, one good time and he side eyed me jumping at me and I rolled my eyes at him, we stayed at his grandmas house for a little while longer then went back home.

When we got him we took shower's then got in the bed, but as soon as we get nice and  comfortable, his phone rings he answers it before looking down at me.

That meant he about to leave I rollednof him getting cuddled into the pillow, it was hard too go too sleep without him, but hugging the pillow with his scent helps just takes longer.

"Mamas u want me too stay just until u fall asleep?" He asked and I looked at himand nodded rolling back on him.

"I'm sorrry mamas I don't mean to leave u like this" He said kissing my head making me start sniffing.

"Come on mamas just lay down and go to sleep okay, i'll be back before u even wake up promise" He said, "What if u don't?" I asked bout to cry.

"I promise mamas" He said kissing my forehead, before playing in my hair making me fall asleep instantly.

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