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"I can't believe she cheated on me!" Jack said, groaning. "On me!"

"Oh yeah, cause that's so unbelievable." Bradley rolled his eyes, making Jack scowl at him. "She was drunk and Stefani and I don't remember shit so if she was only half as pissed as us, she surely doesn't even remember it." Bradley explained. "I mean, we got married." He said, pointing at him and Stefani with his eyebrow raised.

Stefani rolled her eyes. "Don't remind me of it." She groaned.

Bradley wiggled his brows suggestively, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Don't tell me you don't want to stay my wife. I'm a pretty good catch."

Jack scoffed. "A pretty good catch if you want to date a mentally 12 year old man who's totally incapable of taking care of himself, let alone his own sister."

Stefani frowned and shook her head at Jacks immature comment. Bradley simply glared at him and then turned back around to look out of the window.

"Oh, did I hurt your feelings now?" Jack asked him, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Shut up, Jackson. It's not my fault Holly is gone."

Stefani felt a bit tense at the sudden change of mood between both men and was relieved when they arrived at their destination. "Inked Inn. That's the right place." She said and let Bradley walk in first this time.

The shop was small and dark. There were hundreds of posters of heavy metal bands, tattoo designs and art pieces on the walls, the whole aura of the shop rather daunting than inviting to the three. Jack hid behind them a little, not daring to take the initiative this time around, not that he'd done it before either. "Hello?" Bradley asked into the empty shop and they all turned towards their right, where a small, old man exited another room. He had tattoos all over his body, including his face and bald head and held a tattoo needle in his gloved hand.

"Oh, I remember you!" He pointed at Stefani who also pointed at herself with a questioning look on her face.

"Yes! You wanted a tattoo but you were way too drunk so I didn't tattoo you." He said, making Stefani let out a breath of relief. "But my nephew Damian did."

Her eyes widened now as she quickly held her arms up and checked for any new tattoos. "It's on your back." He told her.

"Oh my god, what does it say?" She panicked, pulling her shirt up a little. Bradley helped her and when his fingers brushed against her hot skin she shivered a little, his fingers creating a familiar burning sensation in her body. "Did you find it? What is it? Is it bad?" She asked. Even though she really enjoyed Bradley's hands touching her naked back, she'd wished it was under different circumstances and maybe not in public and in front of two other people.

Bradley chuckled and pulled the shirt back down, much to his own dismay. "It's just a tiny rose." He said, swallowing when he finally realized what it meant.

"Why would I get a rose tattooed on me?" She asked and turned around to catch Bradley's face, deep in thought. "Bradley?" She rose a brow.

He cleared his throat and shrugged. "I don't know." He lied, making Jack roll his eyes.

"It's a rose because 'la vie en rose' was his fathers favorite song and Bradley is obsessed with it ever since he died." Jack spilled the intimate story without any hesitation causing Bradley to glare at him.

"Thank you, Jack. Anything else you wanna share while we're at it?" Bradley asked him, clearly angry and upset.

Stefani decided to change the topic by turning towards the old man again. "Damian. We have to talk to him. He was with his sister and his wife yesterday." She pointed at each one of the boys, who still angrily glared at each other and the old man, who seemed intimidating before nodded, with a soft smile playing on his lips.

"Yes, yes. Holly. Lovely girl." He commented. "Well, Damian and her left together yesterday. I think they got invited to a house party. At Travis' house. Travis Harris. Here, I'll write down the address for you." He said, writing it down for them and handed the small piece of paper to Stefani. "But be careful. Travis is a very dangerous man and not to be messed with!" He warned.

"Thank you so much for your help." She thanked him with a warm smile, completely ignoring his warning and politely shaking his hand before saying her goodbyes and ushering the fighting guys back out of the shop.

"Bradley, wait." Stefani said, pulling him away from the car and Jack who was already sat inside, buckling his seatbelt. "I'm sorry Jack just revealed something from your private life to me. It's obviously none of my business and he shouldn't have told me, but I've recently lost my best friend as well and I know it doesn't compare to losing a parent but-" she rambled, a blush on her nervous face.

"Thank you. I would've told you eventually. You got a tattoo for me after all." Bradley interrupted the rambling woman and smiled at her to lighten up the mood.

"Is it pretty at least?" Stefani giggled, glad that she could cheer him up again.

"Very." He said, not taking his eyes off of her. He once again realized just how effortlessly beautiful she was. Her skin was radiant, her lips perfectly shaped and plump and her eyes the most extraordinary shade of green he'd ever seen. He could see why she had caught his eye the night before. Even now that he was sober, he was sure she'd stand out to him in a crowd of hundreds of people.

Stefani didn't know him any better than he knew her, yet she went out of her way to try and make him feel better about the reveal of his fathers death by telling him about her own friends death even though it was her who got the unwanted tattoo and not him. She didn't have to and her caring nature and confident personality made her even more attractive to Bradley.

"I might keep it then." She half smiled one last time, winked at him and then slipped into the backseat of the car.

Bradley shook his head with a smile on his face and followed her, also getting into the car.
Jack drove off immediately, not saying another word to either one of them the whole ride to the house, not that either Stefani nor Bradley minded his silence too much.

Meanwhile Bradley and Stefani were both in their own worlds as well, trying to remember anything from the night before. Stefani held up her hand a little and eyed the ring, smiling at the beautiful diamond. Bradley caught sight of it in the rearview mirror and smiled, quickly looking away when he noticed she was looking back at him as well.

Neither Bradley, nor Stefani knew much about the other, yet they couldn't deny that something was pulling them towards each other, like some sort of invisible magnet. Apparently it had happened the night before as well and they both wondered if this would be just one of those random clashes with people in life, where you met someone and then moved on with your life again or if they could have something more.

lol uhm. It's still kinda boring 🤪 I initially had other plans for this but now this mess happened and I can't change it oops

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