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A Year Later

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A Year Later

Today is the day, Ben and I fight. With our lightsabers of course. We never fight, i mean how could we? All the students went, we just thought it would nice to be last. We're actually excited about this, we wanted to do it, Luke said we were great with our lessons, this is our last stop, my last one. Ive put a lot of thought into this, ive told Master Luke, im going home. He didn't want me to leave, but he understood. I just dont know what to say to Ben.

"Hey Hera." Rex comes running to me. I turned around. "Im betting on you." I frowned.

"Youre betting on me?" I crossed my arms.

"Because I know that you'll kick ass out there." He was pulling words out of his ass. "Are you busy later?" He steps closer to me.

"I dont know Rex, its been quite a day."

"Not even a walk?" He smiles. Rex gets thrown across the the field, as he stood up, he started to look around who did it. I look to see Ben, who put down his hand.

"Ready?" Ben said as we walked to a piece of land together.

"Are you?" I smirked. Everyone was sitting on the ground.

"Alright, this is for me to see who is smarter, stronger with their abilities. The person who surrenders, loses. You can use your force and lightsabers. Don't kill each other please."

"That wont be a problem." I winked at Ben. He just chuckled.

"Whenever you're ready." Luke steps out and went with the others. Ben and I bowed down and took our stances. The lights from our sabers came out. Orange and blue. We both nodded. We ran to each other. Our lightsabers collided. Ben hovered over me, i was bending backwards. I pushed him off and hit our lightsabers left, right, middle, right and left. The sounds of them hitting each other were all you can hear. The blue and orange sparks were flying everywhere.

"Going easy on me Ben?" I laughed as we walked in circles.

"I thought you needed it." He smirked. I was now hovering over Ben. He pushed me away. I flew across the ground i landed on my stomach.

"Are you sure about this Master Luke? They might kill each other." May told Luke.

"No worries, they would never hurt each other." I stood up quickly as Ben ran to me. I hit his saber over and over again. I pushed him off of me. I spin as
Ben tried to hit me over and over. I used my force to push him away. He did a flip but came running back. But he pushed me back. I hit the ground.

"Ah." I winced. I grabbed my lightsaber, which wasn't by me. I saw it by where i was at before. Ben came in fast. I used the force to get my lightsaber before anything happens. Just as Ben came, the lightsaber was in my hands and I quickly turned it on. I got up, me and Ben were eye to eye. We grunted as he tried to push me off. I tried to switch my hands but my hand slips and Ben accidentally hit me. "AH!" I screamed in pain.

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