Nothing Left

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The Last Jedi

We finally made it to Crait. We unpacked everything that was left over the years. I saw Leia, looking out.

"They're coming, shut the door." She said as we closed the door. Everyone, the ones we had left, which wasnt a lot as before, grabbed blasters incase they did come in.


"Go, go, move! Get that shield door down!" The ship came through the closing door. We started to shoot at the jet. No movement.

"No! Wait, don't shoot! It's us! No, don't shoot!" We heard voices coming from the jet, and hands, surrendering.

"Hold your fire!" Poe commands. We stopped shooting, but had them ready in case it was a trick.

"Don't shoot!" Finn yelled as he and Rose jumped up.


"Finn! Rose! You're not dead! Where's my droid?" Poe smiles. I dropped my weapon as I saw BB-8 rolling his way to me and Poe. "Buddy!" We kneeled down and hugged him.

"BB-8!" I smiled and kissed his head.

"We're are so glad to see you!" BB-8 started to ramble about the first order, how he took down the bad guys, and stole a random ship.

"Wait, what? Wait, wait, wait, slow down." I laughed. This little buddy has my heart. I stood up as Finn and Rose came down.

"Thank god you're okay." Finn said as I hugged him.

"Likewise." I patted his back. "Rose." I shook her hand.

"Hera." She smiled.

"Come on, we have to get ready." Finn and Rose went to get cleaned up.

"Is this all that's left?" Rose sadly looked around at the people we had left.

"Alright, our shields are up so they can't hit us from orbit. Use whatever power we've got left to broadcast a distress signal to the Outer Rim." Poe said as he puts his hands on his hips. Leia pulls him in.

"Use my personal code. If there are any allies to the Resistance, it's now or never." Rose came in with Finn.

"Rose, what do you got?" I asked her.

"Rotting munitions, rusted artillery, some half-gutted skim speeders."

"Well, let's just pray that big-ass door holds long enough for us to get help." I put my hands on my hips, looking around, hoping there was some type of way out of this mess. The whole place started to shake. We ran to the window we had, it was them. They pulled out a weapon, a big one. There was the army.

"What the hell is that?" I frowned.

"A battering ram cannon

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"A battering ram cannon." Finn said without looking away.

"A what now?" Finn looks away and tells us.

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