Another Good Day

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Namjoon POV

Waking up, sunlight is streaming through the gap in the curtains. I've found myself hugging Y/N. I finally understand why Tae keeps on hugging me when we sleep together. He'd hug me and I'd pry his hands off me and give him a pillow to hug instead. When I wake up and tell him that it's so annoying when he hugs me, he would tell me that it's because hugging something helps him sleep better. Then I would tell him that hugging something helps me sleep better too and that's why I gave him a pillow but he'd thrown the pillow away and started hugging me again. But I guess if you have someone to hug then you'd rather do that then hug a something. And if that someone is someone that's close to you then it's even better. And I guess hugging turns in to strangling for the other person because you subconsciously hug them so tight because you love them so much. Y/N's taken all the duvet to herself, curling up in it to make a burrito. I remember how she'd made breakfast yesterday and I start to crave her food all over again. But I don't wake her up and this time, I make breakfast. No Jin to guide me, just me. The kitchen looks like a severe case of post-apocalypse and so do I.

"What are you doing?", Jin shrieked dramatically as he walked in to the kitchen half an hour after I set out to permanently destroy it.

"Cooking?", I said the answer more like it was a question.

"Who told you to?", he didn't look impressed.

"Myself, Sort of.", I seemed so unsure.

"You should have asked me for help. Look what you've done.", Jin taunted.

"I don't need help, I'm perfectly fine. And the kitchen doesn't look that bad.", I defended as I pressed a random button on the smoothie blender without looking. 

Wrong move. I'd forgotten to put the lid on and the contents of the mixer splurged out all over me, Jin and the kitchen.

"Well now it does look that bad.", Jin said, glaring at me. 

I looked around the kitchen. It was as if I'd overfed a baby dragon with berries and it had come and puked all over the kitchen. Okay not baby dragon, a fully-grown adult one, a very fat one. I looked at Jin apologetically and then new determination arose in me. I don't need help.

"It doesn't matter, I'll clean up and I don't need help. As I said, I'm perfectly fine.", I took a step towards the sink, reaching out for a towel. 

Wrong move. Again. I slipped, spreading more of the gone-wrong-smoothie around the kitchen and whilst trying to grab the kitchen desk to steady myself, I accidentally grabbed for the fry pan. Half-cooked eggs flipped into the air along with hot oil. "Oww oww oww!"

Jin leaped towards me, attempting to help me in my sorry state. The oil burned my skin. But he too skid across the kitchen, knocking down the bowl full of pancake batter. I heard chatter coming from the direction of the living room.

"What the hell is going on in there?", Jimin shouted. 

Then they entered the kitchen. They as in: Jimin, Jungkook, Tae, Hoseok, Yoongi and Y/N.

"Explanation please.", I looked at Jin and he looked back at me.

 Where do I start? Thank you Jin for taking the initiative of explaining.

"Namjoon here was trying to do some cooking alone. When I came into the kitchen, it looked bad enough. Then I scolded him for not asking for help. He was a bit too overconfident and said he didn't need help. Then chaos pursues. He turns on the blender without a lid and this stuff goes everywhere.", he explains as he shows the purple mess, "Then he still didn't admit that he needed help. Reaching for the towel to clean up apparently, he fell, grabbed the frying pan, tipped it over, resulting in the eggy mess over there. Then I tried helping but I fell and tipped the pancake batter over.", thanks a lot Jin. 

You pretty much blamed the whole thing on me. 

"That's not what happened!", I protested.

"Don't you try.", Jin warned.

"So who's going to clean this up?", Y/N asked. 

Even in her sleepy state, she looked beautiful. She has a powerful air about her, the perfect attitude for a leader's soulmate.

"Who do you think?", Jin muttered, annoyed. 

She considered the verdict.

"How about Namjoon?", she said, looking at me.

"No, no, no, no! I'll clean it up. I don't even know what's going on but I'll clean it up! Just as long as Joonie doesn't clean it up.", Hoseok shouted

"Since when do you care about him so much?", Yoongi quizzed.

"I don't care about him but I'd rather clean up now than clean up later when the mess is worse and Namjoon can't be trusted to so called clean up.", Hoseok confessed.

"That's a bit mean hyung!", Tae yelled.

"I don't mean it to be. Don't get me wrong Joonie, you're a great person but an awfully destructive one as well. We can't trust you to clean up.", Hoseok said softly. 

If these lot don't think I can clean up, then let me show them.

"It's okay. I'll clean it up.", I said as I took the mop from the corner of the room. 

I tripped on the bowl Jin had overturned and lay there on the floor, wincing in pain.

"What did I tell you?", Hoseok looked around. 

Y/N came and helped me up, using the slipperiness of the kitchen like a surface of an ice skating rink.

"Don't try prove them wrong now. Look at yourself.", Y/N whispered in to my ear as she bent down. 

How did she know?

"I'm not trying to prove myself."

"Don't lie to me. I know all about you."

"Mhmm.", I muttered in defeat. 

My back hurts so much.

She left briefly and came back soon, "Take these."

I looked at the painkillers melting in her hand and grimaced, "I don't want to."

"Don't act like a grumpy child. Just take them.", she offered out her palm again.

"But I don't like medicine.", I said with a pouty face.

"Please. Or else it'll hurt."

"But I'm totally fine. Nothing hurts."

"You slipped three times. I can feel the pain. For me? Or else it'll keep hurting me too.", she said.

 I looked at her and gave up. I took the painkillers and swallowed them with water.

"Good boy."

"Can I have a hug now moonchild?"

"Since you listened to me, okay.", she sat down on the sofa next to me. 

I brought her close, close enough to feel her heart beating next to mine.

Your POV

He brought me so close that I could feel his breath tingling my neck. And he didn't let go until we could hear the muted mumbles of the other members coming near with cleaning supplies.

"I'm sorry Namjoon. I shouldn't have been so mean to you. I know you were only trying to make some breakfast for us all. You did that because you cared.", Jin apologised.

"It's okay.", Namjoon accepted quietly.

Another good day. For him, for me, for us.

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