Part 8

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"I know you're a baby and I know you're an idiot, but for the last time brat, if you want to keep the rattle, don't throw the rattle." I groan handing Sarada her rattle for the hundredth time.

She looked up to me with her big eyes before she smiled and giggled. Rolling my eyes I turned back to the table, trying to finish off the last part of my homework.

"Ukie! I'm home!" Mother's voice rang through the house.

"Kitchen!" I called back continuing to write.

"Hey" She walked over and kissed my head.

"How was your day?" She asked before walking over and kissing Sarada.

"Ok, yours?" I sighed.

"Good. Thank you for fetching Sarada from Hinata."

"No problem."

"Gosh, I don't know what I'd do without you Ukie," Mother smiled.

"Oh I don't know, you'd have no one to boss around all day." I smiled back.

"U~ ki?"

Both Mother and I looked at each other before turning our attention to Sarada. She was looking at us with a tilted head and an expression of concentration.

"Ukie..." She said again.

I was a little taken back, Sarada said my name.

"Oh my gosh!" Mother walked over to Sarada and picked her up.

"Her first word!" Mother bounced Sarada up and down, causing the small girl to laugh.

Why would the brat use my name as her first word? Doesn't she have anything better? Like Mama? Dada? Like every other kid!

"I'm back!" Father's voice sounded.

"Sasuke! Sarada just said her first word!" Mother cheered, meeting him at the door.

I rolled my eyes again, going back to my homework.

"Really? What was it?" Father asked, stroking Sarada's head.

"You wanna tell your Father Ukai?" Mother asked.

"It was my name," I say continuing my work.

"Wow. Clever girl Sarada." Father chuckled.

I gritted my teeth before closing my book and grabbing my bag.

"I have homework to finish, I'm gonna head upstairs," I say jumping up the stairs and into my room.

'Combined Nature Transformations. By using two or three basic nature transformations simultaneously, one can create a completely new elemental nature with unique properties that wouldn't exist on its own. However, doing this requires a Kekkei Genkai or, if three elements are used, a Kekkei tota. It is further stated that those with the ability to combine the elemental nature transformations possess an affinity for the chakra natures they must simultaneously use.'



I turned my head and watched my sister crawl into my room. She smiled when she reached my bed and tried to pull herself up. I watched as she clung to the sheets and stuck her tongue out as she tried to climb up to me. I crossed my legs and leaned back against my headboard as I watched her. She wasn't doing too badly, she got to stand on her feet, halfway onto my bed before she slipped and fell to the floor.

"OWIE!" She whined.

She sniffed and rubbed her eye before looking up at me. I chuckled, shaking my head before looking back at the little girl.

"Big Bwover!" She raised her arms and clenched her fists over and over.

"What?" I laughed.

"Upie!" She whined.

"Why?" I crossed my arms.

"Big Bwover!" She huffed.

"No, go find Mom, she'll play with you! I'm busy." I say going back to the book in my lap.

Sarada began to cry and swing her arms around. I watched the display with that 'really' look on my face before shaking my head and continuing to read. Sarada sat there for a good ten minutes before she had had enough, I watched her out of the corner of my eye as she crawled toward my door and out my room.

"Useless child," I chuckled to myself.

Mother has been teaching her how to walk and talk these past few months, ever since her first word.

'Just what I need, a mobile and responsive brat!'

I continued to read my book, flipping through pages when another piece of paper fell into my lap.

"This is gonna become a thing isn't it." I sigh picking up the page.

It was another photo. I turned it over, 'Itachi and Sasuke' was written on the back.

'One of these boys is Dad!'

I pulled the book from my lap and jumped up out of my room, I jumped down the stairs, skidding to a stop in front of Father's office. I bent down, looking through the keyhole to make sure Father wasn't in it before opening the door. I looked around before entering and closing the door behind me. I quickly made my way over to Father's desk and searched all the draws before finding the book I'd brought Father the first time. I pulled the book out and furiously flipped through it, finally finding the 'Sharingan' page and the first photo I found. I put the two pictures together, examining both. They were the same boys.

'I didn't know Father had a brother.'

I looked back at the book and smirked. I sat under Father's desk and began to read about the Sharingan.

'So that's what happened to me during the exam? I activated my Sharingan. Wow!'

"Ukie! Where are you?"


I stuffed both pictures into my pocket and put the book back before running out Father's office. I just closed the door when Mother came down the stairs.

"Ukie?" She looked at me.

"Hmm?" I looked up at her.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Nothing," I answered quickly.

"Ok..." She descended the last stair.

"I have to go out so I need you to watch Sarada, she's asleep now and hopefully will be till I get back.

"But I have training in half an hour and I wanted to go to the library before that!" I said.

"Well, your friends can wait, Sarada is your sister. Thank you, be good, I love you and I'll be back soon.

"Bye..." I groaned as Mother left.

The second the door closed and Mother was down the street Sarada started crying. I looked up the stairs with irritation before heading up. Sarada was waving her hands around and jumping around in her cot. When she had finally seen me she shut up.

"Big Bwover Ukie!" She smiled.

"You're supposed to be asleep," I say leaning against the door frame.

"Nah ah! No no sweepy!" She whined.

"I don't care, I have better things to do than watch you, go to sleep!" I say.

"No! No!" She cried pulling at the railing of her cot.

I rolled my eyes, walking over and laying her down. I then pulled my hands up drew a circle around Sarada with two fingers before pulling my hand back and placing it in the tiger hand sign.

"Nirvana Temple Jutsu," I said, watching Sarada as her attention moved from me to the roof above her.

Illusionary technique. Shows multiple feathers falling over the target before putting them to sleep.

"Sleep well brat," I chuckled walking out of the room.

And with that, I grabbed my bag, sword, and shoes and I was out. If Father wasn't going to tell me anything I'll have to find out myself, so I headed to the library, pulling out the Uchiha clan history book.

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