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Stefani's arms were crossed in front of her chest as she sat on a couch, waiting for whatever was about to happen. Jackson had left a few minutes ago and instead of snooping around she'd decided not to cause any more problems so she wouldn't get killed. She was scared and nervous. Didn't know what was about to happen and if she'd even survive this.

Was Bradley already on his way to get her? Was he even worried at all? She didn't know why she even cared about him this much, she didn't know him. They'd barely spent two days with each other and she couldn't even remember last night. But she also couldn't deny how safe she felt with him, how good and familiar his lips felt on hers and how attractive she found him. They didn't spend much time together but their chemistry was undeniable. It was almost like an invisible force pulled them towards the other.

"Where's the rest of the gang?" Travis asked when his eyes landed on just Stefani. The room she was in was big and the couch almost swallowed her whole, that's how fluffy and comfortable it was. "Don't fucking tell me you brought just her to my house when the others are still out there!" Travis now yelled at Jackson.

"She was the only one I could get!" He said, shrugging. He obviously didn't think it was that big of a deal. Travis thought Jackson was a smart man, yet he had to find out that that wasn't the case. He prepared himself for the worst and grabbed Stefani's arm, pulling her with them.

"You stupid bastard! Her insane friends probably called the cops on us already and now they're on the way here to get not only me but you as well!" Travis yelled at him, the tight grip he had on Stefani's arm was painful to her.

She whined when he grabbed her tighter and dragged her along with them while he grabbed the money and his gun on the way out as well. She was sure he'd leave bruises on her and silently prayed that Bradley and the rest were close.

When Travis opened the door Stefani was relieved to find that her prayers had been heard. About ten police officers had their guns aimed at Jack and Travis who rolled his eyes and held his hands up, involuntary letting go of Stefani at the same time. She immediately found Bradley who stood next to a police car and the tears sprung to her eyes when she rushed towards him and jumped into his arms. He groaned at the impact of the hug since he was still wounded but refused to let her pull away. Having her safe and alive inside of his arms was way more important to him than the pain he felt. Stefani sobbed into his neck and shut her eyes, breathing in his scent. "I thought I would die." She choked out between sobs and Bradley pulled away to look at her, a smile on his face.

"I promised we'd be fine and I always keep my promises." He said, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

She enjoyed his embrace and only let go when the blonde officer interrupted them. "Are you ready to go to the hospital now? I can't risk you dying while you're under my watch." She joked, opening the car door for him.

Bradley nodded, grabbed Stefani's hand and got into the car, pulling her in next to him. "You haven't been to the hospital yet?" Stefani asked, concerned about his wellbeing.

Bradley blushed but stayed quiet and the blonde Officer in the front giggled. "He refused to. He said he'd only go and get help once he knew you were safe."

"Is that true?" She asked Bradley in a soft voice, mustering his face in wonderment.

He blushed and shot her a smile, shrugging his shoulders. Much to his own saving, the car pulled up in front of the hospital then and they all got out of the car to get Bradley inside. He protested the whole way there, assuring everyone that it wasn't that bad and that he was fine, yet as soon as the doctor pulled up his shirt everyone knew that was a lie.

"This will definitely need stitches and I advise you to stay still as much as possible. No harsh movements and no working out until the wound is fully healed in a few weeks." He explained, getting everything ready for the stitches.

Stefani and the Officer waited outside. Stefani rubbed over her face and nervously bopped her leg up and down. "Are you okay?" The Officer asked her. Stefani read her name tag and nodded, a fake smile on her face. "Yes, Kim. I'm fine."

"He'll be alright. It's just stitches and then you'll have your husband back." Stefani blushed at the mention of Bradley being her husband. Even though she barely knew him outside of the crazy whirlwind adventures they'd been on that day, she liked the way him being her husband sounded, so she didn't correct her and simply nodded. "You know, I haven't been an officer for long, but I've never seen someone as worried about their partner as Mr. Cooper has been for you." She said.

Stefani smiled and blushed a little, glad that the door opened and revealed Bradley and the doctor who shook hands goodbye. Saved by the bell.

Stefani jumped out of her chair and shot Bradley a questioning look. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. "He prescribed me some good pain killers and I'll just have to lay down once we're back at the hotel and I'll be fine. Are you okay?" The worry on his face was pretty evident and Stefani caught the blonde officer leaving them some space, a smirk playing on her lips. Had he been this worried about her the whole time and was that what Kim meant before?

"I'm fine." She nodded, pushing some hair behind her ear. "Let's get you back to the hotel, shall we?" She offered her hand out to him and he took it, their hands fitting together perfectly, but they were used to that by now.

I am so dramatic with this who am I and what am I doing

Wild Ride // BradGa Where stories live. Discover now