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Imagine a movie scene: the nerds finally get their glow-up after looking hideous throughout the entire two hour movie up until this point. That's exactly what Bradley and the rest of the crew looked like when they stepped into the casino of the four seasons in Las Vegas...well more or less.

Stefani tugged on her red, low cut dress, pulling it down further since it barely covered her ass, Bradley adjusted his tie for the second time already but it still ended up being crooked, Jack simply rolled his eyes at the scene with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his black tuxedo pants, Holly almost stumbled over in her tall high heels and Damian already confidently strolled towards the packed poker table. The scary looking, tattooed Russians looked up from their cards and almost laughed at the short man but went off in whistles when instead of Damian, Stefani took the empty seat at the table. She confidently picked up her cards and kept her perfect poker face on for the game.

Meanwhile Bradley, Holly and Jack stayed at the bar, watching the whole thing from a safe distance. Bradley chugged down a glass of whiskey, trying to ease the pain in his side and calm his nerves at the same time while his eyes stayed glued on Stefani. The Russians seemed to get more and more tense and angry at her for winning by the minute and Bradley knew that if she didn't stop soon, they'd definitely make sure she did. "We have to leave soon. The one with the face tattoos doesn't look too happy." He announced to his sister and Jackson. He was worried about Stefani, even though she'd proven to be capable of taking care of herself really well so far.

God, she looked gorgeous. Bradley couldn't help but admire her figure, the way her hair fell into her face sometimes and she had to push it back again. He found himself staring at her cleavage far too often and mentally cursed himself out for behaving like he did. He usually wasn't much of a 'stare-her-down' kinda man or anything like that, yet he could barely take his eyes off of the beautiful blonde. She was captivating.

"She'll be fine. She needs to win at least three more rounds for the money to be enough." Damian said, interrupting their whispering.

Bradley angrily grabbed the collar of his shirt. "You'll get her out of this before I beat your ass, you hear me? If it wasn't for you, she wouldn't have to deal with any of this, so I won't risk her getting hurt just because you decided to steal Travis' money." He spat through gritted teeth, letting him go again, with a push, Damian stumbling backwards a bit.

Damian swallowed hard and nodded, walking towards the poker round. He whispered something to Stefani who got up from the table, grabbing the money she'd won. One of the Russians got up and glared at them. "She's a cheater! He told her what cards I have!" He yelled at them, making the rest of the table yell inaudible things as well.

Bradley quickly rushed towards them to pull Stefani out of one of their harsh grasps and groaned when one of them punched him right in the face, before kicking his already wounded side as well. He could barely stand up straight as the fight escalated and the Russians only stopped and ran away when they heard the police sirens go off in the distance. Bradley was holding himself up on the table with one hand while he spat out some blood and held his wound that bled through the tape and shirt by then.

"Bradley! We need to get you out of here!" Stefani grabbed his face with both of her hands, wiping over one of his cheeks to brush away some blood. "We have to get you away from here." She repeated, finding the casino almost empty, their friends gone by now to hide as well. She grabbed the side of him that wasn't bleeding and helped him into one of the back rooms, his body finally falling down onto a chair. "Stay awake for me, okay?" She choked out, the tears running down her face by now.

"Hey, don't cry." He whispered, wiping a tear away from her cheek.

She pulled away from his touch and nervously rummaged through the cabinets in the room to try and find something to clean him up before he stopped her, grabbing her wrist in his hand.

"Calm down. Come here." He said, softly tugging on her hand and pulling her towards him. "Come on, sit." He demanded. She hesitated before she sat down on his lap, her legs on either side of him. They hadn't been this close yet, at least not during one of the times they could remember and she felt her heartbeat quicken at the feeling. "I'll be fine. We both will be fine. The money you won will be enough for us to pay off whatever we owe Travis and the lawyer and when all of this is done we'll go back to our normal lives okay?" He said, brushing his hand over her leg. Stefani shivered at the touch and nodded, still teary eyed. She dabbed some blood off of his bottom lip with a tissue she found and tried to distract herself from the fact that they were this close and alone in an empty room while she was on his lap. She could feel the heat radiate off of his body and the feeling in the pit of her stomach let her know that she enjoyed that position a bit too much. Not now, hormones!

"I know I act all tough all the time because I hate crying and acting like a baby but I'm really fucking scared. I don't want you to die, Bradley." She announced, sobbing and wrapping her arms around his neck, her face burying itself into the crook of his neck.

Bradley sighed and rubbed her back, trying to soothe her. "I'm not going anywhere, you hear me? I'm not leaving you alone with this. We'll get out of here and everything will be fine, I promise." His soft voice in combination with his touch managed to calm her down a bit and she pulled away, wiping her eyes to get rid of the wet tears. Her bottom lip still quivered and Bradley palmed her face, his thumb brushing over her lip to stop it. They both stayed like that, neither one of them moving. Their breathing quickened and the feelings they couldn't remember they even felt towards the other the night before, came back, making them lean in towards each other.

Their lips brushed against each other's and with one last pull of Bradley's hand that was on her face they collided. Stefani closed her eyes, quietly moaning into the kiss. It was soft but fast and needy, Bradley's hand coming down to her leg as he rubbed circles on her inner thigh. Stefani's hands were tangled in his hair, pulling on it softly. Bradley deepened the kiss when Stefani's mouth opened and right there and then they forgot about all of the problems they were yet to face, about Bradley's graze shot wound, the Russians, Travis. Everything they could think about were their lips and the way they felt and tasted.

"Are you sure you guys still want that divorce?" Holly snorted, keeping in a giggle as she leaned against the door frame, a raised brow at the couple in front of her.

Stefani and Bradley jumped apart, breathing heavily. Their lips were red and swollen from all the sucking and kissing and their hair was messy. Stefani cleared her throat and wiped over her lips, blushing.

"Don't worry, I'll keep your little secret here. We're waiting outside at the back entrance. Jack somehow managed to arrange a car for us." She announced, walking back outside with a smirk playing on her lips. She knew she saw the chemistry between them! She knew her brother better than anyone else after all!

Bradley groaned as he tried to get up again and Stefani snapped out of her thoughts, helping him. "Look, I won't force you to like me or anything-"

"It's okay, Bradley. We both made that move and I don't regret it." She smiled at him, supporting him as they walked outside to the car.

They kissed and it was awkward and this whole book sucks so far so... I don't even know if I wanna finish it or keep writing lol

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