Come Over

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First Ethan Dolan fanfic of 2020!

The story is written by @babeygray on tumblr and edited by me.

Plot of the story: Y/N and Ethan have been going out for a while but Ethan isn't the most expressive when it comes to showing his affection for his girlfriend and he starts to realize that it might be a problem...

Hope you guys enjoy this cute imagine! <3

Used tissues were all over the bed, falling off onto the floor. Tissue boxes were stacked carelessly on the night table, most of them half empty. Ethan's almost dead phone was plugged into his wall and he aimlessly scrolled through his Instagram feed, his hood over his head and the drawstrings pulled tight. The covers were draped all the way up to his chin. He groaned, his head burning up even more than the day before. Being sick was bad enough, but Grayson leaving him to go to the beach just made it worse. He spent the entire day eating food and lying in bed doing nothing and it drove him insane. He ached for any sort of human interaction. He even started making conversation with the Halloween decorations.

He went to his contacts and scrolled down until he found the person he was looking for. He pressed call and put the phone on speaker.

"Hey, hon."

"Hi, cutie."

His girlfriend laughed. "I think your medicine is making you loopy."

"Course not, sweetness."

"Right, sure. What's up? Are you feeling any better?"

"No. Grayson abandoned me. I'm so bored. Come over."

"Babe, I'm in a lecture right now."

"Yea? Why'd you answer your phone?"

"Because it's not currently going on."

"Then come over!"

"It's going to start soon, dumbass."


"Shut up, people will hear you."

"When's your lecture over?"

"In an hour."

"Do you have to stay?"

"I'll come over when it's finished."


"Oh my god people are staring at me now you're such an asshole k bye"

She cut the phone and he laughed out loud. Embarrassing his girlfriend was one of his favorite things to do. He chuckled to himself again and went back to scrolling through his feed. He stopped when his eye caught the familiar face of his favorite girl.

It was a picture she had posted a few hours ago of her and Ethan sitting in front of the campfire they had made the weekend before. They'd gone camping with a few of their friends and they had an amazing time. Y/N and Ethan were sitting on a log in front of the fire, roasting marshmallows. Ethan's was already burnt, and Y/N was laughing in the photo while she had her arm linked around his. He looked at how happy she was and how dang good she looked with her messy hair and face smeared with the ashes from the fire and he smiled to himself. He really was the luckiest guy in the world to have such an amazing girlfriend.

He swiped to see the next photo she'd posted. It was of her kissing him on the cheek while Ethan made the fakest annoyed expression in the world. He cringed, looking at his dumb face next to hers. Her arms were carelessly thrown over him, wrapped around his neck, and her eyes were scrunched tight. One of his arms was wrapped around her and the other one was still holding his now on fire marshmallow. She had posted it with a caption:

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