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PIPPA DANFORTH sat on the spare bed in Amelia Pond's room, listening to her little prayer to Santa.

"Dear Santa" the little red head began.
"Thank you for the dolls and pencils and the fish"
"And the box!" The slightly younger Danforth chipped in.
"And the box" Amelia rolled her eyes fondly.

"It's Easter now, so I hope I didn't wake you, but honest, it's an emergency. There's a crack in my wall. Aunt Sharon says it's just an ordinary crack, but me and Pippa both know it's not, because at night when Pippa stays over she hears voices, so please, please could you send someone to fix it? Or a policeman, or a-"

The little Pond is cut off when she hears a rather loud whooshing sound.

"Just a moment" she temporarily excused herself to check where the noise was coming from.

She grabs a small torch and looks outside her bedroom window, Pippa jumping up to join her, for she too had heard it.

There, outside in Amelia's garden, was a large blue box, which had seemingly crashed and landed on its side.

Amelia and Pippa both look at each other in joy.

"Thank you Santa"

The two quickly grabbed their shoes and dressing gowns and ran towards the front door, excitedly throwing open the back door.

They then cautiously approached the strange box shaped object, both children wondering how on earth it had managed to get there in the first place.

All of a sudden, the box opened up, only to reveal a rather strange man, with clothes that looked to be made by Pippa's late grandmother - not very well. They were tattered and torn, and very unkept. Not to mention, he was drenched from head to toe.

"Could I have an apple? All I can think about. Apples. I love apples. Maybe I'm having a craving? Never had cravings before" the strange man says, slightly confusing the two little girls.

The man sits at the edge of this box and peers back into it.
"Whoa. Look at that"

"Are you okay?" Amelia asks the man.

"Just had a fall. All the way down there, right to the library. Hello of a climb back up" he quickly answers her.

"You're soaking wet" Pippa chimes in, observantly.

"I was in the swimming pool" he answers back, confusing them even further.

"You said you were in the library" Amelia shot back, clearly confused. Was he in the library or the swimming pool?

"So was the swimming pool" he retorted.

Pippa's face screwed up in confusion. Why would you put a swimming pool in a library?

"Are you a policeman? Pippa asks, hope laced in her voice.

"Why? Did you call a policeman?"

"We called Santa, actually" she said, quietly. The man frowned.

"Did you come about the crack in my wall?" Amy asks him.

"What crack? ARGHHHH"

The man suddenly cried out in pain, making the two girls jump in surprise and shock. He fell to the ground.

"Are you all right mister?" Pippa called out to him.

"No, I'm fine. This is all perfectly norm-" his words were cut off by a strange, yet pretty cloud of yellow, almost golden mist leaving his mouth, making Pippa and Amelia gasp in awe.

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