Fan Sign In Seoul

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Your POV

The city had plunged into darkness a few minutes ago. The sky was bejewelled with stars and a crescent moon. I walked along the streets of Seoul as Gi, my best friend, glided ahead.

"Didn't I tell you we should have come earlier? Look at the size of the crowd.", I complained as I stared at the massive crowd gathering around the fan sign venue.

"It doesn't really matter. Standing in a crowd is a once in a lifetime experience.", Gi told me as she longboard-danced gracefully towards the venue. 

Longboard-dancing, a skill Gi and I had picked up here in Seoul. She looked beautiful, gliding in the cyberpunk streets.

"How is standing in a crowd a once in a lifetime experience?", I asked, completely annoyed. 

Honestly, she's the main source of vitamin D in my life, radiating 24/7, but she confuses me too much.

"This is probably going to be the only crowd you'll ever stand in where you're surrounded by BTS fangirls fangirling over BTS!", she squealed optimistically. 

She looks on the bright side too often. It's a major personality clash between me and her. She will always think of the positive outcomes of everything whilst I doubt and regret my every move. Then again, I guess a pair either has to be two minds that think alike or two as different as possible. 

"Okay you're right. Standing in this crowd is a once in a lifetime experience but that doesn't mean I want to do it. Death's a once in a lifetime experience, isn't?", I said.

"Yahh!", she screeched, "Why do you have to bring depressing topics into every convo? You're such a mood."

"I'm sorry okay? I'm just saying.", I apologised but by the time the words came out of my mouth, I'd lost her attention. 

The crowd went still and silent. No more shouting and screaming and jumping up and down, just still and silent. Gi was looking at something I couldn't see. I wish I was tall like her or at least average-sized. I go on my tip toes but still can't see anything at all. I would ask her to pick me up but she's stuck in some sort of trance.

"What is it?", I asked as I tugged at her sleeve.

"Who else do you expect? They're here.", she whispered without looking down at me. 

I know, I'm that short that she has to look down at me when she speaks.

"Do you think one of them is my soulmate?", she squealed again.

"Calm down! I'm going to become deaf if you keep on screaming like this.", I muttered nder my breath.

"Sorry. I'm-just-so-excited!", you could barely make out what she was trying to say.

"And no. I don't think any of them are your soulmate. Anyway, why are you so keen on meeting your soulmate? Love is a lie as they say.", I answered.

"Don't even get me started on the love is a lie thing. You can keep on believing that for the rest of your life because you were made to be a loner. I mean who would want to be with someone so pessimistic? And who isn't keen on meeting their soulmate?", Gi ridiculed. 

Love was another topic where we have a major personality crash.

"I'm not keen.", I declared.

"Don't worry. You're not keen because you don't have a soulmate. And if you do, I'm expecting he's going to be as dark-humoured and emo as you. And moon-obsessed or whatever.", she mused.

"Not moon-obsessed. It's called being a selenophile. Sort out your vocab.", I suggested.

"Whatever Miss Dictionary.", she mocked.

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