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The Last Jedi

We found a spot for us to set base. I sat with Leia, no words were exchanged but we just held hands. Chewie howls and said we can set up base here. The doors opened and we founds a bunch of trees and flowers. It was beautiful.

"Wow." Poe comes and stands next to me. "What a view."

"Beautiful isn't?"

"Definitely." He turns his head. "Lets get settled." We all spent so much time and effort to get the way we used to be. Starting something so small, but yet so much potential. We lost so many good people. We set up the control area, since we need it more. It took  us months to rebuild. We been taking it slow now, keeping us on the low. I woke up from my nap, and walked out of my room. Everyone was doing their jobs. Connix told me that Rey was needed. So I made my way to a place she never leaves.

"Hey." I said as I walked in the little room Rey had made for herself.

"I see you're finally awake." She places her books on the table. I chuckled to myself.

"Ive been tired, nothing new." She hums. I looked at the books she had placed down. Some were master Skywalker's books. I picked it up. "The jedi texts."

"You know them?"

"When I joined and became a jedi, Master Skywalker gave me these to study. So many stories." I flipped through the pages. "First day he gave me a stack of books, i read them all." I stopped at one page. Force healing. I closed the book and placed it down. "I still remember half of what it had, the other half, is just a blur. This is what I get for not becoming a full jedi."

"Then come train with me! Leia can help. You and I!" Rey holds my hands.

"I dont know Rey, my days are kinda over." I shrugged.

"You said kinda. I can see so much-"

"Hope?" I finished for her. She nods. Should I? "If I say yes-"

"I would be happy! Imagine Hera, you and I." I laughed at her.

"Alright! Alright!" We both smiled. "Come on, You're needed." We walked out of her hideout. I saw Poe fixing his jet while BB8 rolled out to me. Connix and Leia came up to us.

"Leia, Hera said she would like to train with us." Rey blurted out.

"Really now?" Leia smiles at me.

"I think i need the help." She nods. Leia had sense something, I didn't catch it. For the past few months, Leia has been acting strange. She would say its nothing. But I know its not nothing.

"Tomorrow you can start." I nodded.

"Good luck." Rey places her hand on my side as she excuses herself. She stops walking and turns to look at me. I gave her a confused look. "What?"


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