Trapped In A White Room

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Your POV

I really wanted Namjoon to be the first visitor that I would be able to see for myself but he hasn't come to visit in the last three hours I've been awake. But I didn't even imagine she would come to visit me, yet alone be the first visitor I could greet. I'll admit this: I kind of missed you and I'm glad you're back.

"Y/N?", her soft voice stained the silence of the room. At first I didn't open my eyes, I didn't want to believe it was her but it had to be her. If there's any other voice that I know better than Namjoon's, it's hers. "Y/N?", she repeated.

I opened my eyes just enough to see if it actually was her. The same kindred eyes and glow as the first time we met.

"Oh Y/N! I missed you so much!", Gi ran up to my side and gave me a hug, cupping my face in her hands. I don't think I've ever seen her so unorganised. Her usually neat her was frizzy and rough against my face and her eyes were rimmed with red from all the crying. "You don't know how much I missed you! Are you alright?". She took a step back and I threw her a stony look. I didn't mean to seem so hostile but my face stayed frozen no matter how hard I tried to mould it into a warm smile. "It's okay I guess. I'll be on my way then.", she continued as she analysed the emotions on my face.

"No wait.", I paused not sure what to say next, "I missed you too."

She came forward again and hugged me tight like she would never let go. It felt like one of those sappy reunions that you only see in movies. This is the only time I'll accept sappy because it's worth it.

"I'm sorry... for everything,", she stuttered. 

In all our differences, there was a similarity. Neither of us could say sorry easily. I finally smiled at that. It felt good hearing her say sorry because I knew she really meant it.

"It's okay. We can leave it all behind.", I stutter, words being difficult to utter because I still feel weak.

We looked at each other for a bit longer. Did we really mean what we were saying or was it for the sake of the circumstances?

"How come you're in Seoul at this time? It's not holidays at uni.", I continued.

"As soon as I heard on the news that, you know what happened, I couldn't bear it longer. Don't take it this way but if you were to die, you would die thinking that I still hated you. And we've been friends for too long to let that be the end.", she confessed.

"I'm glad you came. But they think you're skipping lessons at uni then?"

"Mhmm.", she mumbled.

"But your perfect attendance record you've been wanting to keep up until you graduate?"

"You're more important than a record."

"I'm glad you're back."

"I am too. So tell me now, how's Namjoon?"

And it was like how it was back then. Sharing all the gossip we had and filling each other in on our lives.

"He's great."

"Everything you've ever imagined in a boy?"

"Not really. I never imagined a boy."

"I guess that's true but I'm happy for you. You got everything you deserve in the end.", her eyes clouded over as she said that.

"What's wrong?"


"Something's wrong. Tell me."

"Don't worry. I'm just not sure how to handle my emotions right now.", she thrusted a small box in to my hands. 

Opening it, a small rose-gold heart ring revealed itself. Something flashed on Gi's ring finger. The same ring. Engraved on its inside was the name 'Gi'. And then she handed me a purple flower bouquet. What I love most about this moment is she's not continuously pestering me about everything that happened back there at the river. She's focusing on present time.


"It's okay. Friends again?"

"Friends again.", I agreed.

"I'm sorry. I need to get back to Busan so I can go uni tomorrow. Would stay longer if I could though."

"It's okay. You can go.", I smile.

It's more than enough that she came by.

"Okay. Bye.", her eyes glistened brighter than her dimpled smile this once.


Namjoon POV

Ten 'o' clock already? Have I really been asleep for this long? I slide on trousers and a light t-shirt. Looking outside, it's pouring so I ravage through my cupboard to find a jacket. 

"Breakfast?", Jin asked.

"Nah. I'll have it later."

"Sure? We have omelette and other stuff today.", Tae offered.

"I'm good. But save me some. I'll be back."

I walk outside and the rain hammers at my skin as I race to the car. The traffic today is horrible. I thought I would have missed rush hour by now but I guess not. Y/N's heartbeat still isn't there and I'm starting to wonder if it's just me that can't feel it. Parking the car is difficult but eventually I find myself a spot. The rain is still pouring and I kind of want to stay in the car, warm and dry. There's a single yellow flower growing in the ground. Gently, I pluck it out and run towards to the hospital entrance. Wait. Was that Gi? What's she doing here? Isn't she supposed to be at uni... like in Busan? Seeing her, I run towards Y/N's ward. I'm suddenly worried and my heart beat picks up pace. If Gi's come here and done anything to Y/N whilst she's unconscious, I won't spare her soul.

"Moonchild?", I'm panting and catch a little bit of my reflection. 

Dripping and messy and not a nice sight at all.

"Hi sunshine!", she greeted.

I hold out the flower and then quickly take it back, seeing the beautiful purple bouquet of flowers on her bedside table. Where are my senses, aren't I meant to hug her like I won't ever let go. I'm so glad but my body can't even convey any of that.

"Oh. Who brought you those?"


"Erm... so you two are... are you two chill now?", I stuttered.

"She's made up. So yes, we are chill. Now aren't you going to come in for a hug or will you just stand there like we're strangers?"

My facial muscles pull themselves up and I reach in for a hug. She doesn't care that she's getting wet and only hugs me tighter, transferring her heat to me. And finally, the moment I waited for comes. Her heartbeat returns next to mine. A fast but lovely sensation like it was the first time we met each other.

"I'm going home today, you know.", Y/N announced.


"Yeah. On medicine but ready to go home."

"The boys will be so happy to hear."

"There's only a few problems. I've got tons of homework to catch up on and my uni thinks I'm skipping lessons."

"If you thought I don't care about you, you're very wrong. I have that side sorted."


"Shall we get you home now?"

"Yes please."

She leans in for a kiss and everything feels fine again. Everything's fine I tell myself.

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