I Got You

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Credit to @heartbreakdolan on tumblr

Summary: You're feeling kinda down, and a little sick, but Ethan takes care of you

You groaned as you rolled over in your bed, coughing into your arm. You could barely swallow, your throat feeling swollen and dry. It didn't help that you were forced to breathe through your mouth, lips becoming cracked, due to your blocked nose.

You reached for the packet of throat lozenges lying on the bed beside you, popping one from the foil packet and putting it in your mouth as you slumped back down into your pillows. Pulling your blankets up around your face so only your eyes peeked out from under the covers, you tried to fall asleep again, even though it was two in the afternoon.

You felt your phone buzz, vibrating throughout your mattress and you opened your eyes. You smiled as you picked it up, your heart warming seeing a text from Ethan. You hadn't spoken to him all day, and it had been a few days since you'd seen him, illness prohibiting you from leaving your house and confining you to your bed.

hey babe. u wanna go out tonight?

You wanted to. You wanted to spend time with Ethan, but you couldn't move without feeling light headed, or your body aching.

I'm really sick. Don't think I can :(

As soon as your message sent, the three dots on his side of the conversation appeared.

u ok?

no :(

Without missing a beat, your phone started buzzing in your hand, Ethan's name and photo appearing on your screen. You shifted, wriggling to sit up a little and answered his call.

"Hey E." Your voice sounded weaker than you thought it would, and you could hear your blocked nose as you spoke.

"Aw, what's wrong?"

A tickle in your throat made you cough before you could answer. "I'm sick and I can't even get out of bed."

Ethan let out another sympathetic 'aw', and you added, "I'm sorry babe." Your heart sunk. You wanted to see him so bad. Especially after being in isolation for the past few days, feeling like shit.

"It's okay," he assured you. "You sound awful."

"Thanks Ethan."

"No, I just meant I can tell you're sick."

"Mhm," you hummed, closing your eyes again, the conversation and talking tiring you out. "I really miss you, Ethan. I haven't seen you in four whole days."

Ethan laughed under his breath. "I miss you too."

There was a moment of silence.

"Do you want company?"

Please. "You'll probably get sick."

You could picture him shrugging as he said, "Probably. But I want to see you. I'll leave soon, okay?"

You smiled. "Okay."


You awoke to your bedroom door opening, light flooding into your dark room. You watched as your boyfriend slowly turned around, carefully shutting your door behind him. Your heart fluttered seeing his tall body in your doorway.


He turned around, smiling at you as he walked over, and you tried to sit up a little bit.

"No, no, don't get up," he hushed you. He sat down on the edge of your bed, and you stuck your arms out to wrap around his neck. You sighed in content, as you rested your head on his shoulder and he pulled you against him. He kissed the side of your head as he gently rubbed his hand in circles on your lower back.

You wanted to tell him you were happy he was here, but you were so sleepy and exhausted. His hands worked up and down your back as he said, "Hey, how's my girl?"

"Dying," you mumbled into his neck. He said he'd text you when he got to your house so you could let him in, but you'd fallen asleep. "I fell asleep. How did you get in?"

"Your mom let me in," he said with a smirk.

You nodded, apologising, as Ethan slowly leaned forward to gently set you back down. Once you were lying down, he began to crawl over you to lie down in bed with you. You groaned, sitting up to push the tissues and rubbish away to the end of your bed. "Sorry, this is so gross."

He shrugged to let you know it wasn't a big deal, pushing some of the rubbish away with his foot before lying down on his side beside you, one leg propped up.

You had your first good look at him for the first time in four days and smiled at him. He must've had a shower right before he came over because his hair was flat on his forehead and still a little damp.

You shuffled closer to him, and he lifted a hand to stroke your hair. You felt another tickle in the back of your throat, and you coughed again, then groaned.

Ethan sympathetically smiled, shuffling down to be closer to you. "Do you want some water?"

You shook your head, reaching down into your covers to retrieve the bottle of water you already had with you. Ethan nodded, kicking his shoes off and letting them drop to the floor.

"Thanks for being here," you said. "I've been miserable and sick, and I missed you."

Ethan wrapped an arm around your shoulders, cradling you into his chest. "I missed you too." His other hand gently squeezed your thigh, his touch feeling nice on your aching muscles. "I got you, baby. I got you."

You smiled into his body, snuggling into him. "I love you."

Ethan kissed your forehead. "Love you too." You relaxed into his arms, closing your eyes and feeling your body going heavy against his. "Go back to sleep, babe. I'll be here."

You nodded slowly, humming in response, Ethan's warmth and hands lulling you to sleep.

This is one of the cutest things I've read! I can picture Ethan doing this for his girl when she's sick. Thanks for sticking around and stay tuned for my next post, but until then....


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