We are Bulletproof: The Eternal

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Your POV

Gi and I land at Incheon international airport today and we're both ever so tired. Scrap the speech that I wrote and re-wrote a billion times and practiced even more than that. The words just came flowing down with full emotion when I reached the stage. Every word was meant and I don't regret a thing I said. But there's one thing I want to do right now more than anything else: and that's to bury my head in Namjoon and cry my eyes out with tears of endless happiness. He doesn't even understand the depth when I say sunshine. It's not just a little name to show affection. I want to show him just what he means to me. I was in a dark, dark place before the beginning of this journey and though I admit it was quite annoying and bothersome at the start, I wouldn't take the world to turn back time. So many things happened to me and I thought I was broken in a way that even magic glue couldn't put me together again. But he patiently guided me through it all and I must say, I even dragged him down with me but he kept his morals high and proud. Namjoon, you aren't just my inspiration, you don't know how much you mean to so many people everywhere.

"Y/N! Over here!", I hear someone shout.

 It can't be though.

She's right besides me and her voice isn't that deep, "Y/N!", it shouts again.

 I scan the airport briefly and then seven figures catch my attention.

I pull Gi and quickly make my way to them, "Namjoon?"

"Y/N! You don't know how proud I am of you moonchild.", he says.

"It wasn't me. It was you but I delivered it to the world on behalf of you.", I bury my head into him but then realise I forgot someone a thanks, "Thanks Yoongi for everything."

I hug him tight and I'm surprised when he returns it. 

Then I bury myself into Namjoon again.

After a long hug, "Hi guys! How was I?"

"You were great Y/N.", Tae embraces me.

Jungkook holds out a bouquet of flowers, "It's good you've found yourself again."

"Thank you.", I give him a hug too. 

Then the shy figure of Gi catches my eye, "Oh. I forgot to introduce Gi. Guys, this is Gi. My best friend. And Gi, I'm sure you know who they are."

"Hi guys.", she says rather humbly.

"Don't be so shy. Guys, trust me she's not like this usually.", she playfully nudges me as I explain why she seems so tamed.

Everything feels so right in this moment. I know it isn't, there's a lot wrong at the moment but still, just for this moment even, everything is perfect. So I may still be weak and my body has gone through irreversible damage and I'm sure I've mentally scarred Namjoon and some others but I'm glad that we're here at this time. Suddenly, what Gi told me before the UN stage appears in my head. I smile as I realise what she meant. We forget to move on and it happens so naturally that we don't even realise. 

Namjoon POV

I'm proud of you moonchild and there aren't enough words to explain my gratitude and there never will be. Instead, I give you a passionate kiss, hoping that at least some of the gratitude I mean makes it to you through the kiss. So so unexplainably proud. We're bulletproof together and we made it through this and got to heaven. And the eternal waits for us. My moonchild. No other words for you.

 I whisper softly into her ears, "I love you moonchild."

Namjoon and Your POV

The world threw so many hurdles at us and tried to make us trip. It'll be wrong to say that we didn't trip. In fact, we did so many times that we got deep cuts and bled. But that shed blood now became beds of roses to bless our path of life. Yin and yang. Both the Moon and Sun is needed so that the world can co-exist in perfect harmony. And I think that's exactly what we've been shown. We need sadness to highlight happiness and we need happiness to pull us through sadness. You're my sunshine, I'm your moon child. You're my moon child, I'm your sunshine. So I guess we were meant to be in the end and this time I'll hug you so tight that not even the universe can rip us apart...

This is the last chapter and it's really short but it conveys all the meaning it has to. I'm happy that I've finished this story but I'm sad I have to let it go. I'm hoping to move on to a Jin or maybe a Yoongi fanfic next. And for all of you who have helped me through this book, thank you so much. There aren't enough words for the gratitude I owe you. I just want to share my stories and put a smile on other people's face. Only being thirteen, I want to use my talent to make others happy so I hope you enjoy this book. And to Namjoon and the rest of BTS, you guys are seven amazing people that the world don't deserve. You guys helped me find a part of myself that I never knew existed. My confidence is so much more and by loving myself, I love everyone else around me. We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal is playing whilst I write this and it's making me cry. Nice timing song but all the better to make this the most heartfelt thanks to all the people that deserve it. This character is a little piece of me which means so much to me. And as a first book and a new author, this has been an out of the world experience I wouldn't give back for the world. We Are bulletproof: The Eternal, all ARMYs and BTS. You aren't seven with us. I love you all moonchildren <3

Edit: Haha I'm now back after a year and I'm so happy. This book started with zero reads to 15k now. I have readers of all ages, genders and races and it makes me happy that our love for one amazing person ties us together over all barriers. 

Edit: OMG this has hit more than 25k, you don't understand, I love you all so much. This means so so much to meeeee.

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