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THE DOCTOR and Amy Pond ran after Pip, whom was speed walking towards a crashed spaceship.

"What caused it to crash?" Amy asked, finally catching up with the two of them, as the Doctor had started sprinting. She couldn't be bothered to do the same, and walked behind.

"Not me" River called out to them, making Pip chuckle quietly. 'She's always been like this' she thought.

"Nah, the airlock would've sealed seconds after you blew it. According to the Home Box, the warp engines had a phase shift. No survivors" the Doctor pointed out, thoughtfully.

"A phase shift would have to be sabotage. I did warn them" River responded, almost smugly.

The Doctor turned to look at River, sending her a confused glance.

"About what?" He asked.

"Well, at least the building was empty. A Aplan Temple. Unoccupied for centuries" River spoke, completely avoiding his question. Pip couldn't help but notice that she was always like this, leaving questions unanswered. Leaving you to ask the question 'who is she?'

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" Amy  asked.

"Amy Pond, Pip Danforth. Professor River Song" the Doctor introduced the two girls to the curly haired blonde woman. Pip couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed.

"Ah, I'm going to be a Professor some day, aren't I? How exciting. Spoilers" River put her finger to her lips, grinning. Amy grinned back, but Pip's face remained cold. River noticed this, and her expression dropped slightly.

"Yeah, but who is she and how did she do that? She just left you a note in the museum" Amy turned to the Doctor, hoping for answers.

"Two things are always guaranteed to show up in a museum. The Home Bix of category four starliner, and sooner or later, him. It's how he keeps score" River told her. Pip grinned at Amy, the both of them high fiving.

"And what did I say in the museum, Doctor?" She smiled smugly at him. He pouted at her in return.

"It is not how I keep score" he glared at her.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, mate" she grinned.

"I'm nobody's taxi service. I'm not going to be there to catch you every time you feel like jumping out of a spaceship" the Doctor scolded River, only for her to grin at him.

"And you are so wrong. There's one survivor. There's a thing in the belly of that ship that can't ever die. Now he's listening" River tells him, taking her communicator out of her pocket, seeing as she had changed out of her dress before leaving the TARDIS anyways.

"You lot in orbit yet? Yeah, I saw it land. In at the crash site.  Try and home in on my signal. Doctor, can you sonic me? I need to boost the signal so we can use it as a signal" she turned to the Doctor.

The Doctor, rather grudgingly, 'sonics' her.

Amy turned around to smirk playfully at him.

"Oooh, Doctor, you sonicked her" she smirked, not noticing the glare Pip sent her way.

"We have a minute. Shall we?" She asked the three of them, taking her TARDIS styled diary out of her pocket. Pip's eyes widened. She remembered making that for River, upon her request. She only now noticed that it looked similar to the TARDIS.

"Where are we up to? Have we done the Bone Meadows?" She asked the Doctor. She noticed Pip was walking towards her. She smiled at her. Pip, surprisingly, returned the smile.

River let Pip hold the book, Pip's eyes twinkling in remembrance. Her eyes glazed over in tears that were bound to fall sooner or later. She tried to blink them away, regardless.

River couldn't help but feel a surge of guilt overwhelm her. She was the reason for this girls pain. Her best friend's pain.

"I'm sorry, I truly am" she spoke, seeing the brunette's head jerk upwards, her eyes widening.

After a few seconds, her mouth upturned into a smile. She couldn't stop loving her best friend, even if she had pretended to be dead.

Pip wrapped her arms around her, burying her face in her shoulder. River's eyes widened, remembering times like this from when they were younger.

She wrapped her arms around the slightly smaller girl, smiling. She had her best friend back, and felt like the happiest woman alive.

The Doctor and Amy watched, from a distance, confused. It was now obvious that they knew each other, but how? Amy had never seen this woman around her friend.

The Doctor couldn't help but feel a small itch of jealousy. He wished Pip felt as comfortable as that around him, to show affection like that.

"So, what's the book?" Amy asked River, Pip was still holding the book to her chest.

"Stay away from it" he warned Amy. He didn't want to get involved with this woman, but knowing his brunette companion knew her, he had to know more, and he hated himself for it.

"What is it, though?" she questioned further.

"Her diary" he answered, rolling his eyes.

"Our diary" she corrected him, smiling.

"Her past, my future. Time travel. We keep meeting in the wrong order" he glared at the ground. He didn't want to be there, but he needed to know more.

Pip was still smiling, her eyes scanning the pages. River let her, she deserved to know what she had been up to since her disappearance. Her smile turned into a soft frown, however, as she read a few lines from a page in the middle of the book.

She brushed it off, however. She could worry about that later.

Only 5 seconds later, four tornadoes kick up the dust on the ground, and turn into four soldiers.

The leader of the four looked around, and glared. He'd been had, again.

"You promised me and army, Doctor Song" he spoke coldly towards River.

"No, I promised you the equivalent of an army. This is the Doctor, Amy, and Pip. Just between you and me, Pip is worth a whole army and more, I wouldn't do anything to anger her if I were you" River warned them, Pip smiling, nudging her affectionately. It was true, and the soldiers took this extremely seriously, each saluting her. She nodded at them each in acknowledgement.

"Father Octavian, Miss. Bishop, second class. Twenty clerics at my command" he saluted her a second time.

Octavian the turned to the Doctor  and saluted him.

"Sir. The troops are already in the drop ship and landing shortly. Doctor Song was helping us with a covert investigation. Has Doctor Song explained what we are dealing with?"

The Doctor grumbled in annoyance. He didn't care all that much, he just wanted to go back to the TARDIS and forget any of this ever happened. He knew, however, that Pip would refuse to leave, stubborn as she is.

River then turned to the Doctor, who was still sulking.

"Doctor, what do you know of the weeping Angels?"

Eleven's Soulmate (An Eleventh Doctor and OC story)Where stories live. Discover now