So Far Away

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Namjoon POV

 A solitary tear streamed down my cheek and I don't bother wiping it away. A second one streamed down after it and just like the first one, I don't wipe it away. Then Yoongi walked in to my room, unannounced, and I scrambled up quickly, attempting to keep myself together in his presence. Ugh! I feel so bad for no reason. It's just one of those days.

"Feeling low?", he questioned.

"No.", I denied.

"Don't lie. Your mouth does the lying but your eyes tell the truth. And that's a fact you can't bury with a smile.", he mixed up one of my quotes.

"I'm not burying it with my smile.", I defended. "And is it that obvious?", I added, knowing I couldn't keep the truth from him for long.

"Yeah. It is that obvious. Are you going to tell me what's going on?", he answered.

"I want to but are you going to tell the others?", I mumbled.

"If you don't want me to then I won't."

"I miss her. A lot.", I admitted.

"That girl you helped at the fan sign?"

"Yeah her."

"How come you're so attached to her?"

"I think she's my soulmate."

"Do you know how weird you sound saying that?"

"Probably very weird but I don't care."

"Do you have her number?"


"Then text her."

"But I don't know what to say. What if she doesn't want to hear from me?"

"What do you mean 'what if she doesn't want to hear from me'? You're Namjoon from BTS, the man millions want to be with."

"Thanks for the compliment but I don't think she's like that. Let's just say she's a fan but her past experiences of love have ruined the whole aspect for her. Plus she has a totally different aura. Didn't you see? She was backstage with us but really calm and well kept."

"Well that's true but there's a such thing as mending you know. You could show her the other side of love."

"Since when did you become so philosophical?"

"Since you were Namjoon. I've got to go now. I just came in to check up on you. Hope it helped talking to me.", and then he left. 

I was drowning in my own emotions and Yoongi was the only person close enough to save me. But he wasn't the person I wanted to save me. Surprising how out of all the members, it was Yoongi who was comforting me. And even more surprising, his style of empathy was strangely comforting in a way I couldn't understand. I took out my phone and breathed in. Here goes nothing. I haven't felt this way about a girl since I was a teen but in a way, this seems more real and mature. 

Namjoon: Hi. Are you busy?

Y/N: Hey! I'm not. How's your visit going?

Namjoon: Daegu's a really nice play but I'm feeling a bit low today.

Your POV

I knew my negativity was impacting him. Which is super weird because I'm not meant to believe in this soulmate bonding crap but the more I think about what happened that night, it's the only thing that fits as the explanation. That's so annoying but the only acceptable path. I try stay happy and keep my thoughts away from Namjoon but it's a lot harder than I thought. The more time that passes ever since he helped me, the more I'm starting to believe in this romantic chemistry stuff. But it's not like I really do. The last boy was a piece of trash and I wasted too much. I'm not falling in a love trap again. I'm so silly thinking that my feelings would impact him. I brush of the uneasy feeling. I decide to play along with it for now.

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