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When Bradley woke up he held his head and groaned. The sharp pain of the terrible headache he had made itself present and he squeezed his eyes shut tighter instead of opening them right away.

He allowed himself another few seconds before he finally managed to open them, one by one. He had no idea how he got back to his hotel room, let alone what had happened the night before but he was exceptionally glad that he'd made it back safely. No scratched, or so it seemed.

Bradley was laid on his stomach, only in his black Calvin Klein boxer shorts and his eyes eventually landed on someone else's bare back. He quickly sat up and mustered the blonde woman in the bed of his hotel room. Her left shoulder and the side of her back was tattooed, her hair looked incredibly soft and her body breathtaking. She looked peaceful and Bradley allowed himself a look further down her body. The only thing she wore was a black thong and he couldn't help but stare at her perfect ass, fighting the urge to touch her. How did he land in bed with a goddess and most importantly, why couldn't he remember any of it? He was pretty sure he'd never experienced a hangover this bad to the point where he had blackouts. He knew his limits with alcohol pretty well and couldn't piece together the exact time when it all went downhill.

He eventually tore his eyes away from her and looked around the fairly large hotel room. It was a total mess. Both of their clothing formed a path from the door to the bed, there was a tippled over bowl of crisps laying on the floor by the table and the empty bottle of wine had spilled some red drops onto the beige carpet. When he took another look at the woman next to him though, he wished he just could remember what had happened here. The sex with her must've been out of this world.

His eyes snapped back to the bathroom when he heard sounds come out of it and he slowly and carefully got out of the bed to not wake up the sleeping beauty, walking towards it. He pushed the door open, expecting a drunk friend maybe, but slammed it close immediately after when his eyes landed on a dog. A very big dog. Literally a monster. "Oh fuck." He said. Yes, that's what he was: a monster dog, ready to scratch his eyes out and then eat them.

The blonde in the bed stirred awake at the sound and when she realized her lack of clothing, shrieked, quickly covering herself up with the soft, beige blanket. She sat up and searched the room for her bra, her eyes widening when they landed on an almost naked Bradley instead. She also couldn't remember how she'd even gotten here and unlike Bradley this wasn't her own hotel room she had the privilege of waking up in. She'd never had sex with someone she couldn't even remember the name of before, despite her reputation as a female 'player'. She'd never considered herself careless and reckless so this new situation almost managed to make her cry. "Who the fuck are you? Where am I and why are we almost naked?" She asked, still nervously searching the room for the piece of clothing she needed.

Bradley still leaned against the bathroom door to keep it closed. He could hear the dogs heavy breathing and his paws coming closer to the door.

"I'm Bradley, we're in my hotel room at the Four Seasons in Las Vegas and I have no fucking idea what happened or who you are and why there's a huge dog in my bathroom that looks like it would love to eat me up alive." He panicked when the dog suddenly started barking and scratched against the door with his paws, pushing it open a little.

"Oh my god!" She squealed out in sheer panic, grabbed her washed out jean jacket off of the floor, threw it on and helped Bradley to keep the door shut by pushing against it with her small hands. Only now did Bradley notice how much shorter she really was in comparison to him and how breathtaking she looked in the morning. Her tiny hands were pressed against the door and when she looked up at him with wide, green eyes he had to catch his breath at how she managed to take his breath away, literally. She was a goddess without having to try the slightest bit.

Wild Ride // BradGa Where stories live. Discover now