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"I would love to see the Falcon

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"I would love to see the Falcon." I said as i looked at Ben as we laid on his bed. "My father tells me so many stories."

"My dad tells me a lot of stuff about your father. Him literally saving my dads ass." We both laughed. I rolled on my stomach and placed my head on the palm of my hand. He laid on his back, one hand on his chest and the other playing around with mine. "The boys seems to like you." He told me.

"They aren't my type."

"Then who is?" I turned red. I couldn't tell him that I like him. I just shrugged. "You dont like anyone?"

"Well, There is this one guy." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Really? Who is he?" I got close to him.

"Hes this really sweet guy." I touched his chest. Ben grabs my hand, stroking it.

"What if we started seeing each other? Speaking hypothetically."

"Hypothetically, i got to warn you, I'll break your heart." I looked up and down at him.

"I don't think that will be possible." Goosebumps all over my body. I felt this strong, feeling between us. It was just so powerful.

"Do you feel that?"

"Yeah." He sits up. We touched hands again. The feeling was so strong. Ben just laughs. "The force seems to draw us together."

"Im guessing its a good thing?"

"Yes. Yes it is." We held hands. we just sat there, feeling the strong force between us. It felt, relaxing in a way. I looked at Ben, who's smile turned to a frown. He pulled his hands away from mine.

"Everything okay?" I asked him. He rubbed his hands.

"Yeah." He nodded. There was a knock on the door and the doors slide open. Ben and I quickly stood up.

"Benny boy-." A man comes in. He stares at me. He walks up to me. "Im sorry, your name?"

"Hera." The man hummed. He grabs my hand and kisses it. I heard a scuff from Ben.

"Hera, it means queen." I nodded.

"I know, thats why my parents called me that." He still had my hand. "You must be?"

"Rex Spikes. Bens friend."Rex just looks at me. Deep in my eyes.

"Alright. Alright." Ben comes in. He takes Rex's hand away from mine.

"Its getting late, I should go to bed. You know, before Master Luke sees." I grabbed my lightsaber. "Goodnight Ben."

"Goodnight Hera." Rex waves. I awkwardly waved back.

"Night Hera." Ben said as I smiled, walking away to my room. I laid back in my bed. I saw the blue and purple star sky. I touched my hands, the ones that Ben held. I turned around and went to bed. I slowly opened my eyes as i heard soft knocks coming from my door. I quickly got dressed and opened the door to see Jules.

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