Part 17

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"Sarada! Are you ready to go? You don't want to be late!" I call my sister as I lean against the door frame.

"I still don't understand why you think it's necessary to walk me to school." She sighed walking toward me.

"I promised Father I'd protect you and Mother," I say.

"Its school Ukai, it's not like I'm heading into a forest." Sarada rolled her eyes exiting the front door.

"Fine, don't think of me as your escort, think of it more like you need to show me around again, a lot can change in 10 years," I say following her.

"That makes more sense." She laughed.

We headed downstairs and out of the building, walking the streets on the way to the academy. Sarada named all the shops for me, adding the new items they sold and their business times. Most of the place didn't change, it was exactly as it was when I left, there were a few new additions along with a heck of a lot more people. We made it to the academy in no time, Sarada was talking away about everything that had happened when she started to today, apparently this generation is very troubled.

"Sarada!" I lifted my head with my sister to see Cho Cho running up to us.

"Oh, hi Ukai." She smiled up at me.

"Hello." I greet.

"Sarada!" I turned my head again and watched a blonde head boy running up to us with a cheeky grin.

He got close, very close, so I unsheathed my sword and held it in front of Sarada, up to the boy's neck, making him skid to a stop before he collided with it.

"Woah!" He fell to the floor.

"No no Ukai, it's ok, this is one of my classmates!" Sarada tried to push my arm down.

"Are you crazy! Watch where you point that thing!" The blonde boy yelled.

"Uh ha~ Um Boruto this is Ukai, my brother." Sarada looked at the fallen boy.

"BROTHER!?" 'Boruto' stared up at me with wide eyes and an open mouth, much like all the other children who had heard the conversation.

"Boruto ...?" I tilt my head.

"Boruto Uzumaki!" He stood, glaring at me.

"Lord Naruto's kid?" I sheath my sword.

Boruto gritted his teeth, sneering up at me.

"Yeah! What of it!?" He sneered.

I hummed at him, looking him over.

"You want to fight!?" He pulled his hands up.

"Boruto don't!" Sarada called.

"Don't hurt yourself kid." I roll my eyes.

"You don't think I can take you!?" He smirked.

"I know you can't. Look at you, I've know you not even 5 minutes and I can tell you're reckless, impulsive and hot-tempered, you probably attack without thinking, and use no strategy, I'm sure you just assume you'll come out the victor on nothing but strength." I say turning to him and begin to circle him.

"You wear no Konoha headband, therefore you aren't Genin let alone Chunin level, I doubt you've even graduated the academy yet, so tell me, 'young lord', what makes you think you stand a chance against a ninja like me?" I mock, glaring down at him as I stopped walking.

He growled, bringing his hands into a sign and activating his shadow clone Jutsu. I sighed, folding my arms and closing my eyes, waiting for him to make his move.

"Ukai..." Sarada pulled at my robe.

"Don't worry Sarada, I'll be fine," I say.

"That's not exactly what I'm afraid of." She pulled back.

I heard Boruto growl and run at me from four different directions. I took a breath, sliding my foot back before ducking as one of the clones kicked at my head. I stood straight, spinning as I evaded the second and bending back as I dodged the third. the real Boruto jumped at me, punching at my head but I just swayed the other way whenever he did. I then opened my eyes, wiping my leg under his and sending him to the floor, using my sword to cut through the clones before placing my foot on Boruto's chest and sheathing my sword. I leaned forward, resting my right arm on my knee and looking down at the young Uzumaki.

"You finished?" I sneer.

"Wow," I head Sarada whisper.

"Yeah, go Ukai!" Cho Cho cheered.

"Aww man, Boruto got his butt kicked bad." A short pale boy whispered.

"What a drag." The boy next to him sighed.

"Don't pick fights you can't win kid," I push my foot down harder.

"Augh~" Boruto tried to push it off.

I pulled my foot off him and he jumped up.

"Stick to picking on someone your own league, ok, it will hurt your pride less," I tell him.

He looked like he wanted to jump at me again but one of his friends held him back.

"I'll see you at home, Sarada." I turn to my sister.

She stared up at me before nodding slowly. I smirked, turning and heading out of the school grounds. I walked along the streets, looking around before a small girl ran into me.

"Ouch!" She whined rubbing her head.

"Are you alright?" I look down at her.

She nodded, staring up at me.

"Mino!" I lifted my head and watched a short woman walk up toward us.

She had long brown hair that reached her thighs, a long red and black dress and brown eyes that looked down at the small child in front of me.

"Mommy look!" The small black haired girl pointed at me as she ran to her mother.

"I'm sorry, she didn't cause you any trouble I hope." The woman picked the small girl up and smiled at her.

"No," I say.

"Are you new around here?" She asked me smiling.

"In a way," I answer.

The woman nodded before a man walked up.

"There you are." He walked up.

"Daddy look! I met a strange man!" The small girl cheered.

"Mino!" The woman bounced her.

"I'm so sorry," She apologized.

"It's fine," I say.

"I'm Minka Samari by the way, and this is my husband Yuto." The woman smiled.

I gasped quietly, my eyes widening slightly as I looked over their faces.

"You~ you got married?" I look at their offspring.

"Excuse me?" Minka laughed.

"You two got married?" I ask again.

"Yes," Yuto wrapped his arm around Minka.

"Interesting." I tilt my head at them.

"I'm sorry, what was your name again?" Minka asked.

"Ukai Uchiha," I bow my head.

Minka's mouth fell open and she nearly dropped Mino while Yuto froze and just stared at me.

Minka handed her daughter to Yuto before walking closer to me. She stared up at me before my head snapped sideways and a sharp pain set in on my cheek. I blinked, registering what had happened before I turned my head back to face my childhood friend. I opened my mouth to say something but she slapped me on the other cheek, sending my head snapping to the side again. I slowly turned my head forward again and watched her try to slap me again. I pulled my hand up and caught her wrist, holding it still as she breathed heavily.

"Where have you been?" She choked, tears running down her face.

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