Part 20

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The next morning I was up and at the assigned Jounin training grounds before anyone else, sitting in one of the trees and playing with a shuriken as I waited for everyone else.

"Is no one else here yet? Man how annoying!" A new male voice sounded.

"Being early isn't a bad thing Hashima, it means we can scope out the area, you know lay traps that could help." A second male voice added.

'Hashima?' I looked over from my position in the trees.

'Why does that name sound so familiar?' I think to myself.

"I guess." Hashima kicked a stone away.

"Plus, now that enough people are interested in becoming Jounin, we can finally take the test." His friend cheered.

"Hey! This the Jounin Exam place?" A new male walked into the grounds with two others.

"Yeah, but we're a little early," Hashima's friends answered them.

"Good, that will allow us to get a feel for the place." The other boys smirked.

"Tsk, can you idiots be any more predictable?" I click my tongue and mumble to myself.

"Huh? Who's there!?" All five boys turned their heads to face the tree I was in.

"Show yourself!" Hashima yelled.

I rolled my eyes, standing up and shoving my hands in my pockets before jumping down. I landed in seconds with my cloak slowly waving behind me before I stood, flicking my bangs out of my face and staring at all the shorter males.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Hashima asked.

"I'm here to become a Jounin you moran, what else would I be doing here?" I stared at him.

All the others were only a few cm's shorter than I was but shorter nonetheless.

"Oh, is everyone here? Great!" We all turned our heads to see two Jounin walk up.

One with dark brown hair and a blue scarf and another with white hair and a face mask. I looked from them down to Hashima again before walking past him and standing in line.

"So, welcome to the Jounin Promotion exams, everyone. Today Lord Sixth and I will be putting each one of you through a series of trials to determine whether or not you have what it takes to make Jounin. First will be individual tests, then, group work." The younger looking Jounin told us.

"So! Who'd like to go first?" He asked.

The other boys and I remained quiet, they were looking anywhere but the two instructors while I stared them down.

"No one?" 'Lord Sixth' asked.

"Guess we'll be choosing then," The brunette Jounin pulled out a stack of papers.

"How about........ Hashima Sawamura aaaaannnddd....... Ukai Uchiha?" The Jounin read then looked up.

I turned to Hashima to see him staring at me.

'Oh, that's why his name sounded so familiar.' I sigh.

"Hmph! I thought you were dead Uchiha! When did the cat drag you back home?" He hissed.

"Let's just get down to it shall we," I say, stepping back into my fighting stance.

"I've been waiting years for this moment." Hashima took his stance too.

"Begin!" Lord Sixth exclaimed.

Hashima jumped at me, kunai in hand and begun to slash every which way as he tried to land a hit on me. I just ducked my head and moved my body from side to side as I dodged the attacks, my hands still in my pockets. Once I had had enough of his failed attempts to hit me I ducked, grabbing his hand that held the kunai and using my other to push him backward. I stood there, my open palm in front of me and my other hand hovering over the handle to my sword.

"Not bad," I heard Lord Sixth mumble over to his comrade.

Hashima glared at me, putting his kunai away and clapped his hands together, forming the signs to an Earth Style Jutsu.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bomb!" Hashima yelled before spitting up a mud Dragon.

I pulled my sword from its sheath, bitting my thumb and running the blood over the handle. I thrust the sword into the ground and perform a few hand signs before a bright blue barrier formed around me. I watched the Earth Dragon race toward me, opening its mouth as it blew mud booms into the barrier around me. I smirked, performing more hand signs before knocking my sword over and aiming my hands at the Dragon, activating my Jutsu and spinning him around to face Hashima.

"What?" Hashima's eyes widened.

"Earth Jutsu manipulation," I mumble to myself before thrusting my right fist at Hashima.

The Earth Dragon above me roared, suddenly speeding toward Hashima and snapping at him.

Hashima jumped around, throwing kunai and shuriken at his own creation as he tried to get away from its attacks. I chuckled, kneeling down and performing more hand signs before bringing my hands to my mouth and blowing fire, spinning in a circle to surround myself before stopping at watching Hashima. He deactivated the Dragon Jutsu, making the beast crumble away before I lifted my hand and pushed flame toward him. He had just stopped short of its blast and stared at me. I smiled, bringing my second hand up and throwing more fire Hashima's way. He jumped away as I continued, using the fire circle I had created to fuel that shots more. Hashima was doing multiple backflips as he tried to avoid the attacks, but one hit him in the chest, circling him, lifting him off the floor and exploding around him.


I watched him fall to the floor, landing roughly before groaning and hissing in pain.

"Hashima!" His friend ran up to him.

"Ok! That's enough!" The blue scarfed Jounin called out stepping forward to the injured ninja.

"Dude! Don't you think you over did it!?" Hashima's friend hissed at me.

"This exam is proving your worthy of being a Jounin, one of the best ninja in Konoha, if you can't take a small beating and carry on you're not worthy." I say sheathing my sword.

"You psycho!" His friend ran at me.

I grabbed his arm, twisted it so it was behind his back and kicked the back of his knees, making him fall forward.

"You are either on my side, or in my way, and for your sake, it better not be the latter!" I whispered in his ear.

"Stop it!" The blue scarfed Jounin ran at us.

I pushed Hashima's friend away, making him fumble before he stood.

"You have team work trials tomorrow! If this is how you act none of you will pass!" Lord Sixth exclaimed.

"I'm done here," I sneer, turning and walking away from the group.

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