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"He's not answering." The elderly man told them after hanging up the phone for the third time.

"Don't you have any idea where he might be? A friends place maybe?" Stefani asked, eager to find out more.

The man thought about it for a moment before smiling at her. "Of course! Damians best friend, James! He lives nearby, just down the block and they're like brothers. If anyone knows where he is, it's him!"

The three piece made its way to the address and Bradley let out a groan when they stood in front of a shabby apartment complex, some babies crying and screams coming from inside. "I swear to god, if I get shot again I'll murder her myself."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Stop acting like a baby."

"Oh?! So you want to get shot next time? Go ahead then!" Bradley threw his hands up and Stefani quickly calmed him down, reminding him of how unsecured the tape around his wound really was. He put his hands down and then followed Jack to the right apartment number. He knocked on the door, all of them looking at the short and chubby Asian man that opened the door, a cigarette between his thin and crusty lips.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cooper! How was the wedding night?" He asked, recognizing the pair immediately, a mocking smirk on his face.

"You know us? That's great!" Bradley said. "We are searching for Damian. He was with Holly and probably still is. Have you seen him?" He asked, hopeful.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Damian and Holly are at the four seasons. They booked a room there last night. Were at the casino, gambling all night." He explained in a thick Japanese accent, chuckling in the end.

"The four seasons? Here in Las Vegas?" Jack asked, disbelief clearly evident in his voice.

Bradley rubbed over his tired face in frustration and Stefani simply let out a short fake laugh at how ridiculous this whole situation was.

"Yes, here in Las Vegas. Why?" He asked again.

"Nevermind. Thanks for your help!" Bradley said, rushing towards the car, the other two following close behind. "I'm going to kill her! She's been right under our nose the whole time and is probably sound asleep in a nice bed!" He yelled, clearly angry. He had every right to be angry.

"Hey, calm down, please." Stefani tried to reason with him but he simply glared at her.

"No! We've been driving around all day! I'm exhausted, I got fucking shot and for what?! God, I'm going to fucking kill her and her stupid boy toy!" he yelled, his face close to hers. Stefani glared back at him and pushed him away from her a little. She understood that he was angry, in pain and had been worried about his little sister but he had no right or reason to lash out on her like that when all she'd done so far was help him. It wasn't her fault after all.

"Excuse me? But I've been with you the whole time. No need to get all up in my face, yelling at me! It's not like I've had an amazing day either, Bradley." She pushed her small pointer finger into his chest, angrily.

Bradley frowned and then calmed down, letting out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry." He mumbled.

She nodded, crossed her arms in front of her chest and got into the car without saying another word to him.


Bradley angrily knocked on the door of the hotel room they were supposed to be in and when the door opened, revealing his sister, he pushed past her and went straight for Damian's neck. He threw a fist at his face, earning a loud groan from him. The brown haired and still sleepy man held his now bloody nose. "Fuck! What the fuck?!" He let out a groan in pain.

"Bradley? Jack? What the fuck? What time is it and where am I?" Holly asked, holding her head. "And who are you?" She asked, looking at Stefani who stayed behind a little to give the siblings a moment.

Bradley angrily let go of Damian and turned to his sister. "We've been searching the whole fucking town of Las Vegas for you and your stupid friend over there! I got shot, you stole someone's money and probably lost it all at the casino! You fucking cheated on Jack with this Damian dude! That's what happened!" Bradley explained, fiddling around with his hands while he explained the whole thing to her. "I apparently got married to Stefani over there, she got a tattoo for me, Jack is still a fucking loser-"

"Hey!" Jack threw up his hands in protest.

"Shut up!" Bradley growled at him. Holly rubbed her temples and tried to process the information Bradley threw at her with a frown on her face.

"Wait, what the fuck happened? We didn't have any hard drinks. You know I don't even drink much." Holly stated.

"Well..." Damian said from behind them with a hesitantly risen hand. Everyone's eyes were now on him and he shot them an apologetic look. "I might've fucked up a bit?" He squeaked out.

"You might've fucked up a bit?! What do you mean?" Bradley asked, his fists already clenched, ready to throw another punch at him.

"See, I owe Travis a shit ton of money and when I saw your little girl over there win every damn game at the bar we were all in I put a tiny bit of Adderall into her drink but I also maybe confused it with something else and before I knew it you all went crazy! It wasn't supposed to escalate like this!" He tried to defend himself, hiding behind his hands when Bradley raised his fist again.

Stefani held back his arm and shot him a soft, pleading look, making him calm down enough to not lash out at the stranger again.

"So you remember everything?" She asked.

Damian nodded. "I'll tell you everything, just please don't kill me!"

Bradley grumbled something but Stefani grabbed his balled fist to make him relax and when he loosened his hand she slid her tiny one in his, their fingers interlocking. Bradley calmed down a bit at her touch and couldn't quite register how good her hand felt inside of his. "You better talk." He said.

Jack, Holly, Stefani, Bradley and Damian took a seat on one of the couches and Damian cleared his throat. "When you all went crazy I tried to at least stay with you to make sure you didn't do anything too stupid but you wouldn't listen to me, so next thing I knew we were all at a chapel and y'all got married. Congratulations, I guess. Anyway, Holly and I went to Travis' party while you got tattoos or some shit and wanted to 'have fun' at the hotel so you left. That's when Holly and I got to the party, stole Travis' money bag out of his safe and went straight to this hotel to gamble at the casino. We went to bed after that. We didn't have sex, if that's worth something." He eyed Jack who let out a sigh of relief at the news.

"We're really fucking married? Like, legally?" Stefani asked again.

"Yeah, I mean it was a licensed pastor who married you two. Rings and all." He shrugged. Holly pulled the papers out of her pants and blushed, slowly handing them over to Stefani.

"Oh, that's just great! Exactly the kind of souvenir I wanted to take home from Vegas: a fucking wife!" Bradley said.

"As if I'm excited to be married to you!" Stefani glared at him, groaning. "What now?"

"We'll go to the chapel, tell him to take it back." Bradley said. "What's the name of the place?"

"Cupid's Wedding Chapel." Damian said.

"Let's go then, get divorced or some shit." Bradley jumped off of the couch and strolled outside, the rest of the crew following close behind.

Wow so this whole book really is a mess, huh?

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