Don't leave me

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Hey hey sorry for the late update. I updated my another story too. Go check it out. I'm kinda trapped in work, study and travel. And this jet lag never let's me sleep for weeks. I'll try to update faster.

"Umm.. mom?" Jimin asked hesitantly.

"Honey.. is he somehow related to the Jeons? I think I saw a same kind of name in the news few days ago about the Jeon's heir getting engaged."

Jimin's heart paced up. His mouth went dry and his throat suddenly feels blocked. Certain bitter memories crawls up into his mind.

Yes. It's the same Jeon Jeonggug. Heir of Jeons. The richest business family in SK.

"Uh.. yes.."

Part of him doesn't want to talk about this anymore and he wants to crawl into the bed and cry. He knows Jungkook loves him, he knows he was forced but he also knows that he can't fight against The Jeons and they're never going to accept him in Jungkook's life.

"Oh.. that's very nice.." he can sense the uncertainty in his mother's voice. He knew his mother is now worried.

"Okay mom. I'll talk to you later." Jimin wants to end this conversation. He no longer wants to dig on his own wounds.

"Okay honey. Just know that, no matter what, we are always there for you, okay? We love you." His mom spoke and clearly she was concerned about him.

"Yes I know mom. Later."

"Bye baby."

Jimin sighed a deep sigh. His entire mood flipped and he no longer feels uplifted. The insecurity is eating him up. Not that he was not aware of it but the sudden conversation seemed to just opened the already unhealed wound.

He keeps his phone in his pocket and sighs again. He shakes his head to clear away the thoughts and try to enjoy his quality time with Jungkook.

He walked back with the blankets and Jungkook already has set up the snacks and scrawling through the movie lists.

"Hop in baby" he gestured munching on his chips and Jimin went over sinking down close to him. Bodies close to almost fusing into one.

Jungkook started a movie and they covered both of them in the blanket. Jungkook obnoxiously munching on the chips and already lost into the movie.

But Jimin somehow cannot concentrate. He kept looking at Jungkook to which Jungkook was completely oblivious being engrossed in the movie.

Thoughts different clouded his mind and he felt lost.

Will we have to end this? Jungkook is engaged to another person. His family will never accept us. Even if they accept him to be gay, they'll never accept me.

Jungkook sees something funny and laughs hysterically like a child.

His innocent happy laugh shoots a pang of sharp pain into Jimin's heart and his vision feels blurry.

Jungkook unconsciously places his hands over Jimin's waist holding him and Jimin's breath gets stuck in his throat.

Why everything has to be this difficult? Why am I not allowed to be with the one I love? Can I ever imagine living without him? This smile? This touch? This feeling, of being together, where there's no worry, no boundaries... Just Us... Just him.. and me.. touching.. loving.. caring.. holding hands.. growing old together.. sharing food.. sharing feelings.. our pains.. our happiness.. our LOVE.. him making love to me.. everyday... When I go to sleep in his arms.. and wake up in those same arms.. his bed hair.. so cute.. so beautiful.. so innocent and pure.. his childlike giggles filling up my ears everyday.. me cooking him his favourite dishes and him making me those pancakes made with love... adopting an orphan child who'll call him Appa and me as Dad... Jungkook... I love you... I love you... too much for my own good.. too much that I don't know if I can ever move on if you leave me.. if I can ever live without you..

Without knowing a stray tear escaped his eyes rolling down his cheeks while looking at Jungkook. His emotions overflowing.

He slowly slides his hands over Jungkook's hand which was resting on his thighs and holds it. Jungkook still oblivious, an important part of the movie is now been played. He brings Jungkook's hands to his mouth and presses his lips on it like his life depends on it squeezing shut his eyes as more hot tears rolls down his cheeks.

Jungkook flinches realising the wet feeling on his hands.

"OMG baby what happened?" He's shocked to see Jimin crying. What happened to him suddenly? Oh my baby, why is he crying?

Jimin smiles.

"Nothing Kookie.. can you just kiss me?"

"Of course baby but what happened? Did I do something?"

Jimin shook his head. Jungkook cupped his cheeks with both of his hands averting his full attention towards Jimin turning his body facing Jimin scooting closer.

He caressed Jimin's cheeks wiping away his tears and bringing his lips closer and closing the distance by sealing it with a sincere but intimate kiss.

Jimin tilted his head and Jungkook deepened the kiss. Jungkook slightly rose from his seat, his full body flushed on Jimin, and Jimin pressed with his back on the couch.

Jimin could feel the fire that is slowly rising in his groin as both become breathless.

As Jungkook parts a little to catch their breath, Jimin opens his eyes to look at him with his glassy eyes.

"I'll kiss away all your pain Jimin.. just never leave me.."

And at that moment Jimin knew that he'll go to the end of the earth if he has to for his love. For Jungkook.

"Make love to me Jungkook..." Jimin spoke in a soft and painful voice, pain because he can't believe how much he loves him and how much he wants him and his heart hurts. All his emotions and feelings poured into his voice and sincerity in his eyes.

"Yes baby.." Jungkook starts kissing his jawline, sensually trailing down and slowly peppering his love of life with kisses that are arousing yet comforting. "I'll make love to you tonight.." and he starts kissing and sucking on his skin, on the collarbones. Jimin moans softly furrowing his brows and eyes squeezed close, trying to feel every inch of this feeling, feeling Jungkook making love to him. "tomorrow.." he kisses his crook of neck sucking sweet marks " and everyday till we breath.." he keeps trailing wet kisses towards his earlobe and continuing "because you deserve to be loved baby.." Jimin squirms as his arousal has started hitting him hard "everyday.. because you are an angel... my dream that has come true.. my whole world.. you are mine and I'm yours.." and he finally moved back close to Jimin's lips and he closed the distance again after saying "and I'll take good care of you.." and he slowly slided his hands inside Jimin's t-shirt.

Jimin shivered on the cold touch on his hot skin. He was becoming more and more breathless, his jeans already forming a tent.

Jungkook rubbed his own hard over Jimin's and the friction sent a spark down Jimin's spine as he clutched onto the fibre of Jungkook's t-shirt. His little hands fisting and eyes shut close drowning into the feelings.

Jimin whined out "Jungkookah...mmhhm". Jungkook rubbed his hands along the skin on Jimin's well built naval kissing and sucking on his lips moving their mouths in a synch and toungues tasting each other.

Both of them now lying on the couch, Jimin beneath Jungkook. Jimin's legs bent over the couch and Jungkook in between his thighs.

Jimin started to grind back on Jungkook "I'll never leave you.. I promise.. we'll stay together Kookah.." and he continued to kiss Jungkook.

Jungkook smiled through the kiss.

Helloooo this my way to say sorry for the late update. I think y'all enjoy Smuts. I've started researching on smut to write better Smuts for y'all altho I still suck. I'm not a very good writer for BDSM but I'll try if you let me know.

Also read my other story Masquerade. It's angsty one and with lots of smut too.

Yo author is hOrNeh.

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