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Rise Of Skywalker

Finn hooks DO to the computers. Telling us where Exegol is.

"All the information you need for an airstrike on Exegol."

"Yeah and expect how to get there." I pointed out. "Are you seeing these atmo readings?"

"Its a mess out there." We all shook our heads. "Magnetic cross fields."

"Gravity wells, solar winds." Rose listed.

"How does a fleet even take off from there?" Poe questioned.

"Terribly sorry. Im afraid R2's memory bank must be crossed with his logic receptors." 3po said as he wobbles in. "He sats he is receiving a transmission from Master Luke." I frowned. That cant be. We wired R2 up. We saw a craft going to Exegol. I have a feeling it was Rey.

"Thats an old craft ID." Poe announced. "Thats Luke Skywalkers Xwing."

"Its transmitting course marker signals on its way to the unknown regions."

"Its gotta be Rey." I said as I turned around. "Shes going to Exegol. Shes showing us. Shes showing us how to get there."

"Then we go together." Poe said as he looked at Finn and I. We got everybody together for a meeting.

"As long as those Star Destroyers are on Exegol we can hit them." Finn tells everyone.

"Hit them how?" Beaumont questioned.

"They cant active their shields until they leave the atmosphere." I answered.

"Which isnt easy on Exegol. Ships that size need help taking off. Nav cant tell which wats up out there."

"So how do the ships take off?"

"They use a signal from a navigation tower, like this one." Poe turns on the projector. Showing us what the tower looked like.

"Expect they wont. Air teams gonna find the tower, ground teams gonna blast it." Finn planned.

"Ground team?"

"I have an Idea for that." Finn looks back.

"Once the towers down, the fleet will be stuck in atmo...for just minutes, with no shields, and no way out." I nodded as I looked at everyone. "We think hitting the cannons might ignite the main reactors."

"Thats our chance." Lando shrugs.

"We need to pull some Holdo maneuvers. Do some real damage."

"Come on. That move is one in a million." Finn commented.

"Plus we cant lose any more people." I stated.

"Fighters and freighter can take out their cannons if there are enough of us."

"There aren't enough of us!" Someone pointed out.

"Hes right. We'd be no more than bugs to them."

"Thats where Lando and Chewie come in." I looked at them. "They'll take the Falcon fo the core systems. Send out a call for help for anybody listening."

"We've got friends out there." Poe proclaimed. "They'll come if they know theres hope." Everyone started to murmur. They didn't believe it since last time nobody came. "They will. First order wins by making us think we're alone. We're not alone. Good people will fight if we lead them."

"Leia never gave up."

"And neither will we."

"We're gonna show them we're not afraid.

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