Further and Further Away

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Your POV

Everyone except me and Namjoon have woken up. It's eleven a.m. but I'm still so tired. Naamjoon's fast asleep, fatigue plaguing his face from last night. He looks as exhausted as I feel. I heard a knock at the door followed by a voice.

"Can I come in?", it was Jungkook. 

Cute how he's still so shy and polite in front of me. 

I jumped out of bed and opened the door, "Hi Jungkook."

"Oh. You two are still asleep. Should I come back later?"

"No it's okay. He'll be awake soon. Give me a sec.", I winked at him. 

Walking around to Namjoon's side of the bed, I slid his pillow  from underneath him and smacked him in the face with it. "Time to wake up sunshine!"

Jungkook held my gaze for a moment, "I don't think that's a good way of waking him up. He'd kill me if I did that."

I realised that he was scared for me, so sweet. "Don't worry.", I reassured.

"Hmmm? I don't want to get up!", Namjoon moaned.

"Stop being such a lazy baby Namjoon. We have a guest.", when I said that, Namjoon abruptly got up and pulled a shirt over his head.

"Who is it?", he rubbed all traces of sleep out of his eyes, "Jungkook? What are you doing here?"

"I didn't really want to wake you up but...", Jungkook hesitated for a moment.

"Go on.", Namjoon pressed.

"PD-nim just called and he's said that we're going to New York tomorrow."

"New York? Tomorrow and so suddenly? Please tell me this is a joke."

"I wish I could say that but it isn't. It was a bit of a last minute thing. I didn't want to disturb you but I thought it would be best if you knew as soon as possible."

"Okay New York tomorrow. But for how long?"

"A week, followed by Toronto for three days, then London for four days, Sydney for four days as well and then back here in Seoul."

"What? Not just New York?"


"Okay thanks for letting me know. You can go now.", Jungkook walked away silently, a guilty ghost in his eyes, as if it were his fault Namjoon was being snatched away from me. 

Namjoon stared at me. I knew that I'd have to leave the end of this week at the very latest even if he wasn't going on a visiting spree but I'd tried to avoid that topic up till now.

"So?", I mumbled.

"So what? There's nothing we can do is there?"

"Namjoon, whether you were going to all these places or not, I'd have to leave this Friday anyway. I only came here for the holidays, remember? I have to be back in Busan three days before university."

It's hopeless either way. I'd finally become used to him and started to catch some feelings and now we can't even make it anything bigger. I bet he'll see all his fans throughout the tour and at some point, he won't notice when he forgets my existence. I'll become another one of a million girls to him. But it won't be the same for me. Rather, he'd become one in a million boys to me. I was stupid for even thinking that maybe I was finally lucky. Images of my ex began to fill up my head and no matter how hard I turned the tap to turn of the rushing thoughts, the flow wouldn't stop. I'm mentally drowning in anxiety and fear. Why can't I ever be happy? I sigh, there's no point making this a big deal Y/N, end on a positive note please. 

"I know but I don't want you to go. How are we going to meet if you're in Busan and I'm in Seoul? They're pretty far and it's not it's like a ten minutes drive away or something. Forget about me going to all these places. I'm talking about after I come back."

"I don't know.", I felt weak suddenly. Hopeless and stranded, "I guess I'll be leaving today then."

"You're going to have to but promise me you'll stay in contact with me because we'll figure this out after I come back.", Namjoon held a desperate pleading look.

"I promise I will.", there wasn't much more I could say.

Namjoon POV

I watched as she solemnly pack away all her clothes and belongings. I'd begun to miss her already just with the thoughts of her being so far away from me. Merely a month ago, I would have been jumping up and down knowing that I was going to London but now I was filled with empty. I don't mean to be ungrateful. I'd honestly be happy any other time but life really does like to throw you off, doesn't it? It's just the way everything works I guess. Yet even after knowing all this, I don't feel any better. It's something that's not in my control but it does hurt. I guess that's where being human comes in. If we all knew how to accept everything completely, then we wouldn't be human, would we?

"Do you want me to call a cab?", I couldn't bear to hear the words 'good bye' coming out of my mouth so I didn't say it.

"No. I'll be fine."

"Please let me Y/N. I want to do it."

She didn't put up a fight about it like she would've usually. She only nodded her head feebly. I wish I hadn't said that because the void between us was only stretching further with all the hopes we had for each other in our last moments together for a while. I called a cab reluctantly, images of her riding away metre by metre further and further away from me flashing in my head as if they were already memories. Me and the other members saw her off, standing outside the mansion. Tears built up in my eyes, blearing my vision.

"Love you.", I whispered as she got in to the car and the sensation of a slow, rhythmic heartbeat next to mine, returned. 

The heartbeats only uttered one thing: love you too.

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