Part 5

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My parents come home with my sibling today. It's the first time I'll see them in months. The Acadamy had a training course that all the new Chunin had to attend, so Mom and Dad shipped me away for it. They then went on some road trip. I've had to stay with Uncle Naruto for a while. But let me tell you, that was not fun either. Lady Hinata would constantly look over my shoulder whenever I did school work. I know she is only trying to help, but it's so annoying! She has a child as well, a son, Boruto I think. Uncle Naruto is thrilled, he can't wait to do all the Father son things with him. He's been doing a lot for me these past months, trying to get the 'Father thing' right. I don't mind but it does feel weird.

I'm at home at the moment, pacing in front of the door as I wait for my parents to get back. I'm not exactly excited but, it's out of my control now and there is nothing I can do but try and get along with it. I heard the door click and I stopped, facing it as it opened.

"Hey welcome home." I bow watching my Father enter the house.

I stood straight when he walked toward me. He put his hand on my shoulder before turning to the door. I then watched Mother enter with a white blanket in her arms.

'Oh good lord here we go!' I took a shaky breath.

"Ukie," Mother smiled at me.

'Oh God, oh God, oh God! Please not another son, please be a girl!' I was now slightly bouncing on my feet.

Father squeezed my shoulder before walking me forward slightly toward Mother.

"Meet Sarada, your little sister." Mother smiled.

'Few!' I let the breath I was holding go.

"Do you want to hold her?" Father asked.

I looked back at him before forward to the bundle in my Mother's arms.

"Uh." I shook my head lightly, stepping back.

"She won't bite." Mother chuckled.

"I-I don't want to drop her," I try again.

"You won't," Father said encouragingly.

I slowly extended my arms and Mother put the small human in them. I pulled my arms to my chest before moving the blanket ever so slightly to see my sister's face. She had a thin layer of black hair and her big onyx eyes were staring at me. She opened her mouth and made a 'Ma' noise. I brought my finger up and lightly poked her nose. She stared at me before smiling and giggling softly. I stared at the young girl with a smile, though it wasn't a happy smile.

'Look at you,' I sneer in thought but laugh aloud lightly.

She pulled her arms up and grabbed my finger, bringing it to her mouth and sucking it lightly. My eyes widened and I pulled my finger back. She whined and her eyes teared.

'Pathetic!' I smiled. _______________________________________________________________________________

"What's her name?" Minka asked.

"Sarada." I deadpan.

"Is she cute? I bet she looks just like you!" Minka cheered smiling.

I looked at the brunette.

"Yeah, I guess. But she looks more like my dad." I say kicking rocks into the lake.

"You look like your dad! You're his son after all!" Minka laughed.

Minka grabbed my arm, pulling my hand into her own and staring up at me.

"Can I see her!? Please!" She looked up at me.

I stared down at her in slight shock, but closed my eyes and smiled.

"Sure," I say.

"Yes!" She jumped around.

"Hey, what's all the excitement?" Yuto asked jumping down from a tree.

"Ukai's gonna show me his sister!" Minka cheered jumping around.

"You have a sister?" Yuto raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, she's only a couple of days old though," I say.

"Oh, a baby sister!" Yuto clapped my back.

'Yeah, whatever!'

"Come on, I'll show her to you."

Minka squealed excitedly while Yuto just nodded.

So we walked to my house and entered, greeting my parents before I went upstairs to Sarada's room. She was asleep when I saw her, but with a light poke, she was wide awake.

"Hey," I poked her forehead.

She smiled, raising her hands and giggling. I picked her up and she smiled, grabbing my nose before giggling again. I pulled her hand away from my face before heading back downstairs. I could hear Mother and Minka talking before I came into view.

"Oh, sweet cheese and sprinkles she is so precious!" Minka gasped covering her mouth.

I smiled at Minka, looking at my sister as she hid in my neck. She whined quietly turning away from my friends.

"Oh sweety I'm sorry, did I scare her?" Minka frowned.

"No, she's just shy." Mother smiled.

I bounced Sarada a little before she turned to my friends again. She looked at Minka and tilted her head. Minka smiled and waved lightly. Sarada smiled and stretched her arms out to Minka. Minka smiled wider and took the child from me. She looked so happy. Yuto stood behind Minka and stuck his tongue out at Sarada. Sarada copied him, sticking hers out before grabbing his nose.

"Ah, she got me!" Yuto laughed.

Minka laughed too, stroking Sarada's hair and bouncing her lightly. Sarada let go of Yuto and looked up at Minka. She smiled at grabbed a strand of Minka's hair. She played with it before putting it in her mouth.

"Sarada!" Mother laughed.

"It's ok Mrs. Uchiha, I don't mind." Minka smiled, stroking Sarada's cheek.

"See, she is just like you Ukai." Minka smiled at me.

Her eyes sparkled as she looked from Sarada to me. She smiled at me from under her hair and looked up at me through her eyelashes.

'Why is she looking at me like that?'

I turned to Yuto to see him playing hide and seek with Sarada over Minka's shoulder. I turned to my Mother and she had a big smirk on her face as she looked from Minka to me.

"No, she's not!" I exclaim turning away.

I heard Minka and Yuto laugh before Sarada laughed. Father then walked in, sighing and running his hand through his hair.

"Father!" I bowed my head quickly, turning to face him.

"Mr. Uchiha!" Both Yuto and Minka bowed.

"Mr. Samari. Ms. Yokota," Father nodded at both my friends.

"Uhhh, it's getting late. I need to head home." Minka smiled nervously, handing Sarada over to Mother.

"Ah yeah me too," Yuto said before both of them bowed, dashed out the door and down the street.

"Ahhhhh..." I draw watching my friends disappear before turning to my parents.

"Do you need to scare Ukai's friends off Sasuke?" Mother looked at Father.

"Hmm? I didn't mean to." Father said.

"It's ok," I chuckle.

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