Making Headlines (Namjoon POV)

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Namjoon POV

I plaster a fake smile on to my face and switch on the TV, pretending to scroll through the programmes as the boys walked into the living room.

"Feeling better hyung?", Jungkook quizzes.

"A lot better guys. Thanks for all that. I really cause you lot so much trouble."

"Don't worry. Just remember that we're here for you when you need us.", Jin announced.

My eyes didn't leave the TV screen for a second. Yes because I wanted avoid direct eye contact with anyone, afraid that they'd be able to see passed this fake smile but also because the news channel caught my attention. The headlines reveal themselves briefly before the news reporter began speaking in her monotone voice.

"This is KBS News. I'm Kim Chun-Ja with our top stories for today. Namjoon, leader of BTS, has been confirmed to be present at the River Han shooting yesterday, there are now over seventy thousand cases of coronavirus globally and Parasite, a new film released by Bong Joon-Ho, makes history at the Oscars.". 

It doesn't seem like I'm the only person who's interested by the headlines. Yoongi looks at the screen as soon as he hears my name and the rest of them don't take long to catch up either. Soon, we're all looking at the screen and waiting for the news reporter to do what she does best: tell news.

"First up. It has been confirmed that Namjoon, leader of BTS, was present at the River Han shooting yesterday. Many people reported seeing someone that resembled him at the time of the shooting. After further investigation, footage from a nearby CCTV camera confirmed these sightings. In the footage, he is seen to be with a girl, whom many fans identify as the girl Namjoon had introduced as his 'soulmate' in a previous V-live. Shiminan Clinic approved her identity when they called in earlier saying that Y/N was admitted into their hospital after she was found in a critical condition near the site of the shooting. We have been asked to leave out the exact details of her admittance, including details of who was present with her at the time she was found. There are multiple theories about Namjoon's presence there. The most reliable one being that he was simply out and about with Y/N and unfortunate timings meant that he was there at the shooting. Namjoon himself has not left any messages for his fans and many of them are worried.  Fans urge him to come online if he is seeing this to confirm that he is alright. No comments from Bang Si-Hyuk on the incident. Reactions to Y/N's presence range from sweet to horrible messages. Some saying, 'I hope you get well soon.', and other unpleasant comments such as, 'It's all your fault Namjoon was there. He shouldn't have been hanging out with a commoner like you without security in public.' Next up, there are now over seventy thousand cases of coronavirus globally."

I switch off the TV, my head feeling heavy and my mind racing with too many unanswered questions.

"Oh yeah. The comments.", Jimin mumbled.

"You knew about this?", I glared him straight in the eye and he only nodded back in response. A glare that could reduce him to ashes in seconds. "And you didn't bother telling me that all this was going on?"

"I didn't want to put anymore pressure on you after everything that happened yesterday.", Jimin mumbled an explanation.

"And you thought I wouldn't find out?"

"I knew you were going to find out but...", he didn't say much more.

"God sake! Y/N's getting blamed for something she hasn't even done and she's also suffering the consequences of something I did and you think I'd be okay with that?"

"Not okay but just... err... we don't know.", Yoongi continued the explanation for Jimin. He looks at me in a hopeless way, probably a way that would get to me usually but now only deflecting of me.I've heard enough. I grab my coat that's lying on the sofa and slip it on. Walking out the door, the boys follow me.

"What do you think you're doing?", Jin looks at me.

"Driving to the hospital."

"In this situation?"

"Yeah. Do you think I can't drive? I just don't like to drive usually but I can."

"Yeah whatever. Get in the passenger seat. I'm taking you there."

Internally, I take a deep breath. I don't honestly think I could have driven to the hospital with so much on my head. As Jin starts driving, I take out my phone and log on to Weverse. 

Namjoon: Hey guys. I'm totally okay and you don't need to worry about me. To all the fans worrying about Y/N too, thank you so much for the moral support. And to those who don't have anything pleasant to say about her, please don't say anything. Y/N means so much to me and when you criticise her, even if you only mean to stand up for me, it doesn't help. She's in this condition because of my choices and honestly, just stay quiet if you don't have anything good to say. Again, many thanks to those who care about both of us because you clearly understand her importance to me.

Everything I say today is really straight to the point and blunt. I can't be asked to make a story because I have too much in my head. I leave the comments on and many are glad that I've reappeared out of the abyss and totally unharmed too. By the time my head is up, Shiminan Clinic is towering above me. it's scary. The same type of scare that monsters under your bed gave you as a kid. 

"Do you want me to come?", Jin asks softly.

"No. But thanks."

I get out of the car and a rush of cold hits me. Walking towards the entrance, it takes every ounce of will power to not run back in to the car, crying and admitting that I'm too scared  to see her like this. The doctors show me to her ward. She's in ICU. Y/N is in ICU. I look through the small window and catch a glimpse of her. She's pale and she looks fragile. As if a feather or a gentle flutter of a butterfly wing might break her. Walking in to the room, half-expecting her to open her eyes and greet me, my heart drops when she doesn't. Her heartbeat next to mine hasn't returned yet but the monitor by her bed shows that she's still breathing and her heart's still beating. It's killing me that she's so silent. She's always been so lively and quirky and wouldn't want to be seen dead in such condition. But that's how it is. She wouldn't want to be seen dead in such condition but she pretty much is. I try wipe away thoughts like that from my head but thy won't go. She is pretty much dead. I am pretty much dead too...

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