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Two months later...

Stefani angrily slapped the back of Bradley's hand and growled at him. He let out a yelp and then rubbed the sore spot, shooting her an adorable pout.

"If you dip your finger into the frosting once more I'll use a knife next time!" She warned, trying to keep the stern look on her face, which was extra hard that day. He was in a mood and she knew she couldn't resist him no matter how hard she tried.

"But it tastes so good!" He complained.

Stefani shot him another warning glare before she turned back around to work on evenly scraping the cupcake batter into the tiny baking molds she'd prepared. She tried to hold back a smile when Bradley wrapped his arms around her from behind and placed his chin on her shoulder.

"You taste a lot better though." He mumbled in that cheeky voice of his before he placed a kiss on her neck. Her body immediately turned hot for him and she held back moans as his lips worked their way around her neck, teasing the sensitive skin right under her ear.

"I have to get those cupcakes into the oven, Bradley." She let out a frustrated huff at how easily he was able to turn her on. It truly wasn't fair. Bradley Cooper just couldn't keep his hands away from her and he made sure to let her know every single day since they got back from Vegas.

A month ago they'd taken the next logical step and moved in together. It seemed rushed at first but since neither Bradley nor Stefani could stay away and they constantly crashed at each other's places anyway it seemed like the right thing to do. They've been inseparable ever since and their bond continuously grew stronger over time. They found out new things about each other every single day and while some caused fights and a little trouble in paradise, they always made up again and the pros definitely overweighted the cons. The make up sex was also just a bonus.

"I'm not doing anything." Bradley chuckled and let his hand wander down her abs. "I'm innocent."

"Innocent my ass." She scoffed.

"There's nothing innocent about that ass, baby." He grinned when he felt her body react to his touch as soon as his hand dipped inside of her panties.

"Bradley." She said and while she tried to keep her composure she knew she was screwed when his fingers easily slipped into her, immediately giving away how wet she was. She leaned back against his chest and bit down on her bottom lip while his fingers worked on her. When the last bit of batter was inside of the baking molds she put down the empty bowl and spatula to hold herself up by pushing her hands into the counter in front of her. She let out a quiet moan at the pleasure.

"You're always so ready for me." Bradley mumbled into her ear before pressing a kiss to it. "So wet." He whispered. His fingers picked up on speed and Stefani threw her head back against his chest. With one last push she came undone.

"I literally hate you so much." She breathed out turning around to glare at her husband with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"You could never hate me, Mrs. Cooper and that's a fact." He grinned cheekily, licking his fingers clean.

She let out a whine at the sight of her man in front of her and then placed the tray into the oven. "You're lucky I'm legally bound to you." She mumbled, letting out a loud laugh when he picked her up and carried her to their bedroom, throwing her on the bed.

"Oh, I know I'm very lucky." He smirked and pulled down his pants. "Very, very lucky indeed." He hovered over her and then captured her lips in a sweet kiss before he pushed into her.

"I'm lucky too, damn." Stefani moaned out and wrapped her arms around his neck, grabbing some of the small hairs into her hands, while he fucked her good and hard. He knew her body like no other and the sex was always out of this world, no matter where or when they fucked. She truly couldn't find a flaw in him when it came to that part of their relationship. He kept her satisfied and somehow always knew when she needed and wanted him, which was quite often. Call her insatiable.

"I love you." Bradley mumbled right before she came and rocked into her while she shook. The moans leaving her mouth were something so sexy to Bradley, he couldn't imagine something else sounding this good to him. She was a goddess, his goddess.

When he pulled away and laid down on his side next to her to be able to get a good look at her, he traced the curve of her waistline and let her draw circles on his chest. "Fuck, I'm so glad we made it work." He said, making her giggle.

"You say this about ten times a day."

"Because it's true. Can't believe you're my wife. Never thought I'd get drugged and married in Vegas and actually stay married." He chuckled.

Stefani grinned at him and pecked his lips. "On a scale of one to ten, how crazy are we?"

"Hmm, I'd say a solid eleven." He kissed her again and rolled on top of her, making her laugh.

She suddenly pulled away and then sniffed the air before her eyes widened. "The cupcakes!" She gasped and pushed Bradley off of her to then run into the kitchen, naked.

Bradley laughed and watched her cute butt rush out of the room and fell back into the mattress.

He was glad that what happened in Vegas, didn't stay in Vegas in their case.

And she was certainly glad that their wild ride wasn't quite over yet.

Call me queen of crap endings. But that's it, the end, finito, finished, done.

Hope you liked it 🤪✌🏻

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