Part 2

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A few weeks had gone by and my team and I only had 2 left till Chunin exams. I had spent most of my time reading and training by myself to make sure I was prepared. I was already advanced for a genin and my extra self-study sessions had kicked me up to Chuunin level months ago.

"Fire Release is almost always used offensively, typically by kneading chakra in the body into flames that the user breathes from the mouth. Simpler applications of Fire Release include creating a stream of fire or breaking the stream into bursts of flames. Once produced, the fire can be shaped or otherwise manipulated, but exerting such control requires a careful skill. If the flames are channeled into a weapon, such as a sword, that allows the user greater fitness with how the fire is spread. Fire Release can take the form of ash clouds that linger in the air, burning and blinding those caught in it, or be exserted as a shield, burning away anything that tries to cross it." I read.

I found some old ninja books in the attic that belonged to our family for generations, studying them to better myself in any form of ninja art. I have the simple things down, along with a few harder techniques such as Fire release and water release. It will take a while but I will master all the natural releases.

"Next." I throw the book to the side where others were laying all over the floor.

Pulling the next book onto my lap I read the title and flip open the book, turning through pages as I went, I found a page where a picture fell into my lap. Sitting straight, I put the book aside and examined the photograph. In the photo were two boys, one taller, maybe older and the other young. They both had black hair such as mine and both were smiling. The elder was carrying the younger on his back and both were looking up at a tree.

"Huh, never seen this before." I jump off my bed and head downstairs toward Father's office.

Knocking twice, I wait for the 'enter' before opening the door and stepping in.

"Ukai, what is it?" Father asked, looking up at me from his writing.

"I found this in one of the books I'm reading but I've never seen it before," I say dropping the photo on his desk.

I stepped back and waited as he examined the photo. His face was calm but once he looked at the picture it seemed to stone and his eyes to lock off.

"Where did you say you found this?" He asked looking at me.

"Uh, in one of the ninjutsu book I'm reading," I say.

"Bring me the book." He said dropping the photo in one of his draws.

"But I'm studying it, I want to know as much as I can before the exams~"

"Bring me the book Ukai!" Father said again, more aggressively this time.

I nodded, exiting Father's office and heading back to my room. I grabbed the book-running my hand over the cover as I reread the title. Dojutsu.

'Why would Father get to worked up about eye techniques, he hasn't even told me who the two boys in the photo are.'

I flipped the book open, reading as much as I could as fast as I could before Father took it. I was walking down the stairs slowly so I could read more but I heard Father's voice call for me so I had to walk faster. I had just finished reading about the Byakugan, a Jutsu passed down in the Hyūga and the Osutsuki families. I flipped to the next page and stopped, I was just outside Father's office when I read 'Sharingan' on the next page. I looked up at Father's office door and closed the book, opening the door and walking toward my Father. I placed the book on his table before turning to leave. I grabbed the handle before pausing and turning.



"Who are those to boys?" I asked.

"No one." He said shaking his head.

"One has a leaf headband, does he live here?" I ask.

"Not anymore." He added.

I stared at him before exiting his office. I walked over to the kitchen where Mother was working as always before I headed to the door. Grabbing my shoes I closed the door behind me before running off toward the open fields near the lack where my team and I train.

"Come on Yuto, it's not that hard," Minka said.

"For me it is ok!" Yuto called climbing out of the lake.

"Need a hand?" I ask extending mine toward my friend.

"Thanks, Ukai, this woman is driving me crazy!" He said ringing his clothes off.

"Haha, what's she doing?" I ask, amused.

"I'm right here!" Minka points to herself.

"She thinks walking on water is the easiest thing in the world. And I'm subtly trying to explain IT ISN'T!" Yuto exclaimed.

"Come on Minka, give the guy a break," I say walking toward her.

"I mean, it takes weeks to master," I add stepping onto the water and walking closer.

"It's not something done in a day," I finish turning to Yuto with a smirk.

Minka smirked as well, she stood facing Yuto with her arms crossed and my body was facing her with one hand on my hip as we both looked at Yuto. He had his mouth open with wide eyes.

"Not you too!" He exclaimed throwing his hands up.

"You guys are so mean!" He huffed turning away.

"It really isn't that hard, come on, try again." I walk to the edge and offer my hand.

Yuto hesitated but took my hand.

"Gather your chakra, it's like running, you put more power in the foot your using when you use it. And you constantly need to add and subtract chakra as you walk." I take his other arm and guide him onto the water.

He took a step wobbling before taking another.

"Good, now concentrate, add and subtract," I take steps back as he does forward.

He kept his eyes on his feet as he moved.

"Yuto, look at me," I say.

"I can't!" He stammered still watching his feet.

"You can do it Yuto, don't worry, you're doing great!" Minka says coming up behind Yuto.

"Uhhh o-ok," Yuto slowly raised his eyes to mine.

"That's it," I smile walking him around the lake.

He looked down to his feet before back up to me and he began to chuckle.

"I got it!" He laughed.

"Yeah, you do!" Minka laughed with him.

I pulled away from him letting him walk on his own and soon we were all running around on the water. We spent the rest of the day together before sundown when Minka went home.

"So you happy now?" I ask Yuto.

"Yeah!" He smiled putting his arms behind his head and laying down.

I chuckled, Yuto is like a brother to me, he's an idiot but he has a good sense of humor and works hard.

"Thx Ukai, now Mamoto-sensei will get off my back for that." Yuto nudged me.

"Sure thing!" I smile.

We both turned to watch the sunset. Tomorrow we really start training for the exams.

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