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"You really had to make out while we're in a fucked up and life threatening situation? You do realize that this isn't a movie, right, Bonnie and Clyde?" Jack joked, both of them blushing.

Bradley glared at his sister, who shrugged. "So much for keeping this to yourself." He mumbled.

"It's not like you can't kiss! You're grown ups and I assume you're single as well." She paused to point at Stefani. "What's the problem?" She asked, giggling.

"At least we're not in relationships, right?" Bradley now mocked her, referring to her kissing Damian.

"Have you seen him? I was obviously intoxicated and on drugs." Holly stated.

"Hey!" Damian complained.

Bradley chuckled and groaned when he felt the pain in his side again. Stefani was quick to turn towards him and adjusted the tape a little, even though it didn't help much anymore. "Are you a nurse?" Jack asked her and she shook her head.

"I'm a musician." She simply said, pressing down at Bradley's wound, apologizing when he hissed at the pain.

"You sing? Ooh, sing something for us!" Holly excitedly clapped her hands together like a small child.

Stefani blushed. "I'm not sure now is the right time for that..." she mumbled, trying to focus on Bradley's wound instead.

"Please?! We all might die, so I at least deserve to hear you sing!" She begged, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout.

Stefani giggled, rolled her eyes and then nodded. "Fine. What do you want to hear?"

Holly squealed in excitement and thought about it for a second. "Do you know 'La Vie En Rose'?" She asked. Bradley's eyes shot up at his sister but she didn't even notice.

Stefani looked at Bradley and nudged his shoulder, whispering a "would you be okay with that?" at him when she remembered the significance this song held to him and the tattoo on her back. He hesitated before nodding. He couldn't escape the memories of his father for forever and if anyone could ease his pain at the moment, it surely was Stefani.

She turned towards the front and cleared her throat, pausing before the first lines left her lips.

Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Qu'il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose

Bradley watched her sing, the emotions in her voice almost making him choke. The whole car turned silent, none of them daring to utter a sound while Stefani sang for them. For the first time that day they relaxed and forgot about the money in the back of the truck that wasn't theirs and the suffocating feelings of not knowing where this would lead them in the end.
Bradley knew right there and then that there was no life after Stefani anymore. He couldn't and wouldn't live without her by his side. He'd spend the rest of his life, trying to get to know her if that's what it took for her to be with him.

He gently placed his hand in hers when she offered it to him with a smile when she finished singing. Holly dramatically wiped some tears out of her eyes. "Damn!" Damian said, chuckling. "Are you famous or something? You should be!"

Stefani blushed. "Not yet but I hope I'll be one day."

"I'll buy your first album and when someone asks me I can tell them about this day! Don't worry, I'll leave out the stolen money and your fake marriage to my brother." Holly joked.

After a moment of silence Stefani frowned and noticed how quiet and nervous Jack had been the whole time since he'd magically found a car after their time apart at the four seasons. He checked his phone for the tenth time during their rather short drive and shot her a look through the rearview mirror. How did he even get this car and where were they going anyway? This wasn't the way to the address she'd given him, that she was sure of. "Jack, where are we going?" She asked, catching his dark eyes in the mirror now. He stayed silent, didn't even look at her and now the rest of the crew caught onto what she was referring to.

"Jack?" Holly asked, his face turning stiff as his jaw clenched. He grabbed the steering wheel tighter and started going faster.

"This is the way to Travis' house-" Bradley started, quickly shooting forward to grab the steering wheel and make him turn around. He ignored the pain in his side and they fought for the wheel, the car swerving around the lanes, passing by several cars that they almost hit. "Jack you fucking bastard! You're in on this!" Bradley yelled, managing to take the wheel as the car went off the road.

Stefani pulled Bradley back so he wouldn't get hurt and they all held onto the car as they landed in a ditch, the car breaking down at the abrupt motions. "Fuck!" Bradley yelled again, hitting Jackson's seat with one of his fists. "You fucking rat! I knew I couldn't trust you!" He yelled.

Holly shot Jackson a questioning and sad look and he groaned. "I was just supposed to drive you to Travis' house, take half of the money and go! But you had to ruin it again!"

"You wanted to deliver us over so he could kill us in exchange for some money?!" Damian yelled at him in disbelief.

Jack cursed under his breath and got out of the car, the bag full of money around his shoulder as he rushed off. It took the rest a second to process what was going on before they tried to stop him. As they all rushed towards him Jackson quickly whipped around and aimed a gun at them, all of them stopping immediately.

"Whoa! Easy peasy lemon squeezy, Jack, my man!" Damian said, nervously chuckling. "We can talk about this!"

Jack rolled his eyes. "Give me the girl." He aimed the gun at Stefani who flinched and swallowed hard, trying to hold back tears. She couldn't believe Jack had switched on them. None of them even noticed until then and Stefani suddenly remembered the suspicious phone call he'd made at the hotel after Bradley got shot. Was that when he made a deal with Travis? Was that what he was talking about?

Bradley kept her close and stepped in front of her. "You sick asshole! Take the damn money and go!" Bradley glared at him. He didn't feel any pain anymore as the instinct to protect Stefani at all costs consumed him.

Jack loaded the gun. "I said: give me the girl, Bradley! I won't say it again." His gun was now aimed directly at his head. "I don't like you anyway, so don't think I'll hesitate to kill you, brother."

Stefani sobbed and stepped forward, making Bradley look at her, a concerned look on his face. "No." He said, realizing what she was doing: she was trying to protect him as well.

"Jack, you stupid bastard! I can't believe I fucking married you!" Holly cried.

Jack didn't even look at her as he didn't tear his eyes off of Bradley and Stefani. "I'll be fine. Remember what you told me? That we'll be fine." Stefani told Bradley through tears and pressed her forehead against his, one of her hands wrapped around his neck tightly as she grabbed some of his hair in her hands. "We'll be fine, right?" She choked out. Bradley nodded and pressed his lips on hers without hesitation, needing to feel her again. Stefani pulled away quickly and rushed towards Jack who waited for her already. With Jackson's gun still aimed at Bradley in case Stefani decided to run or one of them decided to try and stop them they walked off, finally disappearing into another car he broke into and driving off.

Bradley ran a hand through his hair and when the anger finally overcame him, he rushed towards another parking car and kicked the window in, jumping inside to follow them. Holly and Damian joined him. "Buckle up. We're going to get her back." He announced, determinedly driving off.

This is so over the top dramatic I'm actually laughing. It could be a crappy Netflix teenage move starring Noah Centineo (is that how you spell his name?). Anyway please lemme know if y'all know what'll happen next or something? 😌

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