Part 21

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"Today is about teamwork, we never send shinobi into battle alone for a number of reasons, there will be two teams of three, the objective today is to get these bells, away from Lord Sixth or myself and report back here." The Jounin with the blue scarf, whose name I learned was Konohamaru, informed us while dangling a bell from his finger.

"The teams will be as follows, Team One Hashima Sawamura, Takai Shihei, and Ukai Uchiha." Lord Sixth read off his page.

"Aw man, that figures!" Hashima folded his arms and groaned.

"Team Two Soda Dai, Ishida Koji, and Fuse Noritada."

"I'm assuming because you've told us to pass things test we need to work together, that is is not like the genin promotion exam," I say.

"Correct, that exam the members have to find out that they need to work together, here you already know, so the objective is to successfully get the bell from us." Lord Sixth swung his bell around his finger.

"You have till noon," Lord Sixth adds before catching his bell and smirking.

'That mask doesn't do as well hiding facial expressions as it should.' I think to myself.

"I guess we can begin then." Konohamaru smiled.

Everyone looked at each other before the two Jounin disappeared into the forest and the two teams were left standing there.

"I guess we should first decide which team takes what Jounin." Ishida folded his arms.

"I think they just want us to go in there and whoever we come across we fight." Soda scratched his head.

"I personally hope to fight Lord Sixth," Hashima smirks, punching his fist into his palm.

"We won't be fighting anyone if we keep standing here and the more we do the less time we have to achieve the rank of Jounin so, can we get going?" I place my hands on my hips and roll my eyes.

"God I forgot how impatient and annoying you were Uchiha!" Hashima hisses.

"And I nearly forgot what a short-tempered ass you were." I tilt my head at the shorter male.

"OK! On that cheery note, shall we go become Jounin? Great! We'll go this way, you guys go that way," Takai says before pulling Hashima and me into the forest.

So my team and I were walking through the forest, trying to find any sign of one of our Jounin proctors, Hashima walking along lazily while Takai and I were looking around.

"Man this sucks," Hashima sighed.

"We gotta find the sensei before we beat them?" He added.

"What did you think this was gonna be easy?" I turn to my old rival. 

"Of course not! I just didn't think we'd have to go on a Jounin treasure hunt!" Hashima complained. 

"Look on the bright side, this is a good time to get to know each other~ AHH!" Takai tried to say before his foot got caught in a trap and he was flung into a tree. 

Kunai then suddenly came flying at us as well as a few shuriken. I backflipped out of the way of the first few, grabbing my own kunai and deflecting the rest. 

"It must be my lucky day, I get to fight Team one," A voice rang through the trees. 

I stayed in my defensive stance with my kunai in front of me as I looked around. 

"Haha, I knew it! I knew we'd be the ones fighting Lord Sixth!" Hashima cheered. 

"Would you shut up and focus! We've found the Jounin we're supposed to fight now get your ass in gear or none of us are becoming Jounin!" I hiss at the shorter male, jumping in front of him and deflecting the number of shuriken throw his way.

"Sorry 'Mom'!" Hashima mocked me before turning and jumping into the tree. 

I stuck my head out from behind the tree and watched him make his way over to Takai.

"I've got you, buddy," He mumbled before cutting his friend free. 

I activated my Sharingan, looking through the trees before more kunai and shuriken were thrown at me. 

'Gotcha!' I grab my own kunai and throw them at the tree 210 degrees to my left, hearing them hit the tree and someone jumping away. 

I looked over again, catching Lord Sixth's movements toward Hashima and Takai. I dashed out toward them, jumping into the tree above them and knocking the white-haired Jounin to the floor. Lord Sixth landed on his feet, skidding to a stop before standing straight to look at me.

"Hmm, I haven't fought a Sharingan user in quite a while, this should be interesting," Lord Sixth stares into my red eyes.

"Won't it just, how empty, the copy ninja must feel without a Sharingan of his own..." I taunted the older male.

"You get used to it," He sneered.

"UKAI!" Takai and Hashima came running up behind me, stopping when they saw the standoff between the Sixth Hokage and myself.

"What's the plan here Uchiha?" Hashima asked from behind me.

"I'll distract him, you and Takai figure out how to get the bell," I say not moving my eyes off Lord Kakashi.

"On it!" Takai called before they both jumped away.

"Hmm, are you going to make a move on me Ukai? You always did prefer to work alone, I'm surprised this task isn't as hard for you as I thought it be." Lord Kakashi spoke.

"Make no mistake Lord Sixth, I do prefer to work alone, but if I give the idiots something to work on, it gives me the chance to take you down," I smirk closing my eyes before opening them and activating my MS.

"Getting serious are we?" Lord Sixth got into a fighting stance.

"Something like that," I smirk looking at the ground under the Lord.

He looked down as well, seeing his feet sinking deeper into the soft soil. The lord jumped away, backing away into the arms of a soul clone I had made. I charged at the Jounin, pulling my kunai back and aiming for his head but he pushed off the ground, backflipping over my clone and making him take the hit instead. I pushed the crumbling look-a-like to the side, running at the Jounin again with bloodlust in my eyes. He stopped and our knives met, the loud clang ringing threw the forest before we pulled apart and aimed another attack. Lord Kakashi activating his mud wall while I did a fire style. The two jutsu collided, canceling each other out and creating a wall of smoke. I ran forward, jumping and spinning, kicking the Jounin in the chest and back into a tree. He cried out at the impact, looking up at me as I went at him. He ducked, rolling out under me before settling and pausing.

"You don't want to use all your chakra before your teammates get back, after all this is supposed to be a team effort." The lord panted.

"I wouldn't worry," I say smirking.

I raised my hand and four rock walls formed around the Lord, imprisoning him. I then wiped my back foot along the floor and brought my hand up in front of my face.

"Earth style: Earth body, soul unity," I mumbled and everything went blank.

I stood still, breathing calmly as I felt the earth around me, listening to every sound and feeling every movement as Lord Kakashi dug his way around underground. When the lord popped up and had gone to slash at my head but I grabbed his arm, turning him and pinning him to the floor.

"There is still plenty of time till noon, you might want to rethink your tactics," I say as my eyes shift slightly from the lord's eyes to next to him.

"Oh really?" He raised his eyebrows before he vanished in a puff of smoke and a log stood in its place.

"Well well well," I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck.

"So does this count?" Takai and Hashima came out from behind trees with a bell in Takai's hand.

"How?" The real Lord Kakashi walked into view, looking at his belt.

"Distraction," I bowed.

"Well done boys. But now you need to get back to the meeting point with it." Lord Kakashi smirked, ready for a fight.

"So be it." Hashima and I stood in front of Takai smirking.

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