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Bradley's eyes were fixated on the road ahead of him as Holly and Damian held their breaths at the crazy driver. They could only hope to survive this ride. "Bradley, calm down! We lost them thirty minutes ago." Holly said.

Bradley hit the steering wheel with his hands, rubbed over his face and then stopped the car at the side of the road. "Fuck! I promised her she'd be fine!" He yelled, angry at himself, but mostly worried about Stefani. For some reason his mind just went blank, Stefani still had the paper with Travis' address on it and neither one of them could remember the way there which ultimately led them to drive around aimlessly.

"And she will be! But we have to contact the police. You know I'm right and we should've done it hours ago instead of taking matters into our own hands." Holly explained, trying to calm him down. "This isn't a freaking movie; at least one thing Jack was right about." She mumbled.

Bradley let out a groan but nodded, not happy with the suggestion but he knew Holly was right. He'd been shot once already and slowly but surely his strength was leaving him. "Okay."

Without another word Holly left the car to call the police and explained the situation to them in a shorter version, leaving out the stolen money.

Bradley let his forehead rest on the steering wheel and closed his eyes, sighing. The only thing he could think about was her. He barely even knew her but it felt like he'd known her for years now and the urge to protect her was so strong, it physically pained him to not be with her while she was in possible danger.
He'd promised her that she would be fine and now he didn't even know if she was still alive.
It was all his fault. He should've noticed something about Jackson was off. He was his brother in law after all, not hers and now Stefani had to pay for the mistakes he'd made. He was angry with himself and with Damian, who drugged them and got them into this mess in the first place. He was angry at Jackson for being a backstabbing bastard and at Holly for leaving with Damian and leaving the group. He was mad at Stefani for having a big mouth and at how easily he let her into his heart without even noticing. He couldn't get the image of her out of his head and wondered if she was well right now.

"They'll be here any minute." Holly announced, softly stroking his arm to snap him out of his trance. Bradley looked up at her and nodded, a weak smile playing on his lips. He wasn't the only who'd lost someone: Holly had also lost her husband that day, so the siblings embraced one another in a comforting hug, letting their actions speak words that they didn't know how to say for them.

The next few minutes went by in a blur: police sirens went off, the blue and red lights were almost blinding the group and they all told the police their version of the story, Damian sheepishly and unexpectedly admitting to his crimes.

"Mr. Cooper?" The blonde officer asked him. She was short but not as short as Stefani and she didn't even come close to her beauty. Bradley could barely concentrate on her questions and rubbed his tired eyes. He only now noticed how unwell he really was.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asked, trying to focus on her now.

"We know you're in pain and weak but we need to know everything. You and Mrs. Cooper just got married right?" She asked, smiling a little.

"Uh, yeah." He mumbled, not wanting to let her know that they barely even knew each other. It wasn't that he felt ashamed of their quick and inconvenient marriage in Las Vegas, he just didn't know if he even wanted to get a divorce anymore and if what they had was worth fighting for after all. "She's my wife." He stated.

"What about Jackson Cooper?" She asked, the mere mention of his name aggravating Bradley immediately.

"He's not part of the family anymore. It's Jackson Jones." He clarified, crossing his arms over his chest. "He was my sisters husband. They'd been married for three years and I never liked him. Should've fucking trusted my gut feeling." He scoffed. "He probably took Stefani to Travis Harris. We were at his place last night for a party and when we went there, searching for Holly he accused us of stealing his money. We didn't have it then, because we only found Damian and Holly - who had the money - afterwards. He shot me and apparently Jackson and him had an agreement to split the money if he handed us over to Travis. Don't ask me when the fuck that happened, as far as I know, he was on our side in the beginning, but the asshole got greedy, I guess." He shrugged. "And now he has Stefani and maybe Travis has her by now and I don't want her to get hurt. I promised her that she would be safe and okay and now she's with them and you have to get her." Bradley almost begged, a little more panicked now than before.

The officer nodded. "I understand your concern, Mr. Cooper, but you have to let the doctors take care of you. I promise we'll try our best to get your wife home safe and unharmed."

"I'm not leaving now. I'll come with you." Bradley said.

The blonde woman shook her head. "Mr. Cooper you need to let the doctors take care of-"

"No! I'm coming with you. I'll only get help when I know she's safe." He protested. He'd always been stubborn.

The blonde officer realized that arguing with him made no sense and she eventually nodded, opening the police car door for him. As soon as they were inside of the car, they started driving.

Bradley just hoped Stefani was alright...

Y'all think Stefani is still alive? :P

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