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Bradley smiled and shrugged. "I like it here. It's comfortable." He teased.

Stefani threw her head back with a laugh and then pushed Bradley away. He grabbed her hands when he felt himself fall backwards and onto the bed and pulled her down with him, her body landing on top of his on the bedsheets.

Stefani gasped, held her rather unsecured towel closer to her body and blushed. Bradley brushed some hair out of her face and finally pressed his lips on hers. His hands were quick to detach her fingers from the towel, making it fall open. He pulled away shortly to grab the white fabric and throw it onto the floor next to them. He couldn't believe this naked beauty was on top of him, her blonde waves a mess and lips red from kissing. He eyed her reaction for a brief moment and when she didn't push him away or seemed to be uncomfortable he placed a gentle kiss to her neck. "Please, tell me to stop if you don't want this." He mumbled against her skin, smiling when he felt her shudder.

"I'm butt ass naked on top of you. I think I would've stopped you already if I didn't want this." Stefani giggled, running her fingers through his soft hair.

"Good, because I've imagined what you would feel like wrapped around me when I woke up next to you that morning. I was kinda mad at myself for not being able to remember the night before." One side of Bradley's mouth curved up into a cheeky smile.

Stefani laughed and let him roll them over, her legs wrapped around his waist. "You're still wearing an awful lot of clothing. I feel a little underdressed." She joked, unbuttoning his pants and pulling on his shirt. Bradley was quick to throw his remaining clothing onto the floor right on top of her towel.

Stefani blushed when her eyes wandered down his body in curiosity, catching sight of his penis. He was a bit larger than she'd imagined and she grew a little more nervous all of a sudden. No wonder she'd been so sore this whole time. His entire body was much larger than hers, so of course everything about him had to be huge in comparison to her.

Bradley placed a gentle kiss to her lips, snapping her out of her thoughts and then pulled away again. "I can't promise to go super slow but I'll try." He teased her, chuckling when her eyes widened a bit.

"Are you- oh." Stefanis eyes shut and her head fell into the pillow, the pleasure taking over her body when one of his large hands snaked between her thighs.

Bradley watched her entire body relax under him and he swore it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Her hands moved up his arms and her fingertips dug into his biceps when the pleasure intensified. "Are you gonna cum for me, baby?" He asked.

She nodded and let out a strangled moan when her walls closed in around his fingers, her lower abdomen tensed and her legs started to shake as her orgasm rushed through her entire body.

Bradley gently pulled his fingers out of her and let her calm down, watching her chest rise and fall fast. "Are you okay?" He asked, placing soft kisses all over her neck and shoulder.

"Are you kidding? I think I never came this fast from getting fingered before." She giggled, turning her head so she'd be able to get a better look at him.

Bradley grinned and kissed her, soft at first but the kiss gradually got more passionate and he felt her hand on his shaft. A groan made its way out of his mouth and when he knew he wouldn't be able to hold back anymore, he pushed her hand away and over her head. "God, you're heavenly, Stefani." He whispered against her wet lips.

"I don't think any of us are going to heaven." She joked.

Bradley let out a small chuckle, before his eyes wandered down her body. He carefully placed himself at her entrance and with one long and slow push he was inside of her, fully stretching her out and filling her up. Both of them let out breaths they'd been holding and Bradley's hands moved up to hold hers, their fingers locked above her head. "Fuck, you're so tight." He said, before he finally started to move.

Stefani's eyes rolled to the back of her head at the feeling and soft moans and pleas left her mouth every time he pulled out, just to push back into her again. None of them had ever experienced such euphoria before, they'd never felt this close to anyone else and if they had any doubts about whether they wanted to stay together or not, their worries certainly were inside of a jar and thrown out of the window by now.

"I'm so close, so close. Fuck, Bradley you're so big!" She arched her back in pleasure and squeezed his hands, biting down on her bottom lip hard to keep the screams inside. She didn't need the whole hotel to know what they were doing.

"Yes, baby. Cum for me. Come on." He encouraged her, his thrusts becoming more erratic and controlled, his hips meeting hers, the sound of their harsh breaths and skin colliding the only thing audible in that room.

"Oh god!" Stefani squealed out when she came for the second time, the feeling even stronger now than it was before even though she didn't think that was even possible. Bradley was full of surprises.

He also couldn't hold back anymore and spilled into her, his face pressed into the crook of her neck. They stayed like that for a while, her body laying limply on the bed, his body on top of hers, faces close to each other and hands still interlocked. His thumbs drew soft circles over the back of her hands and they caught their breaths. "Damn." Bradley mumbled after a moment and finally rolled off of her. He grabbed her hips and pulled her body on top of his, her head on his chest, one of her legs draped over his lower body.

She giggled and nodded, placing her hand on his chest as well. "Say that again." She mumbled. Stefani slowly looked up at him and her hand moved upwards to rest on his cheek, a soft kiss placed on his lips.

When she pulled away Bradley's eyes stayed closed for another moment before he managed to open them again. "Jesus, Stefani. You're really a dream come true to me." He whispered, running one of his large hands down her spine, tracing the defined line of it.

She blushed and hid her face in the crook of his neck, smiling cutely. Bradley found her incredibly adorable and couldn't truly believe she was his.

They didn't need to make things official and speak them into existence to know that what they had right now in this moment, was real. Realer than anything else they'd ever experienced before and neither one of them were ready to let go of that.

"I want to try this." Bradley said, one of his fingers under her chin to lift her head up so she'd look at him. Stefani smiled and nodded.

"Me too."

Next one will be the last one 😬

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