I'm Coming To Get You (Namjoon POV)

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Namjoon POV

I don't think Y/N's realised that I'm coming back to Seoul in four days. We've just arrived in Sydney and the car ride to our hotel is going well so far. No saseang alerts just yet and the views are breathtaking. Tae's taken his camera out and started taking snaps of the skyline. But I can't get the image of Y/N's excited face when she sees me back in Seoul after weeks out of my head. She's going to Seoul in three days and I'm going in four days. I can't wait to surprise her at her campus. But there's a minor problem. I've tried getting details of where she's going to be staying but it looks like it's not at a dorm in the campus. That means she must be staying at a flat near her campus. Why do you always have to make my life harder for me moon child? It's going to be near impossible to track her whereabouts without asking her.

"Nice pictures Tae.", Jimin came over and tried to peer over my shoulder to see Tae's pictures. Even when I was sitting down, it's hard for him to see over me at his height.

"Thanks. But it's all thanks to the beauty in this city. I can't wait till after the concert.", Tae responded.

"Why after the concert? I thought you're the most enthusiastic about concerts.", Hoseok chimed in to the conversation.

"The concert's going to be fun but imagine how many more amazing photos I could take if I wandered through the city. This is only from the window of a car.", Tae commented.

I remember when Tae was really young. Our first days together as trainees and even after the debut. For some reason, I feel like Tae is younger than Jungkook. He's always had this childish mind but Jungkook's more reserved and shy. Over time, he's matured quite a lot but not enough to act normal in from of Y/N. They both have this connection that only they can feel but so strong that others can see it. 

"You seem really deep in to thought.", Yoongi mumbled from somewhere behind me.

"Huh? Yeah." I hadn't seen him there.

"What are you thinking about? The concert?", he pressed on further. I knew what kind of response he wanted.

"Yup I'm thinking about the concert and how glad I am to not have a solo in it this time.", two can play this game Yoongi.

"I don't see why you were so nervous for your solo last time. You did all right actually.", he said. Maybe he doesn't see that I'm playing along with him?

"What do you mean all right? That's what I was nervous about. That I'd be Namjoon status and not RM status. Namjoon and RM are very different."

"All right as in not better than me but still amazing. Definitely RM status just not Suga status.", he was playing along too. You could see the competitive glint in his eyes.

"Oh. I thought you meant I could have been better in my form and not as a Namjoon-morphed-into-Suga form.", I joked.

He took on a serious face. I'd underestimated him. He was the master of the game and I was an overconfident loser who thought he could win. "So you're going to forget about Y/N just because you haven't seen her for ages?", he started.

"No Yoongi. I lied. I was thinking about her and not the concert.", I confessed. He look satisfied immediately.

But he wasn't ending it there, "You know Namjoon dongseang, it's not good to lie to your hyung.", he said it slightly louder so that it would catch the attention of the other members. He never calls me doseang but I'm pretty sure he did it on purpose so that the meaning would sink in to me. Swag king.

"Lied? That's not a good habit to pick up Namjoon.", Jin shouted over from the front seat.

I shot Yoongi a dirty look and he returned it with a smirk. Then he turned away and chatted away with Jungkook like he never had a convo with me. I ignored him too and opened my window completely. Then I stuck my head out of the car and let the wind harshly comb my hair as we sped across the Australian motorway. I could hear the other members screaming at me, telling me to close the window. Telling me I'd get a cold or that a saseang would spot us but I didn't care. They're taunts were only muffled noises at the back of my head. The wind's melody was ringing in my ears but then the car suddenly stopped and the music stopped just as suddenly.

"What kind of behaviour is this?", Jin shouted as he closed the window. I didn't say anything and looked down, like a guilty child caught stealing sweets. But to be honest, I felt no guilt because I did nothing wrong.

"Are you not going to respond then?", Jin continued. I kept my eyes firmly downwards. "Out of the car. Now!"

I got out and stood there. He stormed over to me and I was still looking down. He held me by the chin and forced my head upwards. By then, the other members stumbled out of the car, all looking confused.

"Jin, what's going on here?", Jungkook questioned. The second peacemaker of the group. Reserved for the occasions when the first peacemaker was in war, occasions like this one.

Jin gave Jungkook a stony glare, "Stay quiet."

Jungkook got the message instantly and stood down. What kind of peacemaker are you? You can't even find a solution.

"Namjoon, what's going on? You're acting very different. You're less confident, you don't want to follow rules and where is your basic respect for your hyungs and doseangs? I heard you lying to Yoongi. What's going on?", his tone had softened after he saw the desperate and pleading look in my eyes.

"I don't know.", tears were going to overflow but I held them back. I didn't need to be seen crying out here.

"Tell us Namjoon. I know we seem like the enemies here but please, we only want to make peace with you.", Jin tried.

"What should I tell you when I don't know myself?", I'd realised the changes as well but I thought it wasn't that big of a deal. My mood changes too quickly. One moment is all it takes for the change between happy and sad.

"This is hard for me to say but look. When we get back to Seoul, you're not allowed to meet Y/N for another two weeks.", Jin announced. I looked at him. How could you do this?

Yoongi knew what I was thinking. I was going to explode very soon and out here wasn't the best place for me to get angry.

"Jin hyung, we can't do that. You can see how long he's been waiting to see her again.", Yoongi projected boldly. Thank you. Finally a useful peacemaker.

"As I said, this is hard for me to say but it's the best decision. Namjoon, that girl is your other half but she's not your life. Learn how to live without her because there will be times in the future she won't be yours.", Jin muttered. 

I looked at him in disbelief. Is he for real?

Don't explode Namjoon, don't explode. Please. Not here. Wrong time, wrong place.

"You can't do that Jin.", Jungkook didn't call him hyung. That shows he meant serious business. "I've gone through a time similar to his and it wasn't even with a soulmate. I can understand how he feels and what you're doing is wrong. He's been very patient, keeping his feelings to himself and not lashing out on us. He deserves to see her as soon as possible.", Jungkook concluded. 

But when he said that, it was enough to push me over the edge. You can't make peace when it's needed but when you feel like someone else's made your job easier, you come to take away all the credit? I didn't know you were like that Jungkook. 

"Shut up Jungkook! Everyone in to the car! I'm driving!", I declared it in my leader voice. 

I ran to the door and collapsed in to the driver's seat. Everyone got in quite soon afterwards and I started driving. It was slow at first but then it over took the speed limit. Screw the rules. We need to get to the hotel before I burst. I don't understand. Why on earth would Jin say something like that? He was just fine with her before, always hanging around at the kitchen but what changed so fast? I just want to bang my head on a wall till it cracks. Of all people, I thought he understood me most but that's not true. And I thought Yoongi, even if he's friendly with close people, wasn't understanding. Is everything I thought, not true?

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