Announcement In Helsinki

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Your POV

I pull Namjoon's orange puffer jacket closer around me as the cold really gets to me. I've never been somewhere quite so cold in my life. I wonder if this what London would have been like if I went there for the medical conference. Namjoon forgive me for taking your jacket, I promise I'll give it back to you as soon as we meet. Desperate actions for desperate times. When I realised that I didn't have any of my own jackets at their mansion, I knew I had to take his. Gi warned me about how cold it would be but I could have never imagined this. 

"Y/N! You're here.", Gi waved to me through the crowd. I speed-walked to her, "Oh. It's been so long we met.", each word from her mouth dripped with pure sincerity and friendly warmth radiated from her body. The old Gi I know is back.

"Hi Gi! How are you?", I gratefully accepted her outstretched arms.

"I'm very excited to be abroad with you. We finally fulfilled the promise to go somewhere together out of the country.", she said as she looked at my small hand luggage, "Is that all? Have you brought no bigger luggage."

"No Gi. I think you've forgotten that I like to be quite so minimalist."

"But you have brought all your medications, haven't you?"

"I have. Don't worry about that."

"I've promised to Namjoon in my head that I'll keep you safe whilst your with me. And I wouldn't want to break that promise."

"It's okay. I'll be fine."

"But tell me if you don't feel well, okay?"

"I will, I will Gi. Since when did you become so much of a mum?"

"I don't want to lose you again Y/N.", she wrapped her arms around me again and I think I felt a few hot tears trickle down her cheeks, "So should we head to our hotel?"

"Yeah that would be good. I'm so tired."

"Let's go sleepy bear.", she teased. 

She took my hand luggage from me.

"It's okay. I'll take it.", I try take the bag from her.

"You're exhausted Y/N. I'm okay. And besides I would have let you take it if you could go to the hotel and sleep. But you can't. We have to get you dressed and ready for your big announcement.", at that, I don't try and take my bag and let her carry it.

Namjoon POV

Two hours till it's eight 'o' clock here and  I've been checking all day what channel it is but all it says is 'TV Special: UN Campaigns That Will Change The World'. That's not much information and  I doubt that Y/N is launching a UN Campaign. Not going to lie, she's sort of a bad influence when it comes to a lot of things. In the morning, I went looking for my orange puffer jacket but it's nowhere. Where did I lose that this time? I can't even imagine it's possible to lose a bright orange jacket that's so big but I think maybe me even underestimated me because it is definitely nowhere in this mansion.

"Boys? Have any of you seen my orange jacket?", I asked.

"You mean the really big one that you wore in Helsinki?", Jin questioned.

"Yeah that one."

"I swear I saw it that day hanging out of one of your open drawers.", Jungkook revealed.

"I thought I saw it there too but it's not there."

"Let me go and check for you.", Yoongi offered.

"Yeah please. I honestly didn't know it was possible to lose something so big."

"I didn't think it was possible either but you're Namjoon and it's possible to believe it when that prefix is added to disaster.", Yoongi joked.

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