Thirty Five

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"THAT'S NOT possible" Mack muttered, as the Doctor busied himself, sonicking the nearby computers.

"Oh, no, what are you doing?" Nasreen panicked slightly, seeing he had managed to hack into their private reports.

"Hacking into your records. Probe reports, samples, sensors. Good. Just unite the data, make it all one big conversation" the Doctor muttered what sounded like absolute nonsense in Pip's opinion, but all she really cares about in that moment was getting her best friend back.

"Let's have a look. So we are here" the Doctor pointed at the screen. "and this is your drill hole" he finished, pointing elsewhere on the computer screen.

"Twenty one point zero zero nine kilometres" Pip's eyes widened as she read one of the readings aloud. "Well done".

Nasreen simply smiled. "Thank you" she wore a proud smirk. "It's taken us a long time"

"Why here though? Why did yoy decide to drill here of all places?" Pip's asked, her curiosity piqued. To this, Nasreen smiled.

"We found patches of grass in this area, containing trace minerals unseen in this country for twenty million years!"

The Doctor frowned.

"The blue grass? Oh, Nasreen. Those trace minerals weren't X marking the spot, saying dig here. They were a warning. Stay away. Because while you've been drilling down, someone else has been drilling up" the Doctor spoke quietly.

Not long after he spoke, the computers sensor readings resolved themselves on the screens.

"Oh, beautiful. Network of tunnels all the way down"

"How long have they been here though, would probably be a good question to ask right now" Pip's muttered, standing next to the Doctor, her eyes scanning through the readings.

"But we've scanned through that area" Mack spoke up, not quite understanding what the Doctor was trying to say.

"Yeah, but you only saw what you went looking for" Pip pointed out.

"What are they?" Nasreen asked, pointing to the screen.

"Heat signals" the Doctor answered. "Wait, dual readings, hot and cold, doesn't make any sense" he rambled slightly.

"And now they're moving. Fast. How many people live nearby?" Pip asked, her eyes widening ever so slightly.

"Just my daughter and her family. The rest of the staff travel in" Mack answered, starting to feel worried for his family now he knew that they could be in danger.

The Doctor pointed to various equipment scattered around "Grab this equipment and follow me"

"Why? What're we doing?" Nasreen frowned, still rather confused as to what on earth was happening.

"That noise isn't a drill, it's transport. Thirty kilometres down. Rate of speed looks about a hundred and fifty kilometres an hour. Should be here in, ooh, quite soon. Twelve minutes. Whatever bio-programmed the earth is on its way up, now"
The Doctor, Nasreen and Mack continued their conversation, Pip zoning out, but not for long however, because she happened to notice a very familiar man running towards them.

"Rory! Where on earth have you been?" Pio smiled, to which he only grinned, before turning to the Doctor.

"Doctor, something weird's going on here, the graves are eating people"

To this Pip had to stifle a laugh. Graves eating people? Graves aren't people, they don't have appetites, and she didn't really think anyone would fancy eating dead corpse for tea, let alone a grave stone.

Rory glared slightly at the brunette, knowing full well he sounded insane.

"Not now, Rory. Energy barricade, invisible to the naked eye. We can't get out and no one from the outside world can get in" The Doctor spoke, brushing Rory off.

"What? Okay, what about the Tardis?" Rory spoke again.

"The what?" Nasreen frowned. Either these people were insane, or she was going insane.

"Er, no. Those energy patterns would play havoc with the circuits. With a bit of time, maybe, but we've only got nine and a half minutes" the Doctor shrugged his shoulders, feeling slightly frustrated.

"Nine and a half minutes to what?" Rory asked, starting to panic.

"Nine and a half minutes until whatever's down there makes it's way to the surface" Pip answered, pointing to the ground.

"Where's Amy" Rory suddenly asked, finally noticing the ginger wasn't with them.

"Rory..." Pip started, but found herself choking on her words.

"Get everyone inside the church. Rory, Pip, we will get her back" the Doctor instructed.

"What do you mean, get her back? Where's she gone?" Rory raised his voice.

"Rory, she was taken, into the earth. The earth swallowed her. I tried to pull her out but I lost grip of her hand" Pip spoke quietly, her eyes starting to water, although she tried her best to stop  the tears from escaping.

Rory doesn't say anything, but he throws his arms around Pip's smaller frame, and she instantly returned the hug.

"I'll find Amy. I'll keep you all safe, I promise"

"You mean we'll find Amy. Don't you think you're doing this by yourself, you clever boy" Pip folded her arms stubbornly.

"Of course. We'll do it, together" the Doctor smiled. "Now come on, I need you alongside me"

They had no idea that underground, Amy was being scanned by a bright green light.
I am so sorry it's been so long since I last posted, but first I want to thank you all for being so patient with me.

The last I posted was some point in August, last year. A lot has changed.

But more importantly, you can expect more updates from now on, as I'm finally starting to get better, and I've found the motivation to start updating again!

Again, thank you all for your patience and kind words!

Nikki-Pip :)

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Where stories live. Discover now