Dance Monster

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Namjoon POV

"Just a question. Why are you called Rap Monster and not Dance Monster?", Y/N asked me. 

All of the boys were listening on in our conversation.

"Well, DM doesn't sound as cool as RM and I prefer rapping to dancing and I'm a rapper not a dancer and Rap Monster isn't a thing anymore, it's Real Me.", I explained.

"So the fact that you can't dance isn't a reason?", she pointed out innocently. 

Nice way to let me down. I thought you were saying that I'm so good at dancing that my name should have been Dance Monster. If the rest weren't listening before, they're listening now.

"Oh! That's a bit mean Y/N don't you think?", Yoongi was the first to comment.

"The truth is always hard.", Y/N replied nonchalantly.

"I know but there are softer ways to put it out there.", I said.

"The people who love you most also hate you most, it's what makes connections so deep.Isn't it boys?", she quizzed collectively.

"That's deep but true.", Jin admitted.

"So may I ask you what you hate about me?", I interrogated.

"Go ahead.", she said.

"What do you hate about me?"

"I'll only tell you if you tell me."

"Okay but you first."

"I'll start with the harsh things first. So I hate your hair in 'No More Dream'. It's so choppy and so dark. I don't like your dancing skills because you have none. And that's it with all the harsh things. So now other things. I hate it when you don't smile because I can't see your dimples. I hate it when you're far away because I can't live without you. I hate it when you're moody because it makes me feel low. Basically that kind of stuff among many others.", she confessed.

"Awww!", Tae cooed, "I thought you were going to kill his heart with negative comments. This guy isn't as strong as he looks. But the concluding points melt my heart even when they're not about me. Imagine how much they're toruturing Namjoon."

Everyone turns to look at me and surveys my reaction. I try not to grin too much but it's as if I'm an egg that's been cracked in half, my bright yellow yolk is seeping out and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

"Awww! Namjoon hyung is dying internally. Admit it.", Jimin laughed.

"No. I'm totally fine as reflected by my calm and still composure."

"As I've told you before, your mouth does the lying but your eyes can only speak the truth. I can repeat the latter part if you wish. The one about burying it with a smile.", Yoongi hinted.

"No no!We don't need to bring that up again!", I hurriedly said, "Fine. My insides are literally somersaulting and I'm dying because of all the things you hate about me. Partially because most of them are so thoughtful."

"Thanks. So what do you hate about me?", Y/N questioned. 

I thought about it for a while. What do I hate about you moon child? Then I started, "So I'll start like you with the harsh things first. I hate it when you see the worse side of things because I don't need two Yoongi's aka pessimists in my life."

"Hey!", Yoongi whined, "Now you're being mean."

"I hate it when you call me silly because even with my good grades, it makes me feel dumb. I also hate it when you don't care about your education. You're so smart and you should cherish the time you have to go to uni. Now for the other aspect of hatred. I hate it when you don't chew your lip when you're thinking. I think you look adorable when you chew your lips and you should do it more often. I hate it when you ignore me on purpose. Yeah. The list could go on forever but you get the point I'm trying to make."

"You two are the sweetest couple I have ever seen. How do you make Namjoon hyung's heart melt so easily?", Jungkook asked.

"I don't know. I guess it's just my visuals.", she answered and I snorted at that.

"Personally, I think Jisoo from Blackpink has tackled the visual side more than you.", I commented.

"Oh really? You want to challenge that?", she quizzed.

"No no! I take it back. I'm bored of sitting here. Dance practice guys?", I suggested. 

The rest nodded and we all got up. For the first time in forever it seems like Y/N wants to do dance practice.

Your POV

I've perfectly learnt all the words and moves to MIC DROP and I'm ready to show them to Namjoon. Let's show him who's the dane monster around here.

"Can we listen to MIC DROP first?", I queried.

"Sure.", Hoseok replied and he turned the music on. 

The members got in to formation and I briskly walked up to Namjoon.

"What do you think you are doing? Sit right back down.", I commanded him.


"Uh-uh. Sit right back down.", I repeated.

He didn't say anything and retired in to my place. I took up his position on the formation and the first few bars of the song began. The other members seemed not have to noticed and Namjoon's trying to stop himself from having a laughing fit, probably imagining me flopping to keep up. Half way in to the song and I'm the only one dancing. The other members have stopped as soon as they realised and they're staring at me. Every word nailed. Every move in sync. The last few bars of the song play and slowly fade away in to nothingness. To be honest, MIC DROP is one of my most favourite choreographies. Me and Gi learnt all the moves last summer. Me and Gi. When we were friends...

"Oh my god Namjoon! Your girlfriend got skills! Can I have her?", Hoseok joked.

"No!", Namjoon said a little bit too defensively and I giggled. 

"Oh but she can take your place in the rap line and maybe even become one of the members since her dance skills will polish our new music videos.", Taehyung pushed.

"No!", Namjoon shouted, "Look what you did now." 

But I knew he was only joking. On the insides, he was dying that I actually bothered to practice all that.

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