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A/N: Thank you guys for 2k Comments.

[Glory and gore go hand in hand, that's why we're making headlines, you could try and take us, but victory's contagious]

Xavier groans, his eyes flutter open seeing himself bounded by ropes and his feet as well. He blinks a few times and looks next to him. It's Zayn sleeping, but tied up as well.

Xavier watches Zayn sleep, his raven hair in his face and his tongue slightly hanging out from his mouth. Xavier also notice Zayn's face red from crying excessively. It made him feel bad for making Zayn cry, he shouldn't have pushed him to the floor, but anger blinded his judgment.

"Zayn wake up." Xavier says softly.

"He can't here you, I chloroform him ten minutes ago. He would've stop crying, so I had to shut him up."

"Why are you doing this Harry?"

"Because Zayn took Niall from me. Everything was going well until he showed up, he's need to be taught a lesson. I'm going to break him until there's no hope." Harry darkly smirks going over to Zayn.

"Don't go near him! He hasn't done anything. So what, if Niall left you for Zayn, you were an awful prick to him. Niall wants love not just sex, Zayn can give him that." Xavier reasoned

"Aww you ship Niall and Zayn so soon? Weren't you just yelling at Zayn because he falling for Niall instead of you."

"I did, but I'm thinking what's best for Zayn and Niall. They can be happy together." Xavier truthfully admit, no matter how bad it stings his heart, that he loves Zayn as much as Niall does, but Zayn will choose Niall over him.

"It doesn't have to be this way. You can have Zayn, your both held here for a while, might as well convince him that your the better person than Niall is."

"It doesn't work that way Harry, I can already see it in Niall's eyes that he's to deep with Niall, just let them being together and stop this foolishness." Xavier shot back.

"No! No! NO! Niall belongs to me end of fucking story. I'm not letting this pipsqueak getting what's mine, he's not going take Niall away from me." Harry growls, kneeling down next to Zayn.

"I said don't come near towards Zayn." Warned Xavier, as he struggled to break free.

Harry slaps Zayn a few times, "Wake up you little shit."

Zayn slowly open his eyes and winces at the heavy slaps he was getting by Harry.

"Enough! With the slaps." Xavier yells.

"Are you awake, Zayn?" Harry questioned sweetly.

"Yeah, are you here to save us?" Zayn asked groggy with a smile.

"No, you're here because no one wants you."

Zayn's smile slowly started to diminish, "Why?"

"Harry stop this."

Harry ignores Xavier pleads and continues, "I've watched you try to leave your house to find Xavier. You got caught by Niall. You know they hate you for leaving without anyone knowing."

"Can I tell them I'm sorry that I left them. They must be worried about me." Zayn says with a frown.

"No you can't say sorry. Trisha doesn't want you anymore nor does Leroy, or Niall. They really hate you, that's why your here, because your being punish for it." Harry says with a evil laugh.

"I-I didn't mean to make them h-hate me, I'm s-sorry, I just wanted to know If Xavier is okay." Zayn says quietly whimpering.

"Sorry isn't going to make anything better. Their probably having a celebration right now that you're gone. They never did love you Zayn, your just a clueless brat that no one will love you." Harry spat.

Zayn starts to cry, "W-why are you being mean to m-me?"

"It's simple, Niall in love with you silly. I want him back and I need you to be out of the picture."

"Harry! Stop this please, Zayn has suffered enough."

"No he didn't, he crying like a little baby, we have special plans for him."

"We?" Zayn and Xavier said in unison.

"You can come out now." Harry hollered.

Zayn jaw dropped when he saw who was the person standing right in front of him.


"What did you mean, he just left!?" Trisha says frantic at Leroy and Niall.

"We both went to the kitchen to get his painkillers cause he said his head was hurting and when we came back Zayn was gone out the door." Niall mumbled.

"Did you both have to go get his painkillers?"

"Leroy went to get the water and I was going to get his pills. We're sorry Trisha."

"It's okay we are going to find Zayn, so you have any clue where he might've gone?"

"He wanted to apologize to Xavier and I told him he can't. It is my fault Trisha. Zayn try to leave in the morning, but I caught him. I didn't think he would try again to leave without having someone accompany him." Niall muttered sadly.

"Cheer up okay? Zayn is probably fine with Xavier, but let's go make sure." Trisha says getting to the and once she opened their was someone at her doorstep.

"Amy? What are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you that Aurora escaped her jail cell and she might be after Zayn."

"Happy to see me Zack?" Aurora fake smiles.

"It's Zayn not Zack." Zayn pouted

"Shut up you little twit, I can't stand your annoying voice."

"How do you two know each other." Xavier sighs, as he gives up trying to break free from the rope, that are tied on both of his hands.

"You see, I just finish going to bathroom and the officer was about to lock my jail cell, but Harry came though the police doors yelling and such, which made the officer to turn around and forget to lock it. I stabbed the officer with a pen and manage to free Harry and we left together. I knew, if I were to get out, I wanted revenge. Zayn put me in jail and now your a prisoner here." Aurora says flinging her hair back.

"But you were cruel to me, I never did anything to you. You hated me from the start and I never knew why." Zayn says quietly sniffling.

Aurora scoffs. "You were so clingy and to happy for my taste. You needed a beating to know your place in life. It isn't sunshine and rainbows out their Zayn. Life is cruel, but you mange to see the brighter sides of things."

"I'm sorry, if I was a burden to you, but you treated me awful for being a nice person. Trisha has been the best mommy I ever had and I hate you so much!" Zayn yells, as more tears come down his face.

"Why you little brat, do you wanna get the hot shower I used to give!?" She spat.

"N-no anything but that." Zayn pleaded.

"Why don't we give them some alone together, we will come later." Harry suggested.

"Yeah, we can go to the bar and celebrate that we out smart the cops." Aurora laughs giving a high five to Harry and leaving the room, then locking it behind them.

Picture on the side is Ashely Benson from pretty little lairs, she will be playing Aurora.

Comment #PunchAurora if you liked this chapter.

Dedication: oDIRECTIONERo

What are your favorite songs off Four?
Mine are:
Stockholm syndrome
Once in a lifetime
No control
Fools gold
Almighty girl
Night changes
Change your ticket

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