Your Fault

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Namjoon POV

It feels so weird that so much has happened in the last few weeks yet the beginning and the end is still the same. I began, feeling low on a plane heading to a place too far away from where I wanted to be, with Yoongi comforting me. The next few weeks had been weeks I wouldn't change for the world. And now here I am, feeling low on a plane heading to a place too far away from where I want to be, with Yoongi comforting me. And it's all your fault I'm so sad.

"Are you okay?", Yoongi walked in to the room.

"Do I look okay?", it came out much harsher than I'd wanted it to. It's not fair that I pour my negativity over Yoongi who's only here to comfort me, "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"Don't worry. I understand,", he started, "Are you missing her?"

"Mhmm.", I could only mumble it because when Yoongi said it out aloud, the realisation of it all hit me hard, and it made me collapse in to tears again. 

He stayed silent for a moment, assessing the atmosphere. And for some reason, because he wasn't commenting on me crying, shedding tears helped me feel lighter.

"Do you want to text her?", the same thing as last time. 

What good would that do? She's all the way in Busan, I'm not going to see her for the next three weeks because I'll be abroad and when I come back, I still won't be able to see her because she'll be in university, hundreds of miles away from me.

"I don't want to."

"Why not? I know messaging isn't enough but it's the most you can do now. In fact call her if you want. I can leave if you want.", he got up slowly but I pulled him back down.

"Please stay. I can't call her alone.", he didn't object and quietly sat back down. 

I needed to give her a video call but I wasn't sure if I could do it alone. Four rings and she picked up. I caught sight of myself in the mini screen on the right-hand corner looking like a mess. I hurriedly wiped away as much of the tears as possible.

"Hi sun shine!", her cheery voice bathed me in happiness instantly.

"Hi moonchild!", I greeted her, "How's life going?"

"I'm really tired. The drive back to Busan took ages and I'm packing my stuff for uni now."

"Do you miss me?"

"Is that a question you expect an answer to? Of course I do.", she paused and looked elsewhere for a moment, I could see she was wiping away a stray tear. "Have you been crying?", she continued.

"Maybe.", I didn't want to lie but I couldn't admit it either.  

"I can see you are so don't lie! I'll be back in a moment.", she paused the call from her side. Is it just me overreacting or does she seem a bit too happy under the given circumstances? She resumed the call, "Put your nose here.", she plastered a piece of paper with a large dot in the middle of it on to the screen on her side.


"Just do it.", I put my nose in line with the dot. 

She leaned forward, the paper slipped out from view, replaced with her lips. She kissed me, only a small peck but still a kiss. Her lips almost touching mine, just separated by two panes of glass.

"What just happened?"

"I gave you a virtual kiss silly! Didn't you notice or do I have to do it again?"

"I didn't notice. You have to do it again.", I teased her.

"You just want another one! No more. I know you noticed.", she laughed. 

I quickly flashed the camera towards Yoongi. Too fast so that she wouldn't see his reaction but slow enough so that she would know that he was here. And her reaction was just as I imagined.

"Oh my god! Is that Yoongi? You never told me he was there!", she whined, her face flushed red, embarrassed that she kissed me in front of him, "I'm so sorry Yoongi. Namjoon should've told me you were there. I wouldn't have done that if I knew."

"I don't want to ruin your happiness but how come you're so happy?", I quizzed.

"What? You don't want me to be happy because you're not? So selfish!", she joked.

"No but I thought you missed me. And we might not see each other in such a long time."

"I know I know. But I have good news."

"What's the news then?"

"I've been transferred to a uni in Seoul!", she screamed. 

Your POV

When I said that, his face changed so suddenly. All the sadness that was pulling him down had let go.

"What? You're lying!", he accused.

"I'm not!", I defended.

"But actually?"

"Yeah actually. I'm serious!"

"What? But how?"

"So aren't you going to tell me that you're so happy?"

"I am happy moonchild but I'm more shocked."

"Basically, the headteacher of my uni had sent me an email yesterday saying that my grades were exceptional and that they thought that I could be taught better at a campus in Seoul. I'd only seen it today morning but when I did see it, I was begging my parents to let me. You should've seen me. It was so funny. The things I do for you sunshine. My parents hadn't seen me so happy about anything before and they agreed. So here I am, packing for uni in Seoul. I thought you would've gotten the hint when I said I was packing for uni. Unless I'm moving elsewhere, I wouldn't have to pack for uni, would I?"

"Sorry I hadn't realised.", he said sarcastically, "I wouldn't even imagine anything like that."

"Well now you won't have to imagine because you're going to experience it. Yoongi? Are you still there?", I looked beyond Namjoon, in to the screen.

"Yeah,", he muttered.

"Does Namjoon tell you guys how annoying I am when I'm away?"

"Hell yeah. He says all kinds of stuff about you."

"Stuff like what?"

"Stuff that I can't say because it stays between me, him and the boys."

"But it's about me so surely I can know?"

"Hello guys! I'm still here for your info.", Namjoon yelled.

"I know silly! You're holding the phone."

"Stop calling me silly! You make me feel dumb compared to you even though we all know I'm way smarter haha."

"No need to be flashy Namjoon.", I could hear someone calling him as I mocked him. 

"I'm really sorry. I need to go but I'll call you later. Tomorrow at four?"

"No problem. Have a good time in New York, give the ARMYs your best. Bye guys! Love you sunshine."

"Love you too moonchild.", he responded and then closed the call. 

Namjoon POV

"You two are so cute. You know that?", Yoongi told me.

"Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment. Come on, Jungkook's calling. And thanks for the advice.", I said. 

Yoongi's form of empathy had worked again. And it's all your fault moonchild that I'm so happy. is that a fault? A fault in our stars maybe... that'll make us happier than we ever have been.

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