NYC (Namjoon POV)

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Namjoon POV

"You guys ready?", we gathered around into a small circle, surrounding Jin.

"Yeah.", we muttered in unison. 

Training's been intensive for the past two days and I guess I may have lied to Y/N. I'd pre-warned her in the phone call we'd had the day before yesterday. I told her I was going to be busy and that training was going to get intensive. I'm just not sure that's she's braced herself enough though. Putting in my all in to every dance practice, I made sure that I perfected every move to do what she told me to do: give the ARMYs my best. Spring Day was playing on the large screens onstage in the venue and I could hear fans singing along to the video. It warms my heart. Music really has no barrier. Sometimes it's the tempo and the unspoken emotions that bring people together. 

"It's almost time. We give our best, okay?", Jin asked as we all huddled.

"We will.", we shouted.

We high-fived each other just like we always do before we go out onstage. 

"Give the ARMYs the best.", Yoongi whispered to me just before we went onstage. 

He'd remembered what Y/N said. We walked on to the stage and the feeling that arose me was the same one as the one that I'd felt the first time I was performing to such a large crowd. It was like a bit of nervousness, a lot of excitement and a teeny-weeny amount of fear mixed together. The words and moves spilled out of me as if I'd been doing them all my life. 

"Good job so far. Your solo's coming up.", Jimin reminded. 

My solo. The bit I have to do by myself. Obviously I have to do it by myself, that's why it's called a solo. Tae sounds so good when he does vocal solos and Hoseok seems so confident when he does dance solos but I feel like I can't achieve either perfect vocals or confidence when I rap by myself. The words and moves stop spilling out and instead I was finding it hard to remember them. Yoongi noticed me tensing up and came over to my side. I was freezing up as if all the training was useless. I tried to shake the chills of. 

"Are you okay?", Yoongi glanced over whilst continuing to dance and peering at me discreetly.

"Yeah. Just feeling a bit nervous for the solo.", I admitted.

"Don't worry. Remember 'give the ARMYs your best'.", he moved back to the other side and my solo was only a few lines away now. 

Three, two, one... Words were supposed to come out of my mouth but none came out. I stopped dancing and looked around the arena. Slowly, a rhythmic chanting began. A chant coming from the ARMYs.

"You can do it Namjoon, you can do it Namjoon.", half of my solo gone. 

I looked around to the other members and they reassured me. I began singing and soon the world around me had faded away in to a distant past. An ocean of purple lights, like little stars we see when we look up in to the sky. Clusters here and there like galaxies and every now and then, one light alone like that shining star. To others, their universe might be up in the heavens but to me, my heaven is right here in the stadium. Each light is a star. Each star is love and support, this is the bonds we have that ties us altogether. No matter our language, we all understand music, no barriers between us on this very beautiful night. A whale who sang songs no other whale could understand. Alone in the big ocean until you came along ARMY, that's the story of BTS. And for me? Perhaps you are the only other whale Y/N who understands me. And suddenly this world doesn't seem so invincible, let us light up the night and leave our own blaze. Only me and you now. Only me and you. A memory of the last time we came to New York, comes back to me suddenly. I remember leaning on the gate and staring out in wonder to the buildings of NYC. Even when I stood there, it felt like someone was besides me, now I think I know. It was you Y/N, wasn't it? The thought lights me up from within and momentarily, I feel like the brightest star in the sky. And I can feel you right besides me here too. Maybe we're one of those bonded stars that would collapse without each other...

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