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"What the fuck do you mean you can't just divorce us like that?! Of course you can! We got married just as quick!" Bradley yelled at the gray haired pastor who looked extremely pale at the sudden outburst of the much taller and stronger man in front of him.

"I'm sorry, sir. There's really nothing I can do. I just handle things around here." He explained, keeping Bradley at arms length.

Bradley was basically fuming at this point and Stefani had to pull him back so he wouldn't explode and hurt the poor old man. It wasn't really his fault after all. "Hey, we'll figure something out." She said in that soft voice of hers and Bradley ran a hand through his hair. "Maybe there's another way to handle this." He nodded, letting her talk to the pastor this time, while he walked off.

"Excuse me? Do you by chance know someone who can divorce us?" She asked.

"There's someone I know, but I'm not sure you can afford him." He warned, handing her a number. "His name is Henry and he's one of the best lawyers I know. He'll make the process quick and spare you the extra paperwork, so you can go your separate ways in less than a week."


"We can't use Travis' money! He'll fucking kill me! He's already tracking me down, I'm sure!" Damian complained, rushing after Bradley with his hands wildly gesticulating. Bradley threw the bag full of money into the back of the truck and shut it again.

"You got us into this mess, so you're going to get us out of it! We need the money to pay that lawyer." He said, getting into the car. Stefani nervously looked around, shuffling to the side to make room for Damian and Bradley. Holly was sat in the front and Jack started driving towards the address the pastor gave them in complete silence.

When a loud shot blared through the air, everyone screamed. Stefani turned around to get a good look at who it was and ducked when a bullet destroyed the window. "We're so fucked!" She yelled over the loud sounds. The silver Mercedes Benz got closer to their truck and Stefani instinctively held onto Bradley, who tried to shield her from the shots as well. She, for some reason, felt safe in his arms, even though she knew he couldn't protect her from a bullet, at least not without getting hurt himself.

"Aw, man! I told y'all we'd be dead!" Damian whined.

"Go faster!" Bradley yelled at Jack.

Jack shifted gears and shot them a look through the rearview mirror. "Hold on tight!" He announced and took a sharp turn into a rather empty alley, rushing through the lanes, almost hitting several cars that just honked at him angrily.

"We're all going to die!" Damian yelled.

After taking a sharp turn and barely passing by a huge truck the car behind them came to a painful halt as it crashed into said truck they'd successfully managed to sidestep before, flipped over and landed on its top. Everyone inside of the other car erupted into loud cheers at the success but their cheers soon turned into screams when Jack stepped onto the brakes and the car crashed through a fence, finally coming to a halt right in front of a brick wall. They all let out breaths of relief when they noticed that none of them were hurt or dead. At least not yet.

"What the fuck?!" Damian yelled. "They almost killed us! I'm out!" He said, getting out of the car.

The rest of them followed him out of the car as well. "Damian! Come back here, you stupid asshole!" Stefani now yelled, freaking out for the first time that day. "Everyone will fucking calm down now!" She continued, running a hand through her messy blonde hair. "Bradley got shot, we stole some influential, rich assholes money and these fucking guys with guns are trying to kill us now because Damian drugged us and stole the damn money! So you especially don't get to go anywhere!" She angrily pointed at Damian.

They all stayed quiet and looked down at the floor, clearly stuck the situation they all were in as well as clueless of what to do next. Their car was trashed, Bradley could barely muster up enough strength to walk anymore and Travis' people weren't far away, clearly ready to kill for their money. Jack grabbed the money out of the car and walked away, Holly running after him. "Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm going to give Travis his money back!" He announced, Stefani and Bradley yelling a fit of no's after him.

"I have a plan!" Damian suddenly said and smirked at Stefani who shook her head, quickly catching onto what he had in mind.

"No way! Nope! Not doing it!" She crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Jack, Holly and Bradley shot them questioning looks. "Would you like to let us in on your genius plan?" Bradley asked.

Damian grinned. "Remember why I wanted to drug Stefani?"

Bradley raised a brow. "Not that I'd like to but yes."

"That's what we're gonna do! Stefani is going to double the money by playing poker! That way we'll have enough money for your lawyer situation and I'll have the money I owe Travis and won't have to die!" He announced.

"There's only one problem: I won't do it!" Stefani said, rolling her eyes.

Bradley quickly pulled her to the side to give them a little more privacy and shot her a pleading look. "I know his idea is absolutely stupid and dangerous but it's the only chance we've got at this point. I'm exhausted, I don't know for how much longer I can run away from them and they tried to shoot me once, they'll do it again." Bradley searched her eyes for a reaction and smiled when she rolled her eyes and threw her head back, groaning loudly.

"Okay! I'll do it!" She said, the rest of the group cheering.

"But darling, we can't possibly gamble at the four seasons looking like that! Lucky you, I have just the perfect attire for all of us!" Damian clapped his hands excitedly, the sceptic group following him.

This is a mess I'm WHEEZING. What have I done? Why did I write this? Idk

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