Longest Weekend Ever (Your POV)

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Your POV

You know that feeling you get when you're waiting for something but just because you're waiting, it seems like forever to come. Yeah that feeling is what I feel right now. I've made sure I've packed all the right things for Seoul and I've re-checked and re-re-checked and re-re-re-checked too. I could go on forever but I'm not going to. Basically, I've done everything I possibly can but time isn't ticking. I've made sure that all the clocks in my house aren't broken or anything because time is taking forever to pass. They're not broken but this has got to be the longest weekend ever. Currently I'm staring at the only plain wall in my house. It's white and there isn't even a single frame on the wall or a table leaning against it. It's also the only wall I've never paid attention to because it's so plain. But now I'm giving it some attention and it's pretty interesting, interesting when you're as bored with life as me. I stare at it hopelessly, concentrating hard, hoping that time will tick a bit faster if keep myself occupied. But it isn't. I swear I checked the clock half an hour ago but apparently it's only been two minutes since I've last checked it. I lied to you Namjoon. Give me equipment for photography, listening to music and reading and I'll never be bored. I'm sure I said something along the lines of that. But that's all a lie. I've done that yesterday and a bit of today but I'm so sick and tired of it I never want to see a camera, phone or book again. Someone help me! I'm bored out of my skin. I have no more friends to invite over. My parents are out shopping. I've watched every single video on Youtube (not every single one but my eyes are getting teary from staring at a screen for long so that's a no-no). And now I'm writing the longest ever chapter. It was a blank piece of paper but now adorned with my cursive letters. What am I writing about? Just random things. Anything that pops in to my head as long as I don't stop writing. It's something we used to do at uni and it was really time-consuming, I hope it's still just as time-consuming as it was back then. Namjoon's going to be back on Tuesday and I can't wait to meet him as soon as possible. I can just imagine going out somewhere and having a good time. I wonder how he's feeling right now. I want to call him but I know he's performing at a concert somewhere in Sydney right now. Just thinking about a concert brings back the memories of the concert I went to. I want to be back there... sort of. I want to experience going to a concert all over again but if I go back in time to do that, all the quality time with Namjoon will have been erased too. I'm bored of writing down all my feelings on a piece of paper. It's boring, not time-consuming as I'd wish it to be and my hands are aching. So bye-bye for now. I don't want to right no more either. Ugh! Please, I don't think I've ever felt like this. If only i could find something to keep myself busy with. I'd go out, the weather isn't awfully bad but that's the same risk as attracting attention to get spat on. Outside my house is a no-go now unless it's totally necessary. Gi I swear. You really do control everything around here don't you? You made my life heaven when you wanted to and now you've made it hell as well. I'm not going to plague myself with that kind of thoughts. Stop Y/N! She's not the god of your life. But still, I really can't be asked to deal with dirty looks right now. I'm already winded up, one more push and I'll explode. Y/N stay calm, please. It's no big deal, after all you'll be seeing Namjoon in a few days. I'm happier now, I'll be moving to a new school far from all of Gi's minions and I think Namjoon really does love me. t's hard to read people but even in his heavy schedules, he always tries to make some time for me and that makes me feel so so blessed beyond a way to explain. Maybe life is balanced one way or the other. All my life, I've had bad experiences but he's come along and begun to change everything. I don't think you should be so solo, maybe leaning on someone is good at times. I'd once read a book. It was about a bird who only has one wing. It can never fly unless two birds rest on each other forever and have absolute trust. I've forgotten now what the bird was called but at the time i read it, it felt like utter nonsense. Now, not so much. 

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