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The Force Awakens

I walked out of my room, quickly walking, sensing her, the girl. The doors opened and a girl comes out. "Hello there." She jumps. I put my arms out. "Wait! Im with the Resistance!"

"You know Finn then?" I shook my head with confusion.

"Finn? No, i dont even know who he is." I looked at her. "My BB-8, he showed you the map, right?"

"How do i know if I should trust you?"

"Im a pilot, with my brother Poe."

"Then why are you here?"

"I was held captive by Be- Kylo Ren. I need to get to base, find my brother and my BB-8." I heard stormtroopers coming. "Im here to get you out. But we have to go now!" We ran down the halls, i saw the red hair man. "Shit." I looked at her. "Whats your name?" I grabbed her shoulders.

"Rey. Whats yours?"

"Hera. Okay Rey, you are going to run, make sure to take a right, there will be TIE fighters, you take one of them and get out of here."

"What about you?"

"Ill find my way back." I saw him coming Closer. "Go!" I ran the other direction. I saw red hot debris bouncing into the hall. Ben. I looked back to see the man. I walked in. Ben was destroying the system with his lightsaber. I had to think quick.

"Ben!" I yelled. He turns around quickly, pointing the saber at my face. "Its me." I surrender. He turns off the saber.

"How did you get out?"

"Its a door, it opens. I heard you." I lied. The man comes in, peeking. "You know, I dont care if the ship gets destroyed. Its you i worry about."


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"Liar." He sternly mumbled.

"You can say that, but that doesnt change the way i feel about you." I looked through his mask. I hope theres still some light in him.

"Your lover is dead. I killed him. Theres no way you can bring him back." My heart shattered.

"Thats not true." I shook my head.

"Move." He walks around me and leaves with the red hair man. I stood there, tearing up from the words that hurt the most. But now I have to get out of here. I started to run. My lightsaber! I almost forgot. I reached out for it, minutes later, it was in my hand. I continued my journey to get out. I saw Rey.

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