Part 25

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"Close your eyes,"


"Because you need more than your sense of sight for battle. You need to know you can trust your other senses when your eyes don't work." 

"But why wouldn't my eyes work?" 

"Just... do it," 

"Haaaa, fine,"

Sarada and I are out in one of the clearings near the lake. She told me she had graduation exams coming up soon and wanted me to help her train. She wanted to focus on her Sharingan and the abilities she could master quickly. But such as every master, and every powerful warrior say, you can not just master something without the basics, the foundation which the power rests upon.

'I will never forget the day he taught me that,' I think to myself as I watch Sarada breath. 

"Now, listen around you, ninja are supposed to be quiet, so the slightest out of place noise can alert you to an attack," I say stopping and remaining still. 

I listen around me, hearing the water in the lake flow, hearing the wind in the trees and the birds in the sky. 

"You hear that?" I ask her. 

"Yeah," She nods. 

"The world knows who the good ninja and bad ninja are, you can always count on your surroundings to let you know when danger is around," I say looking at her. 

"Ok," Sarada nods. 

"Next, touch, feel around you, the ground, the wind, the sun, all of these also give away an enemy," I say. 

"Ok," Sarada nods. 

I pulled a shuriken out, twirling it in my hand before throwing it past my sister's head. Her eyes snapped open, staring at the tool that was now embedded in a tree. 

"Feel that?" I ask. 

"Be more careful would you!" Sarada yelled at me. 

"THE POINT... did you feel it?" I asked. 

"Of course I felt it! It nearly hit me," Sarada exclaimed. 

"Yes, the force it pushed out as it flew past you, you can use that to determine where it came from," I add. 

"Really?" She turned to look at the shuriken.

"Another thing," I clenched my fist, tightening the wire in front of Sarada's face.

"Woah," She whispered.

The length of the wind that bursts past will tell you if there is a wire or not." I pull the shuriken back to me.

"Amazing," Sarada added. 

"Now that the fundamentals are out of the way, the Sharingan," I say blinking and activating mine.

"Like the Byakugan, the Sharingan will activate naturally when in battle. The Eye of Insight is the first defense technique that manifests. The Eye of Hypnitisem however, requires more training," I lecture. 

"You will get used to calling on it in the future, but for now, hold your hand up like this," I take her right hand and close her fist, keeping her pointer and middle finger up while placing it in the middle of her chest.

"Now close your eyes and concentrate." I pull back and watch her. 

Sarada closes her eyes, taking a deep breath, she exhales slowly and remains like that before opening her eyes and activating her Sharingan, that little jingle it makes as the eyes change ringing softly in the air. 

"The Eye of Insight helps with fast attacks," I say, throwing a punch Sarada's way, watching her eyes follow my hand before her head moved out the way. 

"Good," I pull my hand back. 

"Another thing the Eye of Insight is good for," I begin. 

"This you already know, however," I begin the hand signs for a Fire style.

"Is the ability to copy someone else's Jutsus," I watch Sarada watch my hands. 

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu," I say before blowing a fireball at my sister. 

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" She blows her own ball back at me. 

"Very good." I nod. 

She smiled triumphantly, pumping her fist and humming. 

"Now, the Eye of Hypnotism," I begin again. 

"That relays purely on Genjutsu," I say looking into Sarada's eyes. 

"One of your choosing depending on the result you are looking to acquire." I finish. 

"I'm glad to see you two are getting along," A new voice sounded. 

I turned my head to see a dark figure walk out of the forest. My eyes widened as the man came into the light, allowing Sarada and me to see him fully. 

"Father!?" I turned to him. 

"What are you doing in the village?" I ask. 

"I came to report my mission findings to Naruto and thought I drop by to see my family. Do you not want to see me?" Father asked.

I looked back at Sarada but she wasn't there anymore. 

"Oh, ok, very well played Sarada!" I roll my eyes, 

"Release," I mumble and Father slowly fades away. 

"My Sharingan is a lot further along than you expected huh brother?" Sarada placed her hand on her hip and smiled at me with her big red eyes.

"Tell me, you wouldn't have happened to learn that nifty little trick on your field trip did you?" I smirk at her. 

"What!? No, no way, I read about all this in a book at school then konohamaru-sensei explained it to me." Sarada answered quickly.

"Ok," I let it slide knowing I'm right.

"You know you're a terrible liar," I say walking toward her. 

"What? I'm not lying," She stares at me. 

"Uh-ha," I smirk. 

"I'm not," She adds. 

"When you lie, your voice gets higher, and fidget with your hands," I say looking at her twiddling her thumbs. 

"That's not fair," She pushes me lightly.

I chuckle at her, placing my hand on her head. 

"Don't worry, I won't tell." I smile.

She smiled back at me, both of us turning to head home after a long day of training.

"Hey, Mom! We're home!" Sarada called as we walked into the house. 

"Hey, where were you two today?" Mother smiles. 

"Ukai was teaching me about my Sharingan," Sarada says. 

"Oh, and how was it?" Mother asks. 

"Your daughter played a dirty trick on me this afternoon," I say sitting at one of the dining room chairs.

"Oh?" Mother smiled. 

"She put me in a genjutsu and made me believe for a second Father had come to visit us." I glared at Sarada.

"Oh come on, if I hadn't put you in a Genjutsu first you would have done worse to me!" Sarada exclaimed. 

"She has you there Ukie," Mother laughed. 

"Fine," I rolled my eyes but smiled.

We helped Mother place dishes on the table before we all sat down for dinner, talking about our days and Sarada's trip.

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