Something New

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Poe's POV

I came back home 8 months later. The longest run ever. Soon as we landed, i ran out to find Hera. I mean for 8 months it bugged me for what Hera was going to tell me.

"Rose! Rey!" I ran into them. "Wheres Hera?" They both looked at each other, smiling.

"She's with Leia, in her quarters."

"Thanks." I patted them as I ran to Leia's quarters. "Uh, General? Hera?" I coughed as I was out the room.

"Poe, come in." I heard Leia's voice. I walked in. I saw Leia and Hera. I was shocked to see Hera. She stood up. My eyes widen.

Hera's POV

"I kinda thought you'll be back a lot sooner." I chuckled as I held my stomach. Before you say anything, yes, im pregnant. And yes, the father is who you think it is. Accidents happen. A one time thing and then BAM! For the first time and this happened. It took a lot of thinking and tears, but this baby will bring something good to us. With Kylo or not.

"I-i-" poe started stutter.

"Just don't stand there." Leia pushed him to hug me. "Ill leave you two alone." I smiled at Leia, who has been helping me these past months.

"Wow." Was all Poe said. "8 months i waited for you to tell me this? I kinda thought about it." I laughed.

"Yeah well, I didn't want to ruin the surprise uncle Poe." I gave him jazz hands.

"Does he know? Kylo?" I sighed

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"Does he know? Kylo?" I sighed.

"No. We haven't talked in awhile. I want to tell him, trust me, but i feel like i might put this baby in danger if I did." I stood up. Poe stands up, looking at me. "I can do this, by myself." I told him and to myself.

"Im here for you, always." I smiled at him.

"I know." We took a walk around the base.

"Names yet?" He asked me.

"No clue, I want to wait to see if its boy or a girl." I rubbed my stomach. "No matter what it is, I'll love it." I smiled to myself. "Enough about me! What about you? How was the run?"

"Long and stressful. It was a dead end." Poe shakes his head. "I gotta say, you'll make a great mother." Those words brought tears to my eyes. After months of thinking, will I be a good mother? I needed to hear that.


"Yeah. This kid is going to be lucky to have Hera Dameron as its mother." I gave him a hug. "Plus its going to be twice as lucky because I'm going to be its uncle."

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